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Can someone please give me a quick run down of this new island and the wildcard thing?

Well comrade i said that and a few posts back a sexy beast said:

NOIR Civil War!!!!

@Hassman: The top 120(I think) alliances are eligible to make it on the island. There are a certain amount of slots on the island for each team based on how many alliances they have in the top 120. For the next week, alliances on the same team color are competing to get on the island. After that, a new survivor round will begin with those alliances that got their team color's slots. That's my understanding at least. Gopher is the expert though.

Edit: Here are the links to Gopher's explanations



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November 4, 2009

top.png 1 [228] (+3) The Order Of The Paradox : 56.95 --> 56.72 (-0.23)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 2 [639] (-4) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 53.31 --> 53.34 (+0.03)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 3 [561] (-5) Sparta : 52.32 --> 52.16 (-0.16)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [430] (+7) New Polar Order : 51.02 --> 51.24 (+0.22)

sanctionironcd8.png 5 [527] (-1) Independent Republic Of Orange Nations : 46.21 --> 46.33 (+0.12)

sanctionodnto4.png 6 [366] (+1) Orange Defense Network : 37.55 --> 38.24 (+0.69)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 7 [301] (+0) Fark : 35.29 --> 35.35 (+0.06)

gpa.png 8 [281] (+3) Green Protection Agency : 33.62 --> 33.74 (+0.12)

sanctionnpo.png 9 [650] (+2) New Pacific Order : 33.50 --> 33.61 (+0.11)

sanctionfokqu8.png 10 [239] (-1) FOK : 29.98 --> 30.00 (+0.02)

{179} (+6) Mushroom Kingdom : 28.79 --> 29.74 (+0.95)

11 [247] (+3) The Order Of Light : 28.34 --> 28.82 (+0.48)

sanctionwtf.png 12 [237] (-2) World Task Force : 28.72 --> 28.75 (+0.03)


13 [445] (-2) The Democratic Order : 27.89 --> 27.89 (+0.00)

14 [297] (+1) Viridian Entente : 26.87 --> 26.92 (+0.05)

15 [403] (-3) The Legion : 24.87 --> 24.87 (+0.00)

---------- Tier Barrier 1 : 23.34 --> 23.75 (+0.41)

[312] (+2) Ragnarok : 23.26 --> 23.35 (+0.09)

[337] (+0) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 22.97 --> 23.17 (+0.20)

{199} (+0) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 20.70 --> 20.73 (+0.03)

{180} (+0) Athens : 20.48 --> 20.52 (+0.04)

{74} (+0) The Grämlins : 20.07 --> 20.08 (+0.01)

[232] (+0) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 19.78 --> 19.81 (+0.03)

---------- Tier Barrier 2 : 18.34 --> 18.75 (+0.41)

[232] (+0) United Purple Nations : 18.69 --> 18.73 (+0.04)

[238] (+0) Random Insanity Alliance : 18.37 --> 18.42 (+0.05)

{182} (-2) Siberian Tiger Alliance : 17.60 --> 17.52 (-0.08)

{187} (+0) Invicta : 16.82 --> 16.85 (+0.03)

[218] (+0) RnR : 15.89 --> 15.93 (+0.04)

{124} (+0) M*A*S*H : 15.86 --> 15.88 (+0.02)

{157} (-1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 15.88 --> 15.72 (-0.16)

{144} (+1) We Are Perth Army : 15.19 --> 15.21 (+0.02)

{120} (+0) Nueva Vida : 14.94 --> 14.95 (+0.01)

[203] (+1) New Sith Order : 14.57 --> 14.75 (+0.18)

---------- Add Line : 14.17 --> 14.38 (+0.21)

---------- Drop Line : 13.87 --> 14.08 (+0.21)

{178} (-2) Monos Archein : 14.09 --> 14.05 (-0.04)


Sanction Race Daily Growth: 900.39 --> 903.39 (0.33%)

Sanctioned Alliances Daily Growth: 486.81 --> 488.30 (0.31%)

Biggest Gainer

Mushroom Kingdom (+0.95)

Biggest Loser

top.pngThe Order Of The Paradox (-0.23)

Passes of the Day

The Order Of Light passes World Task Force

Tier Barrier 2 passes Random Insanity Alliance

M*A*S*H passes North Atlantic Defense Coalition

Drop Line passes Monos Archein

Tier Barrier 2 passes United Purple Nations


First off; my apologies to the handful of alliances who deserve far more recognition for gains today than I will probably give them, due to them being overshadowed by alliances with even more epic gains.

There was a ton of variability in today's race, with alliances hopping all over the place. For example, The Order Of The Paradox gained three members but still dropped a quarter-point, and Sparta dropped another sixth of a point by getting rid of five nations. On the other side of these extremes, the New Polar Order puts on a dazzling display by gaining a quarter-point, but they were overshadowed three times over by the Orange Defense Network, who gained an epic two-thirds of a point with the addition of three nations worth a combined 300k NS. (For you stat watchers out there, it also means they lost a third of a point from the departure of other nations). Deserving recognition of any other day would be the Green Protection Agency and the New Pacific Order, who both post similar double-digit gains to remain an eighth of a point apart.

However, the real story today is the Mushroom Kingdom, who shot up by nearly an entire point with the addition of ten nations worth an amazing 600k NS! (Perhaps my math is wrong again, but there should be a corresponding drop of 300k NS in order to make this balance out1). Perhaps even more important is that this jump leaves our sanction-haters only 21 nations away from being forced into bold tags. Also deserving a shoutout today is The Order Of Light, who gains one member worth 115k NS for a half-point gain overall - one which normally would get them a Biggest Gainer prize instead of getting third on the day. This jump moves them past the World Task Force, who now sits only a point off from Tier One.

Speaking of Tier One, the Viridian Entente pulls off the only gain in that group of three alliances, moving to within one point of The Democratic Order. Tier Two saw the Global Alliance And Treaty Organization jump 60k NS for a fifth of a point, bringing them somewhat closer to Ragnarok for the Tier Two lead.

Tier Three sees the addition of two alliances - the United Purple Nations and the Random Insanity Alliance - while the Siberian Tiger Alliance drops nearly a tenth of a point due to the departure of two nations. Also being burnt today is the North Atlantic Defense Coalition, who drops half the nations but for double the score loss, dropping beneath M*A*S*H for their second downward movement in only a few short days. The New Sith Order adds one nation for our sixth-largest gain on the day, while Monos Archein just couldn't take the strain, and we bid them adieu after a long stay.

1 - It is. Turns out that the Mushroom Kingdom gained a few nations while I was doing Commentary.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en


Edited by Gopherbashi
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Survivor III Qualifying - Day Three of Seven

The top 120(I think) alliances are eligible to make it on the island. There are a certain amount of slots on the island for each team based on how many alliances they have in the top 120. For the next week, alliances on the same team color are competing to get on the island. After that, a new survivor round will begin with those alliances that got their team color's slots. That's my understanding at least. Gopher is the expert though.

Edit: Here are the links to Gopher's explanations



Aqua (Number of Qualifiers: 4)

1. (+1.05) Mushroom Kingdom (29.74)

2. (+0.32) Mostly Harmless Alliance (53.34)

3. (+0.23) NATO (12.54)

4. (+0.12) Argent (10.46)


5. (+0.12) Ragnarok (23.35)

6. (+0.12) Fark (35.35)

7. (+0.11) Athens (20.52)

8. (+0.08) Ronin (5.38)

9. (+0.06) =LOST= (6.23)

10. (+0.04) The Democratic Order (27.89)

11. (+0.02) Global United Nations (6.01)

12. (+0.02) Kronos (7.49)

13. (-0.03) The Grämlins (20.08)

14. (-0.04) Guru Order (8.28)

15. (-0.16) The Aquatic Brotherhood (3.78)

Black (Number of Qualifiers: 6)

1. (+0.10) The Dark Templar (7.25)

2. (+0.10) Federation Of Buccaneers (10.77)

3. (+0.08) Dark Fist (5.49)

4. (+0.07) Nordreich (12.34)

5. (+0.04) The United Front (5.37)

6. (+0.04) The Circle Of Icarus (6.18)


7. (+0.03) AGW Overlords (6.70)

8. (+0.02) Iunctus (3.69)

9. (+0.02) Amazon Nation (4.46)

10. (+0.02) FCC (4.84)

11. (+0.02) Alpha Omega (4.97)

12. (+0.02) The Brigade (5.30)

13. (+0.01) Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism (5.09)

14. (+0.01) Old Guard (5.76)

15. (+0.00) Aircastle (5.07)

16. (-0.01) Ubercon (8.37)

17. (-0.02) The House Of Lords (5.52)

18. (-0.02) Molon Labe (6.61)

19. (-0.04) The Immortals (7.68)

20. (-0.05) Poison Clan (10.64)

21. (-0.16) Nemesis (3.83)

22. (-0.18) Open Source Alliance (5.36)

23. (-0.19) Umbrella (13.84)

24. (-0.40) LoSS (13.24)

25. (-0.53) The Order Of The Black Rose (4.67)

26. (-0.63) Sparta (52.16)

Blue (Number of Qualifiers: 4)

1. (+0.36) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance (19.81)

2. (+0.24) New Polar Order (51.24)

3. (+0.22) Imperial Assault Alliance (10.13)

4. (+0.12) World Task Force (28.75)


5. (+0.11) Greenland Republic (11.97)

6. (+0.06) Aurora Borealis (3.68)

7. (+0.06) 1 Touch Football (6.34)

8. (+0.06) Genesis (9.49)

9. (+0.06) Nueva Vida (14.95)

10. (+0.03) The Foreign Division (10.95)

11. (+0.01) Union Of Integrated National Entities (4.45)

12. (+0.01) The Sweet Oblivion (12.72)

13. (-0.05) Echelon (4.70)

14. (-0.07) Ascended Republic Of Elite States (5.72)

15. (-0.08) North Atlantic Defense Coalition (15.72)

16. (-0.12) Global Democratic Alliance (9.64)

17. (-0.14) United Blue Directorate (6.25)

Brown (Number of Qualifiers: 1)

1. (+0.53) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization (23.17)


2. (+0.07) Carpe Diem (6.71)

3. (+0.07) New Sith Order (14.75)

4. (+0.06) Silence (10.32)

5. (+0.01) The Imperium Of Man (3.72)

Green (Number of Qualifiers: 1)

1. (+0.42) Green Protection Agency (33.74)


2. (+0.07) World Federation (10.36)

3. (+0.04) Grand Global Alliance (9.43)

4. (-0.01) Green Old Party (5.02)

5. (-0.03) Viridian Entente (26.92)

Maroon (Number of Qualifiers: 2)

1. (+0.33) Random Insanity Alliance (18.42)

2. (+0.15) Asgaard (5.22)


3. (+0.13) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations (20.73)

4. (+0.10) United Sovereign Nations (5.76)

5. (+0.06) Global Order Of Darkness (10.86)

6. (+0.04) The Brain (3.90)

7. (+0.00) Coalition Of Royal Allied Powers (3.65)

8. (-0.11) The Templar Knights (12.08)

9. (-0.14) Monos Archein (14.05)

Orange (Number of Qualifiers: 3)

1. (+0.73) Orange Defense Network (38.24)

2. (+0.52) Independent Republic Of Orange Nations (46.33)

3. (+0.18) RnR (15.93)


4. (+0.13) FOK (30.00)

5. (+0.05) Vanguard (10.86)

6. (+0.04) The International (11.89)

7. (+0.03) The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons (10.77)

8. (-0.01) The Resistance (10.49)

9. (-0.16) The Order Of Righteous Nations (5.16)

10. (-0.30) The Order Of The Paradox (56.72)

Pink (Number of Qualifiers: 1)

1. (+0.03) Libertarian Socialist Federation (4.11)


2. (+0.03) Rage Co. (4.18)

3. (+0.03) Bel Air (4.89)

4. (+0.01) Wolfpack (7.62)

Purple (Number of Qualifiers: 3)

1. (+0.37) iFOK (6.83)

2. (+0.23) M*A*S*H (15.88)

3. (+0.19) United Purple Nations (18.73)


4. (+0.14) The Legion (24.87)

5. (+0.09) Valhalla (9.87)

6. (+0.06) HYDRA (5.52)

7. (+0.04) Finnish Cooperation Organization (8.10)

8. (+0.02) OMFG (3.65)

9. (+0.02) Boards Alliance Of Protectorate States (7.54)

10. (+0.02) Invicta (16.85)

11. (+0.00) SNAFU (4.22)

12. (-0.04) Olympus (4.82)

13. (-0.26) Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes (4.99)

Red (Number of Qualifiers: 0)

1. (+0.43) New Pacific Order (33.61)

White (Number of Qualifiers: 3)

1. (+0.60) The Order Of Light (28.82)

2. (+0.12) The Phoenix Federation (8.31)

3. (+0.09) We Are Perth Army (15.21)


4. (+0.08) United Commonwealth Of Nations (8.80)

5. (+0.06) Nusantara Elite Warriors (14.15)

6. (+0.05) Christian Coalition Of Countries (6.82)

7. (+0.03) The Sasori Initiative (4.79)

8. (+0.03) Zenith (5.61)

9. (+0.03) Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics (11.33)

10. (+0.02) The German Empire (8.41)

11. (+0.00) Siberian Tiger Alliance (17.52)

Yellow (Number of Qualifiers: 1)

1. (+0.09) Federation Of Armed Nations (13.26)


2. (+0.06) Veritas Aequitas (8.04)

3. (+0.05) Rubber Ducky Division (4.82)

4. (+0.03) R.O.C.K. (4.83)

Wildcard (Number of Qualifiers: 3)

1. (+0.43) New Pacific Order (33.61)

2. (+0.14) The Legion (24.87)

3. (+0.13) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations (20.73)


4. (+0.13) FOK (30.00)

5. (+0.12) Ragnarok (23.35)

6. (+0.11) Greenland Republic (11.97)

7. (+0.08) United Commonwealth Of Nations (8.80)

8. (+0.07) Carpe Diem (6.71)

9. (+0.07) World Federation (10.36)

10. (+0.06) Veritas Aequitas (8.04)

11. (+0.03) Rage Co. (4.18)

12. (+0.03) AGW Overlords (6.70)

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{194} (+15) Mushroom Kingdom : 29.74 --> 32.70 (+2.96)

Officially, that's a gain of 2.96 point in eight minutes. I expect you to keep up this trend, and be at a score of 565.50 by this time tomorrow.

Does that much score even exist in CN? :(

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