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Confessions of an Alliance Hopper


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If your on this board to read this, Im sure you have heard of me before.

However, hopefully putting everything I am in need of advice. This is a dire issue however I do not know how to act on it or how to address it. Many of you have known me throughout my many alliances, Zenith/MCXA/TIO/GGA/Legion/NPO/CSN. I left many of them (Zenith, TIO, GGA, Athens) at their disbandment. However, I am so confused. No matter where I go I just can't find a home. I like war, but at the right time. Id like to be a large nation who can account for its losses. I'd like to have a community where I can enjoy getting online and go to work with. I loved my time in CSN and MCXA, Those are two alliances i can say I was so close to. However, I always find the need to go somewhere else. I don't think i'd have ever left CSN if it wasn't for my personal mis-understanding. I'm just so confused, How can I find a place to call home? How do you guys discover which communities you fit in the most?

Im quite young (18) and change a lot. I think that may be why I don't fit in anymore. I just whatever I do cannot find a place to call home. I take CN seriously, I love improving and teaching nations, and many alliances dont take the game seriously and treat it as a joke. I have looked into Umbrella, and like the community, and like how its purely active members, but I feel like the differences we've had in the past forever bar me from that community. I feel thats the only community I could for sure fit in, but I need to find somewhere else. How do I do this?

If your responding to this, I know I am an alliance hopper. There is no need to rub it in my face. Please give me advice on how to help this issue rather than point it out.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1338906200' post='2977485']

If your on this board to read this, Im sure you have heard of me before.

However, hopefully putting everything I am in need of advice. This is a dire issue however I do not know how to act on it or how to address it. Many of you have known me throughout my many alliances, Zenith/MCXA/TIO/GGA/Legion/NPO/CSN. I left many of them (Zenith, TIO, GGA, Athens) at their disbandment. However, I am so confused. No matter where I go I just can't find a home. I like war, but at the right time. Id like to be a large nation who can account for its losses. I'd like to have a community where I can enjoy getting online and go to work with. I loved my time in CSN and MCXA, Those are two alliances i can say I was so close to. However, I always find the need to go somewhere else. I don't think i'd have ever left CSN if it wasn't for my personal mis-understanding. I'm just so confused, How can I find a place to call home? How do you guys discover which communities you fit in the most?

Im quite young (18) and change a lot. I think that may be why I don't fit in anymore. I just whatever I do cannot find a place to call home. How do I do this?

If your responding to this, I know I am an alliance hopper. There is no need to rub it in my face. Please give me advice on how to help this issue rather than point it out.

Wait, you created an alliance days ago and are now thinking of jumping ship again?

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1338906285' post='2977486']
Wait, you created an alliance days ago and are now thinking of jumping ship again?

I mean might as well be honest and upfront about it, Yes. They're have been bets on my alliances long ship. Its only been a mere-week and im already having these thoughts. How do I find a community thats right for me? I feel all alone in my own alliance.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1338906342' post='2977487']
I mean might as well be honest and upfront about it, Yes. They're have been bets on my alliances long ship. Its only been a mere-week and im already having these thoughts. How do I find a community thats right for me? I feel all alone in my own alliance.

That's personal preference, I could only comment on my own preference and that's where i am now. In an active forum with an active community with a bunch of fruity !@#$%^&* who make me laugh and don't mind a bit of banter. But each to their own and everyone's different. You're not doing yourself any favors by jumping about every week, as it takes longer to get settled into a community than a few days.

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[quote name='Wilfried' timestamp='1338906618' post='2977492']
Merge into Helghan.

Helghan is too new to determine. I mean my people will need to go somewhere, but I need to find myself a good home first. I need somewhere with a very active and very full community.

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Uhm. Never had that kind of problem. Yeah, I thought about leaving R&R a couple times, but well... I have friends here and they make playing fun. I guess that's your problem?

EDIT: lol, one of our members just left to join you... And I advised him not to do so xD

Edited by Garion
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[quote name='Garion' timestamp='1338906895' post='2977498']
Uhm. Never had that kind of problem. Yeah, I thought about leaving R&R a couple times, but well... I have friends here and they make playing fun. I guess that's your problem?

EDIT: lol, one of our members just left to join you... And I advised him not to do so xD

Yeah :/ a lot of members have left their homes to come to Sovrana. I feel horrible for that too. Im not sure, some stuff makes me want to quit, but I really enjoy the game :/ other people say they play the game just to troll though and thats what im scared of. I dont want to join an alliance that does that.

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[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1338907381' post='2977504']
The problem lies in the common denominator.

[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1338907385' post='2977505']
Have some loyalty and find out what drives people to their own individual alliances.

I'm gonna try where ever I go, I really am. I just don't know where to go, and I don't know how to find this out without joining :/

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First things first, if you are Alrdy planning on leaving the,alliance you just founded you sure as hell better tell your members. You do not want to sever ties with a lot of people and it would prevent a problem if they want to keep the AA afloat

Next, look closer to an alliance with friends in it rather than the theme or how much they take the game seriously. Those things are subjective and the attitude towards cn in the alliance can easily be changed if there are people willing to herd the masses. Most people here just follow what other people tell them to do. They would rather be led than to lead so while it may not seem like an alliance is serious then its Probly because its govt is complacent.

It would be better for you to join an alliance full of your friends around here than to join an alliance of people who don't necessarily like you. Friends are what keep alliance communities together and help drive the social backbone of this place. That's my opinion to help you

Edited by Lurunin
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1338906860' post='2977496']
Helghan is too new to determine. I mean my people will need to go somewhere, but I need to find myself a good home first. I need somewhere with a very active and very full community.

We're active and we have community. We also have so much propaganda, you will be forced to join, through subliminal messages.

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If you weren't an alliance leader, I'd say that you should get out now because life is too short to be unhappy. CN is a game and if you're in a group where the game is not fun anymore, then you're not doing anyone any favors. I've been in 7 alliances in my 5 years here so I do a bit of hopping myself. I usually get bored after a year of being in the same place.

There's nothing wrong with having been in more than one alliance and personally, I'd take the viewpoint of a person who has been in more than one alliance more seriously than someone who has only been in one. Even though we all play the same game, people here tend to be very isolated from each other because people only spend a couple hours here a day and it's natural for them to want to spend time with people who they can have the most fun with.

Your being an alliance leader has its own problems. When you became an alliance leader, you took responsibility for your future members. You owe it to them to make sure that their transition to a new home is smooth.

However, I'm not saying that you shouldn't leave your new alliance if you're not happy. I've been government in alliances where I wasn't happy and it's bad for everyone. It was bad for me because I wasn't having any fun and it was bad for my constituents because they were getting bad policies.

As I was writing this response, I thought of this study:


The best Presidents have been Active Positives. They were good at their jobs and liked doing them. The most problematic have been Active Negatives. They hated their jobs but did them out of a sense of duty. Positive Passives and Negative Passives aren't really engaged enough to cause serious issues.

Not that I'd ever have the time but it would be interesting to group CN alliance leaders on this continuum. In your case, I think you're probably a Passive Positive. You seem to care quite a bit about how people feel about you, maybe more than you should (you created this topic even though the most likely outcome is you getting attacked for posting it) I aspire for Active Positive but I most often fit into Active Negative or Passive Negative.

Edited by Duncan King
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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1338908442' post='2977517']
If you weren't an alliance leader, I'd say that you should get out now because life is too short to be unhappy. CN is a game and if you're in a group where the game is not fun anymore, then you're not doing anyone any favors. I've been in 7 alliances in my 5 years here so I do a bit of hopping myself. I usually get bored after a year of being in the same place.

There's nothing wrong with having been in more than one alliance and personally, I'd take the viewpoint of a person who has been in more than one alliance more seriously than someone who has only been in one. Even though we all play the same game, people here tend to be very isolated from each other because people only spend a couple hours here a day and it's natural for them to want to spend time with people who they can have the most fun with.

Your being an alliance leader has its own problems. When you became an alliance leader, you took responsibility for your future members. You owe it to them to make sure that their transition to a new home is smooth.

However, I'm not saying that you shouldn't leave your new alliance if you're not happy. I've been government in alliances where I wasn't happy and it's bad for everyone. It was bad for me because I wasn't having any fun and it was bad for my constituents because they were getting bad policies.

As I was writing this response, I thought of this study:


I started out a long side you and you still give me the best advice. I :wub: you DK

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[quote name='Timmehhh' timestamp='1338909334' post='2977525']
It's quite inactive nowadays. Just find yourself a more active alliance. Like Umbrella, MK, Non Grata, TOP or NPO for example.

They all hate me.

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[quote name='Timmehhh' timestamp='1338909334' post='2977525']
It's quite inactive nowadays. Just find yourself a more active alliance. Like Umbrella, MK, Non Grata, TOP or NPO for example.

Yes, any of these alliances would be a good choice.

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Rotevele, I've tried to make friends with you in the past week.

I feel there are two ways to do this: Either create the community you want to have or, find one. There are some alliances with great communities and forum boards (GLoF, Deinos, are just a couple). But you have the opportunity to create something new for yourself. You've done a good job with recruitment and if you keep it up and get 200 members that community will undoubtedly form itself.

Good luck my friend, I am still hoping for Sovrana.

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