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Pursuant the "Ragnarok is blingin', baby" treaty, The Combine invokes Article V. GTFO.

[quote]V. GTFO
If at some point in the future that one or both parties feel its time to end this agreement there will be a 72 hour grace period in which the treaty will still be in effect after an announcement is made of its cancellation.[/quote]

To Summarize, Ragnarok is a bad ally.

He Who Shall Not Be Named, Viceroy of The Combine
BloodFury, Overlord of The Combine
Jason8, Minister of OMG FIRE

King Xander, Non Grata Triumvir and Overlord

Emperor Marx, No Special Title[/i]

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1336029125' post='2962731']
Obvious move by GOONS/NG lackies such as yourself.

they delayed it longer than i expected tbqh, it was leaked back before they even treatied NSO that Combine were going to drop Rok, not even wat....a week after the internal conflict over there?

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Looking further into this issue, earlier this year you make a post about whatever internal problems RoK was having, criticize RoK for not being in a strong enough position to stop Non Grata, FOK, and Umbrella from raiding one of their protectorates, now you say you RoK are bad allies? If you were a better ally maybe you could of helped RoK when their protectorate R.O.C.K. got attacked by helping them defend it, rather than get all the raiders white peace after they attacked their protectorate and then claimed to the hero now taking over for RoK in protecting them while you claimed your ally to be incompetent.

I'm surprised RoK kept their treaty with you guys after that. Something about allies not being suppose to use what they know of their allies internal dealings to make them look bad on OWF comes to mind, but I guess Combine was the 'good' ally in this relationship. This seems to be for the best for both alliances in parting ways, but what provoked you to call RoK bad allies? That they didn't drag you into a war with NG, FOK and Umbrella when their protectorate got attacked, but instead let you settle it for them by allowing the raiders to get away with all their stolen loot with no repercussions?

Edited by Methrage
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I'm sorry, i was confused, thanks for clearing that up. Here's the logs for whoever else thought that Kaskus and The Combine had a formal treaty:

<BloodFury> That would require a treaty to have existed in the first place.
<BloodFury> xfd
<Emperor_Whimsical> oh my bad
<Emperor_Whimsical> Razorade said you gave notice
<BloodFury> We had a friendship.
<BloodFury> But we never signed a treaty.
<Emperor_Whimsical> doesn't bother me, either way
<BloodFury> If they weren't going to get peace anytime soon, we were going to go to war for them.
<BloodFury> But that was about it.

You must understand my confusion, eh?

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Congratulations RoK :)

[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1336033093' post='2962748']
I'm sorry, i was confused, thanks for clearing that up. Here's the logs for whoever else thought that Kaskus and The Combine had a formal treaty:

<BloodFury> That would require a treaty to have existed in the first place.
<BloodFury> xfd
<Emperor_Whimsical> oh my bad
<Emperor_Whimsical> Razorade said you gave notice
<BloodFury> We had a friendship.
<BloodFury> But we never signed a treaty.
<Emperor_Whimsical> doesn't bother me, either way
<BloodFury> If they weren't going to get peace anytime soon, we were going to go to war for them.
<BloodFury> But that was about it.

You must understand my confusion, eh?

[20:42] <Swatch0[K]> [20:40] <~BloodFury> We technically have a treaty with Kaskus.
[20:42] <Swatch0[K]> [20:41] <~BloodFury> So we could honor it.
[20:42] <Swatch0[K]> ? o.o
[20:43] <BloodFury> ?
[20:44] <Swatch0[K]> Hmm never heard of that before :S
[20:44] <BloodFury> You aren't in the know.
[20:46] <Swatch0[K]> Damn
[20:46] <Swatch0[K]> im never in the know
[20:46] <BloodFury> We have an oDoAp

Edited by Swatch0
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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1336033093' post='2962748']
I'm sorry, i was confused, thanks for clearing that up. Here's the logs for whoever else thought that Kaskus and The Combine had a formal treaty:

<BloodFury> That would require a treaty to have existed in the first place.
<BloodFury> xfd
<Emperor_Whimsical> oh my bad
<Emperor_Whimsical> Razorade said you gave notice
<BloodFury> We had a friendship.
<BloodFury> But we never signed a treaty.
<Emperor_Whimsical> doesn't bother me, either way
<BloodFury> If they weren't going to get peace anytime soon, we were going to go to war for them.
<BloodFury> But that was about it.

You must understand my confusion, eh?

I believe Razorade told me they held an ODAP.

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