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Anarcho-Pacifism Rising (A-PAG DoE)

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Hey there. The Anarcho-Pacifist Affinity Group (A-PAG is here). We won't be using forums- probably a wordpress or a reddit community instead. Please contact me on reddit or on these forums- my nation is Anarchia, my reddit name is AnarchiaCollective.

[b]Things the affinity group presently likes:[/b]
-Declarations of Neutrality
-More otters
-Hot dang, did I say otters yet?
-Pithy satirists in the vein of Mark Twain

[b]Things the affinity group does not like:[/b]
-Violations of freedom of speech, press, petition and association within alliances
-Unfair elections and non-representative governments
-Cruddy kings and despots
-Petty drama on the tubes
-Profanity or rudeness

Anarcho-pacifism is an opposition to both coercion or force, the state, and supports and promotes a peaceful world. Famous anarcho-pacifists include Henry David Thoreau, known for being jailed because he disagreed with how the state used his taxes, so he refused to pay. He is also the author of Civil Disobedience, and other seminal works like Walden. Emerson was also sort of like Thoreau, and he raised the idea in the early essay Nature that he in nature a "transparent eye-ball" through which all sensory input is perceived without prejudice.

Two last influences on this affinity group are Samuel Clemens, or Mark Twain- a noted anti-imperalist in his later life; and Gene Sharp, the still-living master authority on revolution without violence. His works have been read in places undergoing revolutions or had in the past, such as Serbia, Azerbaijan, Burma, and Egypt.

The mascot and general theme in the image is satire of war and the concept of just war especially. Groucho Marx is the unofficial mascot, and through his "You Bet Your Life" game-show, the honorary facilitator.

Now for more tedious tl;dr stuff about how it works.

[b]A few weird things first.[/b]

-Ethnic makeup and currency are suggested to be from a traditionally colonized ethnicity, and a currency in a state that promotes independence- like Francs for Switzerland.

-Color-wise, you're encouraged to either be none, white, or black, the colors of anarcho-pacifism (at least the latter two), and grey being the color associated with neutrality.

-Generally speaking the affinity group will follow a consensus-based foreign policy, including all opinions and requiring universal consent unless changed by, also, consensus. Discussions would include a facilitator, one of the few 'government jobs' that exist, and would follow a Spanish revolution style general assembly, known in America as an Occupy Wall St.-esque GA.

-By that token, only peaceful or neutral alliances would be accepted to conduct direct foreign policy.

-Spamming is not allowed, only awareness through recruiting friends and old allies, a forum thread, and generally being cool.

-The preferred anthem of the affinity group is "F--- Bulls Make Parades", a Public Enemy/RATM mash-up by dj delta.

-The preferred name of a nation is Freedonia unless changed.

-Groucho Marx is the unofficial mascot, as are other pithy and humorous people like David Sedaris and libertarian humorist Dave Barry. Ben Franklin is the favorite founding father, particularly the guy in Philly who impersonates him and does so really, really well. Also he married a Betsy Ross imitator! Isn't that adorable?

Power to the People Because the People Want Peace!


Anarchia, initalizer and first facilitator

And whoever else would care to join the affinity group and economic collective.

tl;dr: anarcho-pacifists are rocking the non-neutral peaceful angle. Groucho is cool, as are mustaches and glasses in combination.

P.S.- [b]Oh I should probably say what sort of jobs are available.[/b]

Facilitator- manages discussions among some or all of the nations, and 'leads' the GAs. (currently myself, Anarchia, though I "have no strong feelings one way or the other" regarding it, in the name of the Neutralness of the Neutral Planet. Tell my wife I said...hello.

Trade coordinator- works to get good trades and put people into trade circles through voluntary association

GA Liason- the person who talks to other alliances (though anyone can do that freely if they so please, though please be polite and don't get us into any wars) and tells them what the GA does.

Flava Flav Hype Man- the person who makes graphics, comes up with slogans and chants, and generally is sort of jazzed about A-PAG.

Occupy coordinator- leads direct action through Senate vote protests and other means, such as withdrawing trades from imperialist and warmongering alliances.

Edited by Anarchia
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Probably should mention that for the time being our webchat is #A-PAG on Freenode.net

I should note that my medication side-effects cause my sleep to suck, so I'm probably not the most coherent person in the known universe.

Edited by Anarchia
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I notice your nation currently is not a member of any alliance. Is this an oversight or due to the fact that your anarchist leanings dissuade you from flying such a flag?

Best of luck with the economic warfare model. Although if you're only on black, white, and grey you won't be trading with that many of the warmongers. I'd also advise you to look into a protectorate treaty.

Oh and I definitely welcome the potential of a mass migration into Bob (OOC: via reddit). Lets get those tech prices down people!

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[quote name='Hydian Way' timestamp='1333385190' post='2947345']
I notice your nation currently is not a member of any alliance. Is this an oversight or due to the fact that your anarchist leanings dissuade you from flying such a flag?

Best of luck with the economic warfare model. Although if you're only on black, white, and grey you won't be trading with that many of the warmongers. I'd also advise you to look into a protectorate treaty.

Oh and I definitely welcome the potential of a mass migration into Bob (OOC: via reddit). Lets get those tech prices down people!

Yeah, I would recommend joining and propagating at /r/CyberNations on reddit. We have 27 members despite over 14,000 nations here, and it used to be over twice that in my earlier times (this is a re-roll).

What I REALLY would like is to someone to a Q&A or IAmA on the main board for that, which has about a million members. Someone who was really high up in government (current or former) and has had some crazy stuff go down.

Also yeah, the alliance thing is an oversight. I'm sort of doing this as a I go along here. As if that wasn't painfully obvious.

Edit: Thanks, Wu Tang

Edited by Anarchia
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Awesome stuff.

You should go check out the Libertarian Socialist Federation. They're one of the oldest alliances in the game and also anarchist, so perhaps they will be willing to have some sort of relationship with your alliance.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1333387769' post='2947359']
I was totally expecting an NPO-INT treaty with my mind blown, I came out very disappointed :mad:

That would be pretty awesome. :awesome:

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I should point out the initial group position on war. Nobody is compelled to fight in a war, or even bank fighters. It is completely voluntary. People who agree that they will fight a defensive war to protect the general framework of A-PAG have whatever nickname they want- I would call it the Peace Warriors Group (PWG). The Olive Branch Group (OGB) is people dedicated to peace no matter what- if they leave peace mode it is for non-war aid or to make sure their economy keeps going strong. Most people will probably be affiliated with both groups to different degrees.

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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1333387402' post='2947356']
Awesome stuff.

You should go check out the Libertarian Socialist Federation. They're one of the oldest alliances in the game and also anarchist, so perhaps they will be willing to have some sort of relationship with your alliance.

I echo this. LSF have experience and stuff and can help you better form your alliance to work within the confines of this world; while staying true to your ideology.

Question: Is this alliance going to be a neutral alliance without military treaties, or are you going to participate in world politics?

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[quote]Question: Is this alliance going to be a neutral alliance without military treaties, or are you going to participate in world politics? [/quote]

Not easy since the members I've asked haven't gotten back to me. Generally speaking war is forbidden as an aggressive act (includes tech raiding) and you can't go off and start your own wars- you need to leave the AA. We will however sign things like PIATs and a protectorate, and hopefully in time have little alliances of our own :). Also we want to bring the Treaty of Friendship back into vogue- I liked alliances not being dicks to each other.

Mostly our involvement depends on what people want to do. I find there are enough neutral alliances. However there aren't a lot of non-neutral peaceful alliances (Pax Corvus comes to mind, and not much else). Everyone else either votes for war or has a hierarchy.

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I foresee success for this alliance. One because you are an experienced CNer with a good head on his shoulders and because you actually seem to know how alliances work

Also who else wants to see a anarchia vs anarquista show down to see whos the better anarchist? :P

Edited by King Death II
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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1333387402' post='2947356']
Awesome stuff.

You should go check out the Libertarian Socialist Federation. They're one of the oldest alliances in the game and also anarchist, so perhaps they will be willing to have some sort of relationship with your alliance.
[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1333393682' post='2947387']
I echo this. LSF have experience and stuff and can help you better form your alliance to work within the confines of this world; while staying true to your ideology.

Question: Is this alliance going to be a neutral alliance without military treaties, or are you going to participate in world politics?

Thanks, you two! You're both great comrades :wub:

Just felt I should give you recognition.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1333387769' post='2947359']
I was totally expecting an NPO-INT treaty with my mind blown, I came out very disappointed :mad:

Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

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Heya Baltus! I remember you- Tetris formerly right? Or wait, someone else...don't remember! When I was AngolaThree I talked to you a decent amount, you are cool! :)

Also hello to all, #APAG on Coldfront is up for business. Please discuss diplomacy and economic cooperation there.

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[quote name='Rogal Dorn' timestamp='1333388641' post='2947363']
i stopped reading after you said you dont like profanity and rudeness >:|

good day!

I said...good day!

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