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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1330289180' post='2928693']
What does that make me, Roq? :(

Emperor of my heart.

Roq, I am no part of whatever vendettas you have going with whomever, whether they are my allies or not. But from an outside perspective most of what you say here doesn't add up to a whole lot of coherent, persuasive argument. I just read through this whole thread (shoot me now) and I have to say that if I was looking to join a new alliance I'd be solidly turned off, despite the pretty red brolly. I wonder whether it might make more sense to let things cool down a bit before launching a new venture. Then you might be able to have a launch party that didn't look like a train wreck mating with a bar fight.

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[quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1330298458' post='2928834']
Emperor of my heart.

Roq, I am no part of whatever vendettas you have going with whomever, whether they are my allies or not. But from an outside perspective most of what you say here doesn't add up to a whole lot of coherent, persuasive argument. I just read through this whole thread (shoot me now) and I have to say that if I was looking to join a new alliance I'd be solidly turned off, despite the pretty red brolly. I wonder whether it might make more sense to let things cool down a bit before launching a new venture. Then you might be able to have a launch party that didn't look like a train wreck mating with a bar fight.

Basically, Pingu, I can understand where you're coming from, but this was always going to get attacked regardless of anything I did because at the end of the day: they are not my friends.

I'm not sure what is incoherent about it. Would you enlighten me as to where you're confused? I keep getting that and it's because at times some insider knowledge is needed.

1. Umbrella's policies are dominated by an external force, the Mushroom Kingdom

2. Mushroom Kingdom and Non Grata share common policies

3. FOK is no longer in sync

4. Umbrella is inauthentic by virtue of existing as another alliance's second at a golfing tournament.

5. Umbrella doesn't like Non Grata and Non Grata doesn't like Umbrella.

6. MK is the binding factor.


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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1330298954' post='2928841']
Which policies do we share, please enlighten me?

You're generally on the same page with regard to FA. Ardus made an address to the Umbrella membership shortly after I left where he says as much. arexes has said he thought MK and NG were carbon copies of one another.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330299056' post='2928842']
You're generally on the same page with regard to FA. Ardus made an address to the Umbrella membership shortly after I left where he says as much. arexes has said he thought MK and NG were carbon copies of one another.

Surely being on the same page with allies in regards to FA is a good place to be? That doesn't make us the same alliance on various other policies however...


I hope you find the same policy sync between your new alliance and your allies.

Edited by Stewie
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NationRuler puts it sarcastically but all too true.

Also thanks Charles, even if it was sarcastic.

Stewie: Like what policies? Raiding? Where do Mushroom Kingdom and Non Grata differ at all in a practical sense? MK thinks they're smarter and you think you're a bit dumber, but where else?

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330299135' post='2928847']
NationRuler puts it sarcastically but all too true.

Also thanks Charles, even if it was sarcastic.

Stewie: Like what policies? Raiding? Where do Mushroom Kingdom and Non Grata differ at all in a practical sense? MK thinks they're smarter and you think you're a bit dumber, but where else?

I wasn't being sarcastic.

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[quote name='NationRuler' timestamp='1330297640' post='2928827']
It's new
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90383&st=0&p=2406525&hl=+umbrella%20+announcement&fromsearch=1&#entry2406525"]Except for here[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=81491&st=0&p=2198635&hl=+umbrella%20+announcement&fromsearch=1&#entry2198635"]and here[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80949&st=0&p=2184540&hl=+umbrella%20+announcement&fromsearch=1&#entry2184540"]and here[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80354&st=0&p=2169099&hl=+umbrella%20+announcement&fromsearch=1&#entry2169099"]and here[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80254&st=0&p=2166186&hl=+umbrella%20+announcement&fromsearch=1&#entry2166186"]and here[/url]

and on and on and on

I know, I know. I just like the red. :P

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I, too, like to brag about stat gains MK had nothing to do with or Umbrella for that matter. Umbrella is entirely deserving of praise for Nordreich's internal problems or Darkfall members dying out which caused the merger. I guess the way the war was handled helped a bit too.

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Congratulations on your formation and best of luck. If nothing else you'll have made this interwar period one of the more active ones.

You should try to recruit off some Spanish forums. NEW and FOK have both thrived here despite having a different primary language than the rest of Bob. Plus of course new blood on Bob is good.

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[quote name='Hydian Way' timestamp='1330302794' post='2928877']

You should try to recruit off some Spanish forums. NEW and FOK have both thrived here despite having a different primary language than the rest of Bob. Plus of course new blood on Bob is good.

Keep sardonic away from the Latino women, he could scare them away with his propositioning. :P

Edited by Charles Stuart
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I mean, it's hilarious to take credit for stuff that you had little to do with in actuality. It's almost like I preempted this kind "well gee our statz is big so we're doin it rite" response before.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330303597' post='2928891']
I mean, it's hilarious to take credit for stuff that you had little to do with in actuality.

I was simply trying to point out to you that DH is good for Umbrella. You knew that once and now you choose to ignore it.

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