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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1329716119' post='2924386']
I think the point of this side-discussion is to detract from the actual topic at hand. I know, I'm probably going to be called or sorts of pleasant things for suggesting this...[/quote]
The phrase 'the saddest clown' strikes me.
But at this point it really seems that way considering the elephant that is right in front of everyone and seems to be the discussion no one wants to have. While that other discussion might be fun elsewhere, it does little to add or detract from the credibility of the person whom has brought forward pretty damning evidence that directly contradicts outright lies and many other attempts to conceal it. I'm pretty sure that has all been handled via private channels, but that discussion is really moot unless war dec's start flying.

I'd be more interested in a discussion on how much ridicule and outright lies were spewed in an attempt to mitigate what Roquentin has produced.
You may have to guide me through this statement, because i'm not sure i got the point. At one point you're stating that the Sparta-gov discussion is an attempt to distract from the elephant in the room (this seems not all too accurate; at 77 pages i don't think you could find a more noticed pachyderm in any given living area). At the same time, however, you don't want to discuss the evidence and subsequent implications therein (get the point, as it seems to have been dealt with by the respective parties). So far, got it.
If i'm reading you correctly, you instead want this thread to start analysing the posts within it of which you consider to be adding or detracting to the credibility of the OP, snake-eating-own-tail fashion? I get the idea that if you smell blood in the water get to thrashing around, but god damn man claiming obfuscation on one topic and then insisting that just seems crazy to me.

EDIT: i am excited about the number of animal metaphors in this statement.

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Like Olaf and I said, you're welcome to do something about it. Good luck getting support for a purely aggressive venture in defense of spying, outright lying, death wishes, and libel. I don't think you're getting that your side is in the wrong and the only reason anyone stays tied to you is because of outside matters and fear.

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[quote name='Vanilla Napalm' timestamp='1329717752' post='2924400']
The phrase 'the saddest clown' strikes me.

You may have to guide me through this statement, because i'm not sure i got the point. At one point you're stating that the Sparta-gov discussion is an attempt to distract from the elephant in the room (this seems not all too accurate; at 77 pages i don't think you could find a more noticed pachyderm in any given living area). At the same time, however, you don't want to discuss the evidence and subsequent implications therein (get the point, as it seems to have been dealt with by the respective parties). So far, got it.
If i'm reading you correctly, you instead want this thread to start analysing the posts within it of which you consider to be adding or detracting to the credibility of the OP, snake-eating-own-tail fashion? I get the idea that if you smell blood in the water get to thrashing around, but god damn man claiming obfuscation on one topic and then insisting that just seems crazy to me.

Actually, I should rephrase. Thanks for the opportunity.

Given that the Mushroom Kingdom and at least some of its government members have been proven to have lied about their involvement in spying on multiple alliances by pretty nefarious means, I don't understand why we're evaluating the credibility of Roquentin and would more welcome a discussion on how Bros is still a member of MK and the other government members whom seem to have been implicated in these instances. Roquentin's credibility is sterling and only a select few have chastised either his presentation of the information or that they disagree with the manner that he has gone about "it all." (Which is an entirely different, interesting, yet inconsequential discussion.)

I find the IC/OOC harassment that has been hurled towards the OP and the IC lies and slander that have been thrown around in a failed attempt to discredit him more worthy of discussion. I find the discussion about whether or not Roquentin is/isn't the highest authority in Sparta inconsequential, (protip, he isn't!) and more or less an attempt to deflect the gravity/ramifications of what has been revealed.

Which is undeniably pretty heavy.

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What part of "Roq has full backing," do you not understand? It was adrian who asked me to do the radio show. There was a misunderstanding, which Letum referred to in a gloating manner and I'm the egotist, but I have full backing.

In case you haven't figured it out: MK has $%&@ed Sparta over and crapped on them. The struggles are one. Hell, my logs show that and there is no reason for Sparta to turn on me because of that.

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As I have talked with Sparta Government, I have been told by them directly just this evening, Sparta does not support a war against the NPO. The NPO considers the situation closed.

Any personal issues between Roquentin and I or how we have treated each other, are just that, between Roquentin and I. Those issues are a matter of opinion, regardless of how he and I approach them.

Edited by Brehon
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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1329713872' post='2924369']
So to recap: we have a member of Sparta's government, claiming that he has the full support of his government in his quest to bring down MK, NG and the NPO and anyone else who might happen to get in the way (presumably including the allies of the above-mentioned alliances). As I said earlier, it seems like there is a clear-cut [i]cassus belli[/i] against Sparta for these alliances.
Not really a clear cut CB as they haven't done anything, but I'm liking this new Sparta with Roq in government willing to say what he thinks and what he wants to accomplish a lot more than the old Sparta. Those who want to see change in the power structure would be wise to rally around Sparta if they're not happy with the status quo.

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I am confused.

But clearly, I am seeing the "300" reference. There is one man fighting the world, believing to win. There is an evil oracle, and there's a bunch of mean evil enemies who hack Forums for their own good.

IIRC, MK killed UBD a few times for stealing some guides. What bros has committed was worse, because he betrayed the trust given to him.

Roq on the other hand, has a floated ego. And I really hate the "I have your alliance on my list - you'll die" argumentation. And for that, Sparta should die, too.

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this thread keeps on giving and giving and giving

it's a fountain of sad, funny, horror and plot twists (well, the plot only changes because roq and his son. myth, can't decide what path they want to take).

I fully expect a lamp monster to appear at some point in time.

and a new twist appears, Roq has no backing at all except for Myth's

this should be a play, the title should include flying over a nest of some type...

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Bring it big guy. Some weird TSO guy talking smack is hilarious.

Of course, Sparta wouldn't support a war on NPO, if I myself am saying that NPO can just give it up.

Hey, at least Myth is more credible than a good portion of you. He even asked Umbrella for help in improving MHA.

I don't get how I have an inflated ego when I've been willing to humble myself so many times and the other guys have such a hard time admitting their wrongs. They had such a hard time that this thread had to be made.

edit: I have given NSO more logs, no need for them to be here unless they wish to publicize them.

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I hear circus music when I read any of your ramblings. You are a clown, stick to making balloon animals, you are awful at getting a movement going.

Grats are becoming the current laughing stock of the planet, though. It took a lot of hardly working and a lot of being insane to get it done.

Give the man a round!!

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I love to hear that from mrwuss when all the facts fly in your face.

Seriously, it's not like I had target lists or anything for NPO. It's more like "why do you keep putting yourselves in my face?"

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At this point in the thread Roq, you could have video of MK burning my nation to the ground with commentary by Leet and I would still nit care what MK has done.

The way you approached, and continue to approach the entire arch has left you the guy everyone is tired of.

It is not the information. it is the way you have carried yourself.

You are a fool's fool.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1329725527' post='2924445']
At this point in the thread Roq, you could have video of MK burning my nation to the ground with commentary by Leet and I would still nit care what MK has done.


Which is exactly why I love you.

Whatever you do, do not stop posting.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1329723066' post='2924430']
Not really a clear cut CB as they haven't done anything, but I'm liking this new Sparta with Roq in government willing to say what he thinks and what he wants to accomplish a lot more than the old Sparta. Those who want to see change in the power structure would be wise to rally around Sparta if they're not happy with the status quo.

Maybe New Sparta would have the capability of implementing policy if Old Sparta hadn't sat on its hands for a year while it got politically isolated and then all its allies (current and potential) were decimated as it sat in peace mode.

As an aside, how bad of a leadership void does there have to be in Sparta for someone in that alliance to actually think putting Roquentin in a position as their public voice was a good idea? Even when he's got the goods (as he does), he can't present them in a coherent enough fashion so they have a substantive effect. Maybe their entire war machine really did fall apart when one guy became busy elsewhere.

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1329726460' post='2924449']
Maybe New Sparta would have the capability of implementing policy if Old Sparta hadn't sat on its hands for a year while it got politically isolated and then all its allies (current and potential) were decimated as it sat in peace mode.

As an aside, how bad of a leadership void does there have to be in Sparta for someone in that alliance to actually think putting Roquentin in a position as their public voice was a good idea? Even when he's got the goods (as he does), he can't present them in a coherent enough fashion so they have a substantive effect. Maybe their entire war machine really did fall apart when one guy became busy elsewhere.
They put Roq as their Minister of War, something Roq is very good at. If Sparta wasn't a very strong fighting machine before, they probably will be with Roq in charge of their military capabilities. They didn't make him as their public voice, although Roq is speaking his views regardless.

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I haven't yet bothered to read the last 15 pages in depth, but this caught my eye.

[quote]01[15:29] <Roquentin> Yes, but if TPF went in
01[15:29] <Roquentin> you would have, no?
01[15:29] <Roquentin> That was the other side of the issue
[15:29] <Brehon[NPO]> Speculation purely.
01[15:30] <Roquentin> as STA was deliberately not calling TPF in until they were under heavy enough fire
[15:30] <Brehon[NPO]> I don't think you all realize we had enough inner !@#$ to deal with, ally of ally over something stupid gave us plenty to thnk about
[15:30] <Brehon[NPO]> If TPF had gone in we would have had to think very hard about it. We may have paid our reps, but our alliance (as this war shows) is a long way from the powerhouse we were.
[15:32] <Brehon[NPO]> All these speculations are exactly what causes stuff like this war. People assume too much and the other side is people are too damned worried to just speak the truth
01[15:36] <Roquentin> It wouldn't have been your choice to make exactly
01[15:36] <Roquentin> since TPF is chaining
01[15:36] <Roquentin> and an MADP
[15:37] <Brehon[NPO]> Make no mistake, every alliance has a choice. Being forced into a war we didn't support is asking alot. If asked would we have, it is possible. It is just as possible we wouldn't have. I don't think people realize the amount of distrust we had about that war and how it was unfolding.[/quote]

About sums up exactly how I feel about pacifica and their dedication to their allies and the way they see them. Some might call such a stance towards allies as 'lukewarm'.

"If we asked we would have, if it is possible". I wonder what Brehon's idea of 'possible' is, when it comes to a MADP.

Of course, I say that personally and obviously not as a representative of a Pacific ally. I fully expect my superiors to !@#$%* and moan at me over saying such a thing about NPO but at the end of the day, I'm on my way out anyway so it aint my !@#$%*, so they can $%&@ off.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1329722203' post='2924425']
As I have talked with Sparta Government, I have been told by them directly just this evening, Sparta does not support a war against the NPO. The NPO considers the situation closed.

Any personal issues between Roquentin and I or how we have treated each other, are just that, between Roquentin and I. Those issues are a matter of opinion, regardless of how he and I approach them.

If Sparta's government does not support a war against MK, or NG, or the NPO, or against anyone else whom Roquentin threatens, then he should be removed from government. So long as he is allowed to remain in his position, Sparta is responsible for his behavior and for the consequences of his behavior.

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1329713872' post='2924369']
So to recap: we have a member of Sparta's government, claiming that he has the full support of his government in his quest to bring down MK, NG and the NPO and anyone else who might happen to get in the way (presumably including the allies of the above-mentioned alliances). As I said earlier, it seems like there is a clear-cut [i]cassus belli[/i] against Sparta for these alliances.

I'd hardly call this a CB Umar or a Spartan quest to destroy Non Grata. More one member of a government ranting on the OWF. If I am proven wrong and NG gets rolled by a Spartan Coalition then that is on my head.

[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1329729779' post='2924475']
If Sparta's government does not support a war against MK, or NG, or the NPO, or against anyone else whom Roquentin threatens, then he should be removed from government. So long as he is allowed to remain in his position, Sparta is responsible for his behavior and for the consequences of his behavior.

It isn't your, mine or anyones place to demand someone be removed from the government of an alliance Crymson. Roq says he is doing well for their military, and I sincerely hope he does. I see Sparta having a lot of potential to be one of the premier alliances militarily and I wish him luck with his endeavors, even if it means one day we engage each other on the battlefield.

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Brehon, Letum, you have my assurances, as well as those of the rest of the government (the non-Roq portion of it) that Sparta has no intention now, or in the future of engaging in any acts of hostility or subversion (military or otherwise) directed at the New Pacific Order.

Just for the record.

Edit: Crymson, is that your way of threatening us with 'consequences'? The 'consequences' of calling CN's attention to MK & Co.'s blatant abuses? No good deed goes unpunished.

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See yeah, I don't think you guys get that I've praised Stewie and I wasn't really anti-NG until they took advantage of my situation. I could have gone in on a lot harder on PB, but I didn't.

NPO is welcome to read our embassy on their forums where I've explained everything I could possibly explain.

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[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1329730965' post='2924477']
Edit: Crymson, is that your way of threatening us with 'consequences'? The 'consequences' of calling CN's attention to MK & Co.'s blatant ToS abuses? No good deed goes unpunished.
HAHA oh wow you did just say that. I'd suggest getting into pressing that edit button and then sitting in the corner a spell.

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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1329730356' post='2924476']
It isn't your, mine or anyones place to demand someone be removed from the government of an alliance Crymson. Roq says he is doing well for their military, and I sincerely hope he does. I see Sparta having a lot of potential to be one of the premier alliances militarily and I wish him luck with his endeavors, even if it means one day we engage each other on the battlefield.
Have I demanded that he be removed from government? No. But if he is in government, then Sparta's kings are implicitly sanctioning his threats by allowing him to remain in power and to continue with his machinations. If they do not sanction the above, then they should not allow it. They are thus responsible for any consequences of his behavior, should any arise. This is very basic.

[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1329730965' post='2924477']
Edit: Crymson, is that your way of threatening us with 'consequences'? The 'consequences' of calling CN's attention to MK & Co.'s blatant abuses? No good deed goes unpunished.
If Sparta is seeking a spokesperson for itself to speak in this topic, then I suggest that they find themselves somebody not quite so staggeringly foolish as you are.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1329732673' post='2924487']
If Sparta is seeking a spokesperson for itself to speak in this topic, then I suggest that they find themselves somebody not quite so staggeringly foolish as you are.

Coming from you, that's practically a complement. Roq is speaking for us for the moment, I'm just here to enjoy the ride and, on occasion, clarify things.

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