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Worst Leader Ever 2012


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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1328859320' post='2917761']
Wow you are really dumb. You just spilled your purse out here on the OWF, no amount of mediocre tee rolling will help you back from that.

Anyway, unlike what you were trying to say with your little jabs there, I understood exactly what those posts meant. You see, I've always known you were a terrible leader, a whinging little $%&@ who acted so confident and condescending in public in an attempt to hide the fact that you had no idea what you were doing. The funny thing is that the only person you were really fooling with that act was yourself, because you thought everyone else bought it. Guess what, they didn't.

So here we are, after your failures as a leader have been made plain, and you're out here almost in tears trying to defend yourself against JA. Lilith, the leader so bad he was kicked out and disowned by the alliance he was apparently leading so well. The guy who acted like he had the world in the palm of his hand while he systematically undermined his own alliances position with his own ego-driven actions. And yet again, driven by a need to maintain the facade, you roll into this thread to try and defend yourself, and all you end up doing is revealing more details that make you look worse. Bravo, at least no one can say you didn't live up to your potential. :)

You know, this is fun for me.

The same exact thing happened to Bob Ilyani yet in OOC discussions he's not nearly berated to the same degree. Just happens I was on the other side of the treaty web and that I'm still relatively well liked by the members who actually do the work in MHA (see: not the derp squad up top.) I was about to beat a weak seat in Triumvir and the current lineup knew that I would hold them accountable in doing their jobs right. Their allies at the time know they lied to them and many in MHA. Nominations were to open the next day and I had enough support to beat the incumbent who was and still is generally inactive. People had various reasons to support what happened, ranging from self-gain to personal respite or ignorance, but few deny that I could sweep away any accusation that was made against my good name if given the chance, which is more or less why they didn't give me the chance to do so.

I don't make any apologies, either. The progress I was making and had made with the alliance is undeniable. Those that deny that are just, well, wrong. Not much more can be said. All of MHA's "Good," stats skyrocketed under my leadership. The kind of numbers a mass-alliance like MHA needed if it were ever to have a prayrer in an increasingly elite-alliance oriented world. It was no longer floating in a sea of hopelessness and had at the very least a core group of allies who had gone for bat for them in the past and would in the future. XX was something that needed to be done and was overwhelmingly supported by the populace in MHA who wanted a more prominent role in the world.

As for "putting all the cards on the table," or whatever nonsense you're getting at there, I'd welcome you to point to anything you think was "ego-driven," or somehow put my alliance in a worse position than it was already in due to cyclical politics. For you to claim I didn't know what I was doing is really just stupid. Despite what JA might parrot here on the OWF to make themselves feel better about what they did, he and Umbrella government at one time relented that the a significant reason they hadn't downgraded earlier was because of the relationship I had with Roq and how well things were running with me at the helm. JA and Co. got pressure to join the cool kids. I don't really blame them in that I would've done the exact same thing, but they still really handled the whole thing !@#$tily and I have fun reminding them of it because they really do deserve it and there are those who can't do it openly because they still have some connection.

The counter-argument that I could have handled it better? Sure, but what did we have to lose? Again, a lot of clowns like to point out the re-vote thing , and I'll restate that wasn't entirely me. I originally proposed the idea to our Triumvirate, but when the time came to actually go through with it and post it I fought back for outright cancellation because the treaty was and still is worthless unless Umbrella finds itself in political turmoil.

Those that thought I was just hoping Umbrella would cancel on us over asking them to reconsider their downgrade on the basis of our history and friendship are quite right, but not initially. As the other two Triumvir's wanted to take the ODP offer while I wanted Umbrella to commit that they were going to sever ties with an alliance they held a solid relationship with over the past three years because of the immense (and also, no one can deny this, we even reached out to MK whose first response was to send a greetings via their government through l33t that they wanted our alliance to disband,) effort we had put into improving the relationship in the previous time and have them say they felt it wasn't worth a salt. This is the problem with a Triumvirate. After the ultimatum came down to come up with a response, I was outvoted. I would have much rather had you re-vote on the basis we asked you kindly to reconsider similarly to how FOK-Fark's downgrade went rather than outright cancelling or accepting an ODP that was for all intent and purposes a joke treaty with only polite redress on hope it would ever be a meaningful relationship anytime soon.

If ever there were a time it could have been repaired it was then and not in the future, and a downgrade in itself was simply just a cancellation with an attachment for Umbrella's benefit in the future if it wanted it. I doubt any in Umbrella could deny that I meant everything I said to them, so I'm always confused as to the claims of being a liar or untrustworthy as I generally put everything on the table.

To say that MHA should have been glad to accept an ODP instead of an outright cancellation by a whopping one vote knowing full well that they were letting MHA/Sparta get rolled and/or actively assisting either directly or by proxy in that endeavor is just an ass of a thing to say. Sure, three years from now the tie might become relevant but it would be better in a few years to strongly re-establish that tie than have it drag off as a non-used ODP for the same amount of time knowing full well they would be in on your alliance and allies' destruction. I get some of you would give considerable favors for an Umbrella ODP, but given the circumstances and where both alliances stood it was more of a hinderance in finding new ties to allies who might actually defend us than anything else.

My time was better spent holding out hope that Umbrella might change its mind and/or MK or NG might do something retarded (as they actually did multiple times throughout this whole period,) to the point of Umbrella rethinking its decisions. There really wasn't an alternative. Sparta and MHA were going to be left out in the wind, simple as that.

I get that you really have a hard time comprehending most aspects of running an alliance because you were/are in NSO, but you'll have to forgive me if you think there was any option available to MHA other than cutting and running from Fark available. What would've been your headline? "MHA betrays allies[b][i] again[/i][/b], joins derp hoard who in reality don't really care too much about MHA at all, (See Umbrella, MK, NG.)" I get that the IC discussion would really allow you some leeway in acting like an imbecile, but XX was too new and a solo-proposition too insecure to even bother contemplating. Hell, before XX MHA was just floating in the wind and was one downgrade from being curbstomped. That and we owed Fark one after Ramlins for having our back while we fended off Argent and Company. Also, we solidified our core allies in upgrading our protectorate and signing with alliances that were close-to-home and were not likely to jump ship due to their inter-relationship with XX and other allies.

There were a few actions that could have been prevented and even reversed (and I wasn't there for how this war panned out, so don't even attempt to pin MHA's terrible performance 2-3 months after I'm out of office or the bloc's decision making on me there,) and better maneuvers made, but frankly the only egotistical part I got out of the job was actually defending the alliance I led and doing it well.

You keep saying egotistical decisions, but don't actually have anything to back it up with. I had pride in leading MHA, what's it to you?
Sure, some of you might say that's a crime in and of itself but I disagree.

I'm confused as to which part of this am I supposed to be embarrassed about. I have all sorts of fun facts. You have conjecture and harmless retorts. Sure, I wasn't perfect, but I'll be damned if you can provide evidence of a better, more progressive, and vibrant leader of MHA in the past three years.

And look, now they can use me as an excuse if they wanted to attempt to buddy up with that derp squad. The funny fact of the matter is that those alliances wanted nothing to do with them, and as they quickly found out still don't now.

I think this is the part where you criticize me for defending myself at all or too well against your ridiculous comments.

There are very few actions that can be criticized of my leadership and for every one I can come up with three examples of situations the entire alliance would've suffered if the decisions I handled were made by someone else. If you think we were Fark's puppet under my wing you're dead wrong. You can ask 905, or Luka/Tulak in regard to that. If anything we were forced to play the only hand we really had.

[color="#333333"][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size="2"] ...it takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish. And we never say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say. [/size][/font][/color]

@Crymson, I'm just fine OOC. If I was "very bad," as a leader I have a referral to a hotline for how you must think about yourself comparatively.

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1328847887' post='2917666']
Depends how you do against Omni.
Oh! Haha, the last I heard I hadn't been nominated, so I just thought I was being funny. Omni has been a terrible leader of like 5 alliances, I've only led 1. It's a no-brainer. :P

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1328889105' post='2917860']
You know, this is fun for me.

The same exact thing happened to Bob Ilyani yet in OOC discussions he's not nearly berated to the same degree. Just happens I was on the other side of the treaty web and that I'm still relatively well liked by the members who actually do the work in MHA (see: not the derp squad up top.) I was about to beat a weak seat in Triumvir and the current lineup knew that I would hold them accountable in doing their jobs right. Their allies at the time know they lied to them and many in MHA. Nominations were to open the next day and I had enough support to beat the incumbent who was and still is generally inactive. People had various reasons to support what happened, ranging from self-gain to personal respite or ignorance, but few deny that I could sweep away any accusation that was made against my good name if given the chance, which is more or less why they didn't give me the chance to do so.

I don't make any apologies, either. The progress I was making and had made with the alliance is undeniable. Those that deny that are just, well, wrong. Not much more can be said. All of MHA's "Good," stats skyrocketed under my leadership. The kind of numbers a mass-alliance like MHA needed if it were ever to have a prayrer in an increasingly elite-alliance oriented world. It was no longer floating in a sea of hopelessness and had at the very least a core group of allies who had gone for bat for them in the past and would in the future. XX was something that needed to be done and was overwhelmingly supported by the populace in MHA who wanted a more prominent role in the world.

As for "putting all the cards on the table," or whatever nonsense you're getting at there, I'd welcome you to point to anything you think was "ego-driven," or somehow put my alliance in a worse position than it was already in due to cyclical politics. For you to claim I didn't know what I was doing is really just stupid. Despite what JA might parrot here on the OWF to make themselves feel better about what they did, he and Umbrella government at one time relented that the a significant reason they hadn't downgraded earlier was because of the relationship I had with Roq and how well things were running with me at the helm. JA and Co. got pressure to join the cool kids. I don't really blame them in that I would've done the exact same thing, but they still really handled the whole thing !@#$tily and I have fun reminding them of it because they really do deserve it and there are those who can't do it openly because they still have some connection.

The counter-argument that I could have handled it better? Sure, but what did we have to lose? Again, a lot of clowns like to point out the re-vote thing , and I'll restate that wasn't entirely me. I originally proposed the idea to our Triumvirate, but when the time came to actually go through with it and post it I fought back for outright cancellation because the treaty was and still is worthless unless Umbrella finds itself in political turmoil.

Those that thought I was just hoping Umbrella would cancel on us over asking them to reconsider their downgrade on the basis of our history and friendship are quite right, but not initially. As the other two Triumvir's wanted to take the ODP offer while I wanted Umbrella to commit that they were going to sever ties with an alliance they held a solid relationship with over the past three years because of the immense (and also, no one can deny this, we even reached out to MK whose first response was to send a greetings via their government through l33t that they wanted our alliance to disband,) effort we had put into improving the relationship in the previous time and have them say they felt it wasn't worth a salt. This is the problem with a Triumvirate. After the ultimatum came down to come up with a response, I was outvoted. I would have much rather had you re-vote on the basis we asked you kindly to reconsider similarly to how FOK-Fark's downgrade went rather than outright cancelling or accepting an ODP that was for all intent and purposes a joke treaty with only polite redress on hope it would ever be a meaningful relationship anytime soon.

If ever there were a time it could have been repaired it was then and not in the future, and a downgrade in itself was simply just a cancellation with an attachment for Umbrella's benefit in the future if it wanted it. I doubt any in Umbrella could deny that I meant everything I said to them, so I'm always confused as to the claims of being a liar or untrustworthy as I generally put everything on the table.

To say that MHA should have been glad to accept an ODP instead of an outright cancellation by a whopping one vote knowing full well that they were letting MHA/Sparta get rolled and/or actively assisting either directly or by proxy in that endeavor is just an ass of a thing to say. Sure, three years from now the tie might become relevant but it would be better in a few years to strongly re-establish that tie than have it drag off as a non-used ODP for the same amount of time knowing full well they would be in on your alliance and allies' destruction. I get some of you would give considerable favors for an Umbrella ODP, but given the circumstances and where both alliances stood it was more of a hinderance in finding new ties than anything else.

My time was better spent holding out hope that Umbrella might change its mind and/or MK or NG might do something retarded (as they actually did multiple times throughout this whole period,) to the point of Umbrella rethinking its decisions. There really wasn't an alternative. Sparta and MHA were going to be left out in the wind, simple as that.

I get that you really have a hard time comprehending most aspects of running an alliance because you were/are in NSO, but you'll have to forgive me if you think there was any option available to MHA other than cutting and running from Fark available. What would've been your headline? "MHA betrays allies[b][i] again[/i][/b], joins derp hoard who in reality don't really care too much about MHA at all, (See Umbrella, MK, NG.)" I get that the IC discussion would really allow you some leeway in acting like an imbecile, but XX was too new and a solo-proposition too insecure to even bother contemplating. Hell, before XX MHA was just floating in the wind and was one downgrade from being curbstomped. That and we owed Fark one after Ramlins for having our back while we fended off Argent and Company. Also, we solidified our core allies in upgrading our protectorate and signing with alliances that were close-to-home and were not likely to jump ship due to their inter-relationship with XX and other allies.

There were a few actions that could have been prevented and even reversed (and I wasn't there for how this war panned out, so don't even attempt to pin MHA's terrible performance 2-3 months after I'm out of office or the bloc's decision making on me there,) and better maneuvers made, but frankly the only egotistical part I got out of the job was actually defending the alliance I led and doing it well.

You keep saying egotistical decisions, but don't actually have anything to back it up with. I had pride in leading MHA, what's it to you?
Sure, some of you might say that's a crime in and of itself but I disagree.

I'm confused as to which part of this am I supposed to be embarrassed about. I have all sorts of fun facts. You have conjecture and harmless retorts. Sure, I wasn't perfect, but I'll be damned if you can provide evidence of a better, more progressive, and vibrant leader of MHA in the past three years.

And look, now they can use me as an excuse if they wanted to attempt to buddy up with that derp squad. The funny fact of the matter is that those alliances wanted nothing to do with them, and as they quickly found out still don't now.

I think this is the part where you criticize me for defending myself at all or too well against your ridiculous comments.

There are very few actions that can be criticized of my leadership and for every one I can come up with three examples of situations the entire alliance would've suffered if the decisions I handled were made by someone else. If you think we were Fark's puppet under my wing you're dead wrong. You can ask 905, or Luka/Tulak in regard to that. If anything we were forced to play the only hand we really had.

[color="#333333"][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size="2"] ...it takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish. And we never say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say. [/size][/font][/color]

@Crymson, I'm just fine OOC. If I was "very bad," as a leader I have a referral to a hotline for how you must think about yourself comparatively.
alright then

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1328895921' post='2917894']
I'll let you in on a secret about Umbrella. We think we are the coolest people in the entire game.
the only way to win the game is by not playing..

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[quote name='Cairna' timestamp='1328888831' post='2917858']
Nobody remembers Gonzoczar?

Should have nominated him. He was before my time, but I've heard stories.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1328889660' post='2917861']
Oh! Haha, the last I heard I hadn't been nominated, so I just thought I was being funny. Omni has been a terrible leader of like 5 alliances, I've only led 1. It's a no-brainer. :P

Actually, I've only lead one alliance ever. I've just been a terrible member of 5 (if not more) terrible alliances. :P

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1328889105' post='2917860']

I get that you really have a hard time comprehending most aspects of running an alliance because you were/are in NSO, but you'll have to forgive me if you think there was any option available to MHA other than cutting and running from Fark available. What would've been your headline? "MHA betrays allies[b][i] again[/i][/b], joins derp hoard who in reality don't really care too much about MHA at all, (See Umbrella, MK, NG.)" I get that the IC discussion would really allow you some leeway in acting like an imbecile, but XX was too new and a solo-proposition too insecure to even bother contemplating. Hell, before XX MHA was just floating in the wind and was one downgrade from being curbstomped. That and we owed Fark one after Ramlins for having our back while we fended off Argent and Company. Also, we solidified our core allies in upgrading our protectorate and signing with alliances that were close-to-home and were not likely to jump ship due to their inter-relationship with XX and other allies.


WTH do we have to do with anything. Turning MHA's top tier into a smoldering pile of wreckage would be more of a diversion, not our goal. If we wanted a piece of MHA, we'd have just jumped in during this war. Had to be more entertaining than nudging the mighty Spartan war machines rapidly cooling corpses.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1328900812' post='2917920']
WTH do we have to do with anything. Turning MHA's top tier into a smoldering pile of wreckage would be more of a diversion, not our goal. If we wanted a piece of MHA, we'd have just jumped in during this war. Had to be more entertaining than nudging the mighty Spartan war machines rapidly cooling corpses.

He's clearly campaigning. Pay it no heed.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1328900812' post='2917920']
WTH do we have to do with anything. Turning MHA's top tier into a smoldering pile of wreckage would be more of a diversion, not our goal. If we wanted a piece of MHA, we'd have just jumped in during this war. Had to be more entertaining than nudging the mighty Spartan war machines rapidly cooling corpses.

[i][color="#1C2837"]I get that you really have a hard time comprehending most aspects of running an alliance because you were/are in NSO, but you'll have to forgive me if you think there was any option available to MHA other than cutting and running from Fark available. What would've been your headline? "MHA betrays allies[/color][b] again[/b][color="#1C2837"], joins derp hoard who in reality don't really care too much about MHA at all, (See Umbrella, MK, NG.)" I get that the IC discussion would really allow you some leeway in acting like an imbecile, but XX was too new and a solo-proposition too insecure to even bother contemplating. Hell, before XX MHA was just floating in the wind and was one downgrade from being curbstomped.[b] That and we owed Fark one after Ramlins for having our back while we fended off Argent and Company. [/b]Also, we solidified our core allies in upgrading our protectorate and signing with alliances that were close-to-home and were not likely to jump ship due to their inter-relationship with XX and other allies.[/color] [/i]

[color="#1c2837"]Talking way back to Ramlins and how we owed Fark one. Some of y'all wanted to re-engage/jump in on Gre but we with addition to some of our guarantor's did a pretty good job of limiting it to IRON for the duration of the war. I specifically remember you being particularly agitated about it.[/color]

[color="#1c2837"]Was a point in explaining the direction of MHA and just one of the many reasons why bailing on Fark prior to this war (as some indicate as being what the alliance should have done for some inane reason,) was not possible and could not add up into the diplomatic calculus of decision making.[/color]

[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1328903517' post='2917932']
I'll deliver it

You're not actually in that club, so it would be kind of awkward if you did in fact deliver it. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif[/img]

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1328905795' post='2917938']

[color="#1c2837"]Talking way back to Ramlins and how we owed Fark one. Some of y'all wanted to re-engage/jump in on Gre but we with addition to some of our guarantor's did a pretty good job of limiting it to IRON for the duration of the war. I specifically remember you being particularly agitated about it.[/color]

[color="#1c2837"]Was a point in explaining the direction of MHA and just one of the many reasons why bailing on Fark prior to this war (as some indicate as being what the alliance should have done for some inane reason,) was not possible and could not add up into the diplomatic calculus of decision making.[/color]

You're not actually in that club, so it would be kind of awkward if you did in fact deliver it. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif[/img]

I see...when Ram and his massive ego were trying to hold one of our oldest treaty partners in eternal war and we were attempting to negotiate out of our terms in order to end that bs being pulled. I see...

So you ARE campaigning, by bringing up one incident of terrible leadership. Gotcha.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1328905795' post='2917938']
:wacko: Words :wacko:

I read that as 'we with addition to some of our guarantor's did a pretty good job of enabling the egomaniacal and sociopathic behavior of one of the worst leaders this game has ever seen. Leading not only to our ridicule, but also to the eventual destruction of our treaty partner and loss of that treaty partner."

I find it very IRONic that you still defend that, considering who it was over and your current AA...but maybe that's just me?


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Schatt and Omni is only one of the more intriguing first round matchups. Altheus and Terry Howard is going to be a good one too. Schatt and Omni's division looks pretty tough. I could totally see the final champion coming from there (spoiler alert, it will be Peggy Sue).

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[quote name='Bones Malone' timestamp='1328916569' post='2918016']
Schatt and Omni is only one of the more intriguing first round matchups. Altheus and Terry Howard is going to be a good one too. Schatt and Omni's division looks pretty tough. I could totally see the final champion coming from there (spoiler alert, it will be Peggy Sue).

Besides Brookbank and Peggy Sue, I didn't really see anyone in my bracket that was that awful. Now the upper right hand corner is filled with complete !@#$.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1328909950' post='2917957']
I see...when Ram and his massive ego were trying to hold one of our oldest treaty partners in eternal war and we were attempting to negotiate out of our terms in order to end that bs being pulled. I see...

So you ARE campaigning, by bringing up one incident of terrible leadership. Gotcha.

I was providing context in how MHA alone defending our treaty partners until the very end would not have been possible without great assistance by Fark. Without Fark we would've been balls deep in trouble. Afterwards, we had an awesome working relationship with Umbrella but it had been soured by Cable post-DH/VE Order rolling. I worked and repaired that level to a friendship beyond what Fark was to MHA with Roquentin at the leadership level, but all good things must come to an end. For better or worse, our only really good friends to speak of were Fark and our other closely related friends. Given it wasn't exactly rocket science to see the stars aligning, all things considered we made moves to ensure we'd be with our friends wherever the chips fell at the end of the day.

I hate to admit for the lack of antagonism I usually employ for !@#$% and giggles, but I have never had anything but the best of Argent. In fact I'm pretty sure I never really cared much about Argent at any time in my terms otherwise other than viewing you as what you were, some very old good friends I have/had that politics aside I still like very much impossibly tangled on the other side of the treaty web. Y'all got your pot-shots in at times when those you disliked were far and long out of power and that bothered me considering you knew that people like myself were staying and starting to change things from the inside, but aside from that if I hadn't been blessed with the opportunities I had at MHA, taking you up on your offer long ago would've been the next best thing.

As for Rusty, I wasn't a member of IRON at the time, and I can objectively say we did the right thing. We didn't feed Ramlins to the wolves, and were tied with the eternal treaty. Doing what we did was the best option and most reasonable for an alliance put in that situation, and had the war gone on any longer I'm quite sure that treaty would not have lasted as it did and would have been cancelled while Ramirus continued his nonsense. That war, among others, is part of why MHA-IRON got along well as both generally acted with utmost class and both of our actions were understood. Largely why there is still some semblance of a connection to this day. The respect I have for IRON leadership and my dealings with them before the storm of this recent war were in no large part a huge factor in deciding to apply here. They understand who I am and what I stand for and that's really all that matters. My current alliance affiliation doesn't really distort my ability to think about that era in the slightest, surprisingly, and I don't think you'll find that they have a hard time understanding and even appreciating that I can in fact think past the day I joined IRON.

But that's missing the point of one sentence in about the midst of four hundred other sentences and expanding on a time when I in fact was not in government at the decision making level.

If I was to campaign, I probably would have said something to the affect of:
Would I have done anything differently during Ramlins? Probably not. In your shoes would I be equally upset as you are over it? Probably. By now I might have gotten over it though considering the alliance I would've been defending has found it in them to ally and hold a treaty with MHA.

But I didn't do that because I'm just here for the free bacon boobs and beer, and campaigning would be a waste of my time. :blush:

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='Drai' timestamp='1328725733' post='2916779']
So who is the leader of the MK that is so widely referred to as leaders of the current world? You can't play both sides of that argument and choose whatever one is convenient. By all means, nominate him, I'm sure there are a few people who'd like to vote for him anyways. Maybe you can advance him a round or two.

[spoiler]No I don't think MK are on top of the world, but that's something that often gets thrown at us by OWF posters trying to rally people against us.[/spoiler]

Ever means ever

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1328931472' post='2918154']

This is the difference between us. Had Ramlins pulled that crap while we were still allied to them, we'd have dropped them. (We'd have never signed an eternal treaty, either...ever.) Having a treaty doesn't mean you put up with things that go beyond reason. You were an enabler, allowing him to run rampant because you would back up every moronic, imbecilic thing he tried.

Had it just been MHA planning to defend, we'd have probably hit them anyway. IRON was going to win eventually anyway, but taking down Ram's stats that much faster would have been a joy.

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