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Three years and still here


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The nation of Beardo was created on 2/5/2009 8:44:24 AM. Since then, I've achieved many things.

Starting my days in iFOK which was only 30 days old at the time, I worked my way into government through hard work and enthusiastic recruiting. Later stepping up to become a Triumvir and help lead iFOK through a dark period of inactivity and back to prosperity.

While in iFOK, I fought in the Karma war, The Bipolar war and the PB_NpO war. As an alliance we never lost a war, something I'm rather proud of.

In March of this year, after being less active for a while, seeing iFOK getting closer to merging, and a few other reasons, I decided it was time to set up a new home for myself.

On 3/26/2011, along with coldielox and KingKrath, I declared my new alliance, T5E, protected by the lovely GOONS.

Recently we tagged along with GOONS and attacked GDA, giving T5E our first victorious war.

And that's my story so far. 3 years. 1095 days.

I'd like to thank some people, who helped me greatly.

coldie, because you are magic and I love you <3 :wub:

Phoenix, for... everything.

MikeTheFirst, arexes, ikMark, Spaarlaamp, Erikz, and all the old iFOKkers. You guys were awesome, I'd not have made it to even 30 days without you all.

GOONS, especially Sardonic and JT Jag, for protecting us and not tech raiding us. (Well, yet :P)

All my friends on IRC, you know who you are, you've made it worth sticking around.

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