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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1327217331' post='2904607']
This thread does kind of remind me of the thread with Sparta agreeing to surrender to just 2 of the alliances they fought

It was a fitting end considering how they entered the war and the kind of "fight" they put up. I think the two surrenders are very different.

[quote name='He Who Has No Name' timestamp='1327218289' post='2904612']
We were hunted mercilessly across this world and the next for [i]two years[/i] in a sadistic pogrom.

We will [i]always[/i] have justification to level with NPO.

So you are declaring an eternal war with them in your surrender thread?

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='He Who Has No Name' timestamp='1327218289' post='2904612']
We were hunted mercilessly across this world and the next for [i]two years[/i] in a sadistic pogrom.

We will [i]always[/i] have justification to level with NPO.
[/quote]no you won't. when you give up a fight against them, you have conceded that you are the lesser alliance. it may have taken them years to drive you into the ground, but you hid in peacemode and acted like terrorists on your machinations of war. you gain no selective bargaining to declare war on NPO whenever you wish since you have fought and lost repeatedly. time and again, your membership sheds tears for times past, and many members weren't around then. they break water for a time they didn't participate in, and come here to claim grievance for something they share no token pain for.

educate your members well what it means to be hunted. what it means to reside on outside forums and spread your intelligence across a swath of forums. because even consolidating it, now that you've been allowed to, it still appears that FAN is the worse off for it when such statements fall from their lips.

[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1327222562' post='2904643']
Honestly, it's only because people aren't willing to treat NPO in the way NPO treated others(karma with a lower case) that it is possible for them to continue existing as a major alliance. I think that's a change of sorts.

Also Londo, you still hate Polar for Grub's anti-raiding crap in 2009, so I really don't like this rhetoric from you.

I don't know what kind of terms are being offered to Polar, an alliance that lost 3/4ths of its NS in the first 3 months of 2011 and has lost 2/3rds in this war. I'd like some consistency in the "moving on" crowd.
karma? when i was in MCXA, and the former heads of MCXA removed themselves and formed TSO, when TSO joined the opposition of the hegemony, when they extracted their pound of flesh when they were some of the biggest proponents within the conglomerate of the Orders, 1V, et al.

stuff it deep inside. tuck it in and push it all the way down. karma was anything but a sour taste in my mouth for having my leadership abandon me and take part in the character assassination of my alliance when the reigns were held by another party unable to cast off the folly of an inept crowd of Order sycophants. people here yet b!tch about the Orders, whichever is the flavour of the week, yet they persist in being a thorn in the side of alliances that have neither the compunction of stamina to take them to task without a bandwagon fit to break the world.

i beseech you to consider your words wisely. folly is in the mouth of those that choose to drag an alliance back into fighting on their behalf. when you utter suck grievance, you present a target of opportunity seldom taken in the current world of planet bob. the hegemony would not have been so kind to you and yours, so feel the privilege of a different time and place when perpetual war for your nation wouldn't be the flavour of the day, simply for your egregious outburst.

disclaimer: i speak for myself. if you seek grievance with me, dial 1-800-3825-633 and we can seek proper recompense.

Edited by Parandiac
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What? I don't really know what TSO leaving MCXA has anything to do with lowercase karma as opposed to Karma.

Honestly, I'm pretty sure Francesca was trying to get your alliance to side with VE so it's your problem.

TSO just sided with TOP because TOP was their protector and nothing else.

The rest sounds like something people would ascribe to me, but I can't really make it out.

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[quote name='Mary the Fantabulous' timestamp='1327213778' post='2904536']
Signed for the [b]Nuclear Proliferation League[/b]:
KemMo, Prime Minister
Morjon, Deputy Prime Minister
King Wally, High Chancellor
Gofast2006, Consul
Smurthewaite, Warhead of Foreign Affairs

Deja, Advisor
Gungir, Advisor

Kevyn, Warhead of Defense
MildlyInsane, Warhead of Education
Wickes, Warhead of Communication[/quote]
I didn't realize NPL had that many nations left.

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I'm glad to see that my restart of Survivor has forced people into achieving peace in the hopes of victory.

[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1327237176' post='2904712']
Honestly, I'm pretty sure Francesca was trying to get your alliance to side with VE so it's your problem.
At the risk of re-hashing a three-year-old history argument, she most definitely was.

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[quote name='He Who Has No Name' timestamp='1327218289' post='2904612']
We were hunted mercilessly across this world and the next for [i]two years[/i] in a sadistic pogrom.

We will [i]always[/i] have justification to level with NPO.
Get over yourselves.

NPO et all, should've been harsher terms but congrats on your victory.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1327226880' post='2904658']
That depends on whether or not they improve their internals more than anything.

Honestly, if I was FAN, I'd just implement a Lunar Fark(the moon of Planet Bob) style universal ODAP and announce it publicly, so people could stop caring about treaties being needed to declare on someone.

Well, at least now the world knows why you aren't FAN. :ehm:

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