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The Times, They are a Changin'


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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1323137939' post='2864766']
I warned SF back in the DH-NPO War that if they don't back RoK, the same method could be used again against them to pull them in war by picking off their members, but SF tried staying as neutral as they could that war. Now SF has been dragged into war again, but with NPO on the side of DH/PB. SF and allies should be ready now, but interesting how MK always seems to escape being the target of anyone's vengeance and MK shifts their position to be on the winning side with former enemies allying them for the chance to get payback on others.

In the DH-NPO War, SF could of joined in on the side of NPO and possibly overthrow the MK hegemony. Instead SF tried playing both sides and let the entire bloc fall apart before going into a challenging war. Perfect example of potential victims letting themselves get picked off one by one, even helping the aggressors who hit them previously defeat their next victims in hopes of prolonging their own fate.

I look forward to see the MHA and Sparta response, if they honor their treaty with Fark here they'll gain some respect. Also I don't think I've ever seen Créole roll out, but it would be interesting to see if they do anything with their Fark treaty here.

Funny, I don't remember MK signing a treaty with NPO and activating it in their defense by FARK as described in the OP so eloquently. I believe that was all TLR. And I fully agree that if MHA honors its treaty here they will gain respect. But I feel Sparta should probably refrain from attacking a CnG alliance who is blood brothers with their ally in ODN. I harbor no ill will toward Sparta. I also don't see how this pertains to Superfriends vs. the MK Hegemony when clearly it is the TLR Hegemony we should all be talking about.

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[quote name='Mandellav' timestamp='1323145654' post='2865013']
Funny, I don't remember MK signing a treaty with NPO and activating it in their defense by FARK as described in the OP so eloquently. I believe that was all TLR. And I fully agree that if MHA honors its treaty here they will gain respect. But I feel Sparta should probably refrain from attacking a CnG alliance who is blood brothers with their ally in ODN. I harbor no ill will toward Sparta. I also don't see how this pertains to Superfriends vs. the MK Hegemony when clearly it is the TLR Hegemony we should all be talking about.

Hail Mandellav! Pointman of TLR Hegemony!

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1323137939' post='2864766']
Somethingsomething MK hegemony. Somethingsomething

MK Hegemony? But we signed with NPO not them. How come they get to be the new hegemony?

We even had a flag made :(


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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1323122459' post='2864086']
Bism'Allarchon al Rahman al Rahim -

Devout Mushlims, infidels, and People of the Book -

This evening at sundown, I was sitting high upon the battlements of Princess Peach's Castle telling the word of our Lord, Allarchon, to the people of this fair land. As I gazed out, I noticed an endless sea of devout Mushlims heeding His call, kneeling in prayer to Him. It was not always this way. We were not always so strong. Our faith was forged in blood and fire and it is in those very elements that we shall find our salvation. I can feel it in my very soul that we will soon be called to serve Him. Not all of us will survive but if that is what is required by Allarchon, His will be done. The faithful, myself and these Mushlims before me, will soon be called to renew our vows to God and cleanse this world of His enemies.

War is coming, Bob, prepare for us. Those who do not convert will be slaughtered in a fashion befitting that of an infidel, like a beast.

Allarchonu Akbar!

I didn't know that you could be this stupid.

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[quote name='Gloin' timestamp='1323129982' post='2864597']
Good luck to our friends in TLR (exept Stefano... please kill him Fark)
Before this war is over, you will defend me and I will laugh at you while it happens.

Also really glad we got to activate our treaty so soon.


Edited by Stefano Palmieri
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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1323161251' post='2865555']
But NG are the new NPO. Surely is is the NG hegemony we should be talking about?


Who the hell is this NG trash you're talking about? Is that one of those weeaboo splinters?

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1323209559' post='2866093']
How delightfully vague, please expand upon your statement...enquiring minds would like to know.
Yes, Sparta, please explain.

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1323209559' post='2866093']
How delightfully vague, please expand upon your statement...enquiring minds would like to know.
Im going to guess that he is referring to NPO hails of C&G, containing irony. Cuz, lets face it, it does. Also Azhrei.. my friend... be safe.. when winter comes.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1323211187' post='2866119']
Im going to guess that he is referring to NPO hails of C&G, containing irony. Cuz, lets face it, it does. Also Azhrei.. my friend... be safe.. when winter comes.

To be fair, the title sort of spells it out.

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