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A Cactuar a Guru and a Farkistani walk into a bar...


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[quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1315641862' post='2797933']
You'll burn with the rest of them.

"a-b-c hit it! thats the way, uhuh uhuh i like it, uhuh uhuh thats the way, uhuh uhuh i like it, uhuh uhuh you get your way, i get mine pinch punch, captain crunch karate kick, karate punch brick wall, waterfall, girl you think you know it all but you dont, i do so *pouf* with that attitude, dont go there girlfriend, how rude!"

Loving the look of theses, gonna have to go give each a personal congrats B-)

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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1315691868' post='2798299']
Kids these days just don't appreciate a good old fashioned wall of text post hey... their loss! :awesome:

Well that and I'm a complete !@#$%^&. Otherwise, good luck out there wally your a bright light in a dying world.

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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1315658812' post='2798011']
NPL graduates from their Duel Protectorate with FARK and GO upgrading to MDoAP partners with both while at the same time upgrading a previous oAoDP with RIA to MDoAP as well.... we are just waiting for page 10 where we have a surprise cancelation planned for them all and jerry springer will emerge to reveal we have in fact really signed a super secret Eternal MDAP with their Moms and she's leaving their Dad for us as we speed out of their driveway in a red Ford Capri convertable with our slick hair waving back in the wind and our newly re-whitened teath smiling out for all the world to see. That'll show em who shouldn't have been cut from the Little League finals of '92! You wait ... I'll show you! B-)
Thanks! Congrats on moving up, NPL! It's nice to see new alliances succeed.

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[quote name='Thorgrum' timestamp='1315692761' post='2798304']
Well that and I'm a complete !@#$%^&. Otherwise, good luck out there wally your a bright light in a dying world.
pfft! You are full of it.

also yeah, Good one Wally, good to see old friends sticking together.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1315786262' post='2798935']
Autumn is coming :ph34r:

...and for us Aussies.... SPRING IS COMING! BEWARE!!!!

Edited by King Wally
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