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[quote name='Cornelius' timestamp='1312564579' post='2772696']
If the VE-GOD relationship was as one-sided as it's alleged to be, it wouldn't be worth a whole lot. We've covered each other's back as need be for years now.

You certainly have. And as far as I can tell, nobody said or suggested the relationship was one-sided. If I remember correctly, VE was instrumental in providing aid and rebuilding GOD years ago. However, that still does not change the fact that GOD ruined a relationship with at least one close friend (their most powerful ally) because FARK didn't want an MDP with VE.* Or that without GOD (and the other SuperFriends), the Karma War would have been little more than the typical tC curbstomp of your alliance. Loyalty swings both ways.

[size="1"]*That was years ago and was more of a "we'd prefer not to be treatied to them until they've proven themselves at least once" than a "we don't like them", but I digress ...[/size]

[quote]Delta, it's not too late to repair that bridge.[/quote]

That's good to hear.

Edited by Krack
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[quote name='Cornelius' timestamp='1312564579' post='2772696']
If the VE-GOD relationship was as one-sided as it's alleged to be, it wouldn't be worth a whole lot. We've covered each other's back as need be for years now.

Delta, it's not too late to repair that bridge.
I've been meaning to head over there for a few months now, but as is probably apparent, I've been a bit lost lately and wasn't sure what to say.

I think I'll stop by this afternoon.

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1312564986' post='2772698']
You certainly have. And as far as I can tell, nobody said or suggested the relationship was one-sided. If I remember correctly, VE was instrumental in providing aid and rebuilding GOD years ago. However, that still does not change the fact that GOD ruined a relationship with at least one close friend (their most powerful ally) because FARK didn't want an MDP with VE.* Or that without GOD (and the other SuperFriends), the Karma War would have been little more than the typical tC curbstomp of your alliance. Loyalty swings both ways.

[size="1"]*That was years ago and was more of a "we'd prefer not to be treatied to them until they've proven themselves at least once" than a "we don't like them", but I digress ...[/size]

That's good to hear.
I think he may have been referencing the comments coming from the other direction as much or more than your own.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1312565543' post='2772706']
I think he may have been referencing the comments coming from the other direction as much or more than your own.

You know what? You're right. Re-reading his response, I misinterpreted his comments. My mistake and humblest apology to Cornelius.

That said, I still standby the meat of my comments - GOD and VE have had a great relationship for years; one in which both sides have sacrificed quite a bit on behalf of the other. It would be foolish for anyone to think it hasn't been a mutually beneficial two-way street or that one party somehow [i]owes[/i] the other.

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' timestamp='1312551165' post='2772606']
I may be in a minority of 1, but I've found the QnA rather useful, detours aside.
Minority... or silent majority? I personally am quite impressed with SFs ability to cope with the obvious flame baits/trolling.

[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1312552006' post='2772609']
CSN-wise? Few. While our military was pretty feeble in the last war vs. LOSS/DT/FHU(?) due to a lot of fun circumstances (warchests, like mine :mad:), we only had a handful of deletions/deserters. [/quote]

Don't you feel that being on the losing side of a prolonged war is much different than being on the winning side of it? That is to say, won't there be more deserters?

[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1312557832' post='2772641']

You told the head of Sparta, an alliance we have an ODP with via NOIR, that we were going to defect to....ummm....who? Or maybe I should say 'from' who?

This statement makes precisely zero sense, but it's the third or fourth time I've read about it, Xiphosis, and you've never explained what it is/was supposed to mean.

I've asked this of you before. Hell, I've asked it previously in this thread. (I've put a couple of questions forward, with all but one remaining unanswered.) Despite being asked on multiple occasions over a period of several months, you have yet to answer.

So let me see if I can put this in a manner you might understand:
WHICH ALLY DID NORDREICH 'BETRAY'?[/size][/color][/center]

Now, if you're going to use some kind of argument that includes Nordreich's relationship with NOIR members, you should probably get ready for a lot of people to call bulls--t on your reference to an ODP. You've lost your right to speak favorably with respect to ODPs. I shouldn't have to explain why. And besides, we've never gone to war against a NOIR member.

But hey, while we're at it:

I don't see why you don't take a hint. Its obvious they refuse to answer your questions. I believe this may be because most of them don't know the answer and Xiphosis probably said what he said in the heat of the moment. Even though I am sure a paragon such as yourself would never commit such an atrocity, I would hope that you would at least understand when others do.

I don't know when Xiphosis said what he said, but it could be that you fought on both sides of the last war. I am sure it was planned for you to attack NPO, but you potentially could have 'switched sides' due to your NV treaty (which you did honor, so technically you did 'switch sides' which is a synonym for 'turn coat').

[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1312559367' post='2772653']
I let our relationship get severely damaged in that episode, and it's one of two, maybe three, things I actually regret about my time in this game [b](I go back and fourth on whether the third thing is something I regret or just find embarrassing)[/b]. So, obvious preference for where you fall that I illustrated above aside, I'm not going to advise you to make whatever decision is easiest for you to live with, even if that doesn't wind up being the one I hope it is. I know what it's like to make a wrong choice in that respect, and I wouldn't wish that on an enemy, let alone on someone I wish I was still close friends with. Just make sure you've thought through whatever decision you make better than I did.[/quote]

What was that third thing?

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1312566274' post='2772710']
Don't you feel that being on the losing side of a prolonged war is much different than being on the winning side of it? That is to say, won't there be more deserters? [/quote]

We've been there and the community remained intact. And we hardly were in a decisive winning situation in the last war.

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Some may say, SF has been quite the past 3 months or so FA wise...in terms of signing treaties as oppose to your 'opposition', what would you say regarding to that?

Also how close are the ties between XX alliances and SF (R&R exception) ?

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1312564512' post='2772695']
If you'd like to have a thread about why your reputation sucks ... start one. This is the SuperFriends Q&A and your cowardice is off-topic.[/quote]

So in other words I left Rok to be part of an alliance that was not only guaranteed to be on the front lines when the Karma War started, but had a reputation of loving causalities, eating nukes and asking for more, and fighting hard because...I'm a coward? :lol1:

Valhalla was absolutely the [b]last[/b] place on earth for a coward to be in that era and still is.

I know you're what FAN would call, "weapons grade stupid", so here it is: I joined Valhalla on 2/27/2009 at 9:36:58 PM (2 [b]months[/b] before the war) because I wanted to help. I knew what !@#$storm was getting ready to descend and I figured that Valhalla could use an extra sword if they were going to survive, something that was by no means guaranteed.

As a player, I wanted to be where the action was going to be the hottest. I had just spent over two months steering Ragnarok away from a sandbar staying up until well past 2 a.m. most nights on IRC dealing with potential high level defections, people who claimed that Hoo told them they could cherry pick 10 people and go form a protectorate, an FA agenda that was clearly shoring up for a war and required constant attention, and more than a couple knives in my back from people who I was supposed to be able to trust who were on "holiday" or just gone more than they were there actually leading. I wanted to take my frustrations out in combat, kill and kill some more, not whining in peace mode or hiding in GPA until the shooting was over. I wasn't even entirely convinced I would even be playing after the war but by God I was going to get my money's worth.

You are a one man AA that hides behind a "protectorate". I can only assume its because your ego is so large it prohibits anyone else from joining your AA. You mock Fark by even evoking their name. Your dates and times are demonstratively wrong. I can document my reasons for leaving Rok and so can everyone else involved. You clearly have an agenda here, and it's personal. Indeed you just can't seem to shut up about me, even when the topic isn't me.

You want a piece of my nation? You know where to find it. Else, be silent. I've proven myself on battlefield after battlefield, in victory and defeat. I have nothing to apologize for nor anyone to apologize to for anything anymore.

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[quote name='Diabloz' timestamp='1312566887' post='2772716']
Some may say, SF has been quite the past 3 months or so FA wise...in terms of signing treaties as oppose to your 'opposition', what would you say regarding to that?[/quote]

It isn't out of the norm for new sides to form, in which there will be more movement and mobility than an already entrenched side (that being SF!). So it comes to no surprise that the rate at which SF! alliances have been signing treaties is significantly lower than PF, MJ, and still even PB/DH. Granted that some of the "spheres" have been de facto blocs for a while, it goes without saying that the rate of treaty stuff is probably due to relative youth and, of course, the writing on the wall. When predictions get made and what not, new foreign policies are generally made and, as a result, stark decisions are (or can) be made.

[quote]Also how close are the ties between XX alliances and SF (R&R exception) ?

Treaty-wise? Farkistan is still a de facto SuperFriends! member, RnR (as you properly excepted) is a SuperFriends! member, and Sparta/MHA have been on this relative "side" for a bit now.

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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1312567120' post='2772719']
It isn't out of the norm for new sides to form, in which there will be more movement and mobility than an already entrenched side (that being SF!). So it comes to no surprise that the rate at which SF! alliances have been signing treaties is significantly lower than [b]PF[/b], MJ, and still even PB/DH. Granted that some of the "spheres" have been de facto blocs for a while, it goes without saying that the rate of treaty stuff is probably due to relative youth and, of course, the writing on the wall. When predictions get made and what not, new foreign policies are generally made and, as a result, stark decisions are (or can) be made.


We have roughly 24 treaties between the 5 of us, which includes protectorates. We haven't signed a NEW treaty not involving one of the other members since...MK-TOP maybe?

Not sure how we make your list at all.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1312566274' post='2772710']
Minority... or silent majority? I personally am quite impressed with SFs ability to cope with the obvious flame baits/trolling.

Don't you feel that being on the losing side of a prolonged war is much different than being on the winning side of it? That is to say, won't there be more deserters?

I don't see why you don't take a hint. Its obvious they refuse to answer your questions. I believe this may be because most of them don't know the answer and Xiphosis probably said what he said in the heat of the moment. Even though I am sure a paragon such as yourself would never commit such an atrocity, I would hope that you would at least understand when others do.

I don't know when Xiphosis said what he said, but it could be that you fought on both sides of the last war. I am sure it was planned for you to attack NPO, but you potentially could have 'switched sides' due to your NV treaty (which you did honor, so technically you did 'switch sides' which is a synonym for 'turn coat').

What was that third thing?
I once challenged NSO to a duel on the OWF. Corinan (NSO number 2 at the time) had a habit of challenging alliances to one on one wars at the time, knowing nobody would do anything that stupid, and then mocking them for not accepting the challenge.

I started prodding him about it, got about the reaction I expected and then overreached myself and walked right into a situation that was, as stated above, that stupid.

Not my finest moment, but that said, it doesn't actually conflict with anything I believe in aside from not being an idiot. I tend to treat it as an embarrassing learning experience more than a regret most of the time.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1312567409' post='2772723']
We have roughly 24 treaties between the 5 of us, which includes protectorates. We haven't signed a NEW treaty not involving one of the other members since...MK-TOP maybe?

Not sure how we make your list at all.

Read the next sentence:

[quote]Granted that some of the "spheres" have been de facto blocs for a while[/quote]

I personally have not followed your treaties, so I was speaking as a generality.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1312567084' post='2772718']
So in other words I left Rok to be part of an alliance that was not only guaranteed to be on the front lines when the Karma War started, but had a reputation of loving causalities, eating nukes and asking for more, and fighting hard because...I'm a coward? :lol1:

Valhalla was absolutely the [b]last[/b] place on earth for a coward to be in that era and still is.

I know you're what FAN would call, "weapons grade stupid", so here it is: I joined Valhalla on 2/27/2009 at 9:36:58 PM (2 [b]months[/b] before the war) because I wanted to help. I knew what !@#$storm was getting ready to descend and I figured that Valhalla could use an extra sword if they were going to survive, something that was by no means guaranteed.

As a player, I wanted to be where the action was going to be the hottest. I had just spent over two months steering Ragnarok away from a sandbar staying up until well past 2 a.m. most nights on IRC dealing with potential high level defections, people who claimed that Hoo told them they could cherry pick 10 people and go form a protectorate, an FA agenda that was clearly shoring up for a war and required constant attention, and more than a couple knives in my back from people who I was supposed to be able to trust who were on "holiday" or just gone more than they were there actually leading. I wanted to take my frustrations out in combat, kill and kill some more, not whining in peace mode or hiding in GPA until the shooting was over. I wasn't even entirely convinced I would even be playing after the war but by God I was going to get my money's worth.

You are a one man AA that hides behind a "protectorate". I can only assume its because your ego is so large it prohibits anyone else from joining your AA. You mock Fark by even evoking their name. Your dates and times are demonstratively wrong. I can document my reasons for leaving Rok and so can everyone else involved. You clearly have an agenda here, and it's personal. Indeed you just can't seem to shut up about me, even when the topic isn't me.

You want a piece of my nation? You know where to find it. Else, be silent. I've proven myself on battlefield after battlefield, in victory and defeat. I have nothing to apologize for nor anyone to apologize to for anything anymore.

... and the world collectively yawned. You jumped to the Hegemony because you were certain SuperFriends was about to be curbstomped. You jumped at the end of February? Two months before the war? That's great. Because 2 months before the war (and 5 months before the war, and one week before the war, and 30 seconds before Pacifica attacked in the middle of the peace negotiations) we were all 100% certain we were going to lose. And not even [i]lose[/i], but get drilled. On the day that you left, there was an active thread in Fark about going to RoK and insisting you be removed from .gov because we knew you were completely untrustworthy and were worried about you supplying information to the other side. I remember this, because the thread ended with a post of mine saying (paraphrase) "Well, that was a shock. :rolleyes: He just jumped ship last night. He's in Valhalla now."

Now, as I stated earlier, you're threadjacking - this thread has nothing to do with your inability to salvage your reputation. Start a new one if you want to discussed who was and wasn't a traitor in the build-up to the Karma War.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1312559367' post='2772653']
Everyone but us and you is a pretty extreme exaggeration. We still actually do have quite a lot of allies. What we also have is a lot of people who don't like us. Quite a number of them have legitimate reasons for doing so. For some of them, we're simply the trendy group to hate at the moment. CN goes through cycles of that and people tend pick up and go along with it because it's fun having a target for jokes and it's a nice feeling knowing it isn't your turn as long as it is theirs. And a few people simply find it convenient to hate us for strategic reasons.

As for your question, I'm not sure I'd want to make an argument for defending us against your will in any situation. I honestly prefer it when people [I]want[/I] to help us. I will say this. The VE-GOD relationship goes back a long, long ways and is one of the strongest I've seen, in the way an old married couple's relationship is often stronger than a young couple's, not in spite any personal issues at times, but because problems have arisen in the past and been overcome. It's a known factor that doesn't tear things apart. The RIA-VE relationship goes back almost as far. I worked very well with Impero for years and had more individual friends in VE than in a lot of alliances I'm still allied to. I fairly badly screwed that up by taking it out on VE when political circumstances turned up poorly for me. Rok leaving SF rocked me [I]badly[/I], to the point that I had serious trouble even contemplating this game with exploding, and I wasn't entirely rational for months after.

Interesting, thanks for the courteous answer. Sorry for the exaggeration, if there's one thing I've learned from reading these boards is that people do exercise their god given right to hyperbole. I know VE and GOD have been allies for donkey years, hell you're still mentioned as our closest ally in the application exams (though that might be a little out of date). I really don't have a strong opinion one way or the other, since it's impossible for a new guy like myself, but for what it's worth, I sympathise.

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[quote name='Serkr' timestamp='1312569087' post='2772741']
Interesting, thanks for the courteous answer. Sorry for the exaggeration, if there's one thing I've learned from reading these boards is that people do exercise their god given right to hyperbole. I know VE and GOD have been allies for donkey years, hell you're still mentioned as our closest ally in the application exams (though that might be a little out of date). I really don't have a strong opinion one way or the other, since it's impossible for a new guy like myself, but for what it's worth, I sympathise.
Just so there's no confusion, I'm RIA.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1312569865' post='2772749']
Just so there's no confusion, I'm RIA.

Hold on while I pull my head out my arse. Apologies. :)

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[quote name='Serkr' timestamp='1312569087' post='2772741']I know VE and GOD have been allies for donkey years, hell you're still mentioned as our closest ally in the application exams (though that might be a little out of date).[/quote]

heh, i remember when i redid those exams and put that question in. at the time it was an auto fail if you got it wrong.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1312557832' post='2772641']
Small black text interspersed with large red text

My esteemed colleague brings up something I've been wondering as well, so the following is addressed to Xiphosis personally: To "defect" is generally understood to sever one's loyalty to a particular cause or organization in favour of an opposing one. What led you to believe that we were "defecting", and from whom? If at some point in the past we made a commitment to be on the same nebulously-defined "side" as GOD and the Superfriends (which included the New Polar Order, according to your earlier misestimations), I must have missed it. We entered the war to assist Nueva Vida, something which should have been a surprise to nobody.

This leads me to my next point: Around the beginning of this year, relations between Nordreich and Sparta were at a high point, and during this time the idea of a treaty between us was being discussed. However, as the Sparta representatives told us, the main sticking point was that you in particular objected to it, and that was the end of that. Do you dispute this? If not, would you say that counting on an alliance to be on your side during a global war, while at the same time frustrating that alliance's prospects of signing a treaty with your ally, is somewhat counter-productive?

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[quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1312569111' post='2772742']
You're thread jacking just as much as he is Krack.

Oh really? Which post of mine do you feel was not either (a) a response to the topic being discussed, or (b) a response to a question or comment directed specifically to me, or (c) a request to return to the topic? Let me know and I'll be sure to remove/edit it.

/Rhetorical question

Edited by Krack
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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1312518702' post='2772406']
Just answer the question!

Well easier said then done, but i'll give it a try.

Fark - NpO
GOD - NpO?
Umb - TOP
NPO - Probably neutral or something
VE - I lean towards TOP, i don't envy them in this scenario though.

[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1312522023' post='2772455']
I like the claims by non-GOD SF members that Xiph isn't the driving force of the bloc and that it's just a myth. Logically this means you are equally responsible for the decisions SF has made over the years regarding disbandments, ridiculous reps and shotgun diplomacy. Taking credit for the various SF faux pas would be the last thing i'd be doing, personally.

There's a difference between driving force and sole ruler, noone here will deny that Xiph has done a lot for/with/because of SF. Just the notion that everything Xiph says is automatically SF policy is laughable at best. Xiph has a strong personality and voice, outside and within SF, it's hard to not hear him. But there have been many times that he wanted something and the rest of SF didn't and then he's not getting what he wants. It's like saying NG runs PB because the rest are quiet compared to them. Or like saying that Fark has no say in XX because they don't post on the OWF. It's just not how any bloc works. Or at least i hope not for the blocs out there.

[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1312525155' post='2772482']
This is pretty amusing so far. My only question is this: does SF also find this thread amusing?


Hey Impero, where've you been?

Personally i have to admit i'm enjoying this topic so far :P

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1312528053' post='2772502']
[color="#0000FF"]A serious question. Why do you think the world has put up with SF for so long? Shouldn't you have been put out of your misery a long ago?[/color]

We where allowed to exist as long as we sacrificed some NSO infra every once in a while.

Seriously though, you know how politics work, noone was gonna risk NPO/Ex-Heg getting a shot at them after infighting weakened us all. For some that was reason enough to bury their hate, for others hating us just didn't gain them anything. Times change.

[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1312532550' post='2772540']
Melodramatic language aside, I wasn't calling on you to blame one member, rather I was simply saying that your change in tactics (at least, I see this as a change) where you now seem to embrace everything Xiph has done as your own is stupid. You can stand by your friends without actually saying "we stand by everything they have ever done." Doing so would make people conflicted about ganging up against SF as a single entity, because any goodwill they have towards the more popular members (mainly R&R and RIA, CSN gets a bad rap - although I can't actually remember why, oddly enough) is preserved.

Oh please.

[i]edit: damn forum backups

edit2: damn forum backups[/i]

Of course we didn't agree with everything.. Can you really say you agree with everything your allies have ever done? Agreeing or not agreeing isn't the issue though, in any relationship you give and take, so yeah sometimes that means supporting something you don't agree with and doing it anyway. We have done this for GOD, for RoK, for Fark, for RIA and every other ally since our creation till today. So yeah we've supported GOD while disagreeing from time to time but so we have with most our allies. When it comes to war, you can disagree but in the end you help your ally any way you can.

The goodwill you speak of comes from our support for our allies, the hate comes from the same thing, can't have one without the other.

[quote name='Natan' timestamp='1312535940' post='2772550']
What is your opinion on each member of XX?

If you could remove one member from XX, which would it be, why?

You have to cancel all of SF's OTPs (Outside Treaty Partners) save one per alliance, which treaty do you pick for each alliance, why?

Would you like SF to get closer to polaris?

Well being in XX R&R's opinions should be clear :P

GOD - VE it's a relationship going so far back, who am i to cancel it for them.
CSN - GOONS most of their other treaty partners they will be linked to through other SF alliances.
R&R - I'm taking XX having multiple alliances that one has got to go? Probably because it's my own alliance i have a hard time picking one. How do you choose between 3 brothers (Fark/FOK/int)? That said I would probably keep INT, even though they are in C&G and thus far from helpless, they are the smallest and least connected of the 3. So i like to be able to be there for them should they ever need it.
RIA - Fark, that way we're still somewhat connected to Fark :)

[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1312540381' post='2772559']
So basically, you're saying RIA would hold onto a treaty with an objectively bad alliance, who gives them loads of bad PR, who is a liability to not only RIA but their entire bloc, because people make nasty comments about said alliance on the OWF and will probably roll them for being unreasonably stupid? That is downright awful FA policy. Yes, if I were in that position/able to make such a decision, I would give them notice and some time to find a new protector and then be rid of them.

I'm saying if you are willing to feed your ally to the wolves you should be ashamed that you ever considered treatying them. Even if you disagree you don't jump ship when theres a storm, you make sure the people on it survive the storm and walk away when you get to the next harbor.

[quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1312548044' post='2772590']
I have some serious questions that demand serious answers by the esteemed members of Super Friends.

1. Who in SF proposed having an open QnA on the OWF?
2. How many people do you believe have had their opinions changed positively or negatively by SF member postings. Whats the overall ratio for said change?
3. Do you honestly believe the attempts to blame others for your current predicaments will effect public opinion for the better?
4. Do you believe SF is a salvageable organization or worth continuing?
5. How would you (SF) receive an alliance or alliances deeming your bloc & her composing alliances worthy of disbandment in the name of clearing up a portion of the treaty web. Would you receive it positively and live every day with more meaning?
6. Non GOD members, how many deletions would you predict should you face an overwhelming force in conflict? That is to say how reliant is your community on success in this game.
9. SF how does it feel being a global pariah entirely due to your own action and conduct?
10. SF when and how do you predict you'll will answer for your [s]crimes[/s] actions throughout history? (Namely GOD's conduct but RIA's terrible humor & CSN/R&R subservient attitude is a crime as well by virtue alone.)

1. It was suggested during a discussion, I believe it was Xiphosis who suggested it.
2. Don't know, don't really care. We can see what people think or believe, how much of that is true and how much isn't and give people who want to know something a chance to learn it here and now. If we can change 1 persons mind, that's nice. But even if noone changes their mind it's okay, because that wasn't the intend of this topic.
3. Please point out where exactly we blame others? I'm pretty sure we openly admitted we've made mistakes over the years. Trying to debunk the false accusations does not mean all accusations are false.
4. Yes i do, public opinion has never really influenced SF as a bloc, we are together in a bloc because we are willing to stand up for eachother, as long as that's the case it's worth continuing it.
5. Let them clear up their own part of the treaty web first, there are problems with the treaty web, but disbanding SF would have little influence on it.
6. Very hard to tell, I think we have about 50ish members who never fought a long war yet. So who knows, they might all surrender. Last time we lost a war was so long ago most of us weren't around so again something we can't predict. I can say this though, we knew that one day we would become a target years ago, we never made that a secret towards our members. They know what might happen. I do know that in all wars i've seen (karma to UINE) we had less then a dozen surrenders combined. So it's not something we have often, but I really can't give you an estimate on a prolongued losing war. I do know that we have a core group that is willing and able to fight for over at least over a year, so if someone hopes to just get us all to individually surrender it's not gonna happen XD. But yeah, the only real ingame goals we ever had where getting our flag in game and hopefully one day earning our & back. Of course like most alliances we have members who do not wish to loose their infra, but as an alliance we never subscribed to that. Stats are meant to be used during wars.
7/8 not for me.
9. While i wont deny we certainly played a part in being a "pariah" ourselves, it's never ENTIRELY through your own fault. Or are you claiming that SF changed so much over the last few months? Cause i see enough people complaining about stuff they didn't complain about when it served their goals.
10. Everyone answers for their actions someday, we've been expecting it pretty much forever now, when it finally happens it happens. I suspect it will be sooner rather then later, but i do not feel like guessing for an exact date.

[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1312549482' post='2772595']
Im not in SF, but Id like to take a stab at this one!

Fark - Hits NPO
GOD - Hits NPO
MK - Hits NPO
NoR - Hits NPO
NG - Hits NPO
Umb - Hits NPO
NPO - Hits NPO
VE - Hits NPO

You sir, made my day :P

[quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1312559504' post='2772655']
When is SF going to roll the Grey Council?

Any reason why we should? Apart from thinking all those neutral alliances are a shamefull waste of NS that doesn't get blown up in a war we never really disliked any of the neutral alliances. Nor really liked them for that matter. They're neutral so our feelings on them are neutral.

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