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Thriller Nuclear Policy and Peace Terms Offer

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1303257961' post='2694029']
[u][size="5"]Nuclear Policy in regards to AcTi[/size][/u]

By mutual consent of the Jackson 5, Thriller has decided on a policy of No Nuclear First Strikes against AcTi nations. AcTi nations who employ nuclear weapons against
Thriller will be targeted for nuclear retaliation in kind on an individual basis.[/quote]

Starting to rethink the idea of attacking a group that actually has nuclear weapons of their own, are you? :smug: Probably a good plan on your part. Personally, I hope the response is "no thanks."

[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1303257961' post='2694029']
[u][size="5"]Peace terms for AcTi[/size][/u]
1. The current wars will be fought to their conclusion once peace is accepted. No new wars will be declared, except for wars on the list of AcTi nations who have entered PM.[/quote]

Translation: Let Thriller get away with an aggressive attack. Thanks so much.

[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1303257961' post='2694029']
2. Believing that peace mode is no place for nations whose comrades have been attacked, AcTi and the nations of Thriller hereby agree that all AcTi nations who went to peace mode are freely subject to a period of war not to exceed one week, by anyone who is or was a member of Thriller, in which the attackers are not obligated to refrain from the use of nuclear first strikes. AcTi is permitted to defend against this themselves
but not to request assistance from any outside allies for these wars.[/quote]

Translation: Punish those who were quick enough to get into peace mode BEFORE the Thriller nations could attack by another week of attacks.

[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1303257961' post='2694029']
3. All AcTi nations have 120 days to save a warchest equaling not less than 60 days of bills. This may be verified at will by gather intelligence spy operations, which may be performed by anyone who is or was a member of Thriller.[/quote]

Translation: We want to "blame the victim." AcTi, for peace, you need to accept the blame for our attacks by admitting that "our" way of doing things is THE BEST way of doing things (even though we're REALLY just attacking because we can, "might makes right" you know) and help us look like cool people to the rest of the world because INSTEAD of being aggressors now we're JUST regular people trying to help a new alliance do what's "right."

Come ON! Why stop there? Londo Mollari, I'm ashamed. You should go all the way and demand to install a viceroy.

[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1303257961' post='2694029']4. All AcTi nations with greater than 4900 infra must increase their number of spies to a minimum of 550 within 120 days. To aid in this, all AcTi nations will be sent 3 million dollars, which must be used to buy spies. Breaking this term will result in resumption of
hostilities against the offending nations.[/quote]

SNORT! :lol1:
Hail Thriller, the savior of AcTI! (sarcasm - not that I should have to say it)

[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1303257961' post='2694029']5. Seeing that AcTi does not have an alliance forum, the good people of Thriller will graciously create one for them to use, if they are interested. Root admin will be turned over to Battallion. We also offer to create for Batallion a guide which describes how to manage an IRC channel, as well as a nation building guide for AcTi to use.[/quote]

How kind of the aggressors to show AcTi the "right" way to run an alliance. When can we expect Thriller to tell every other alliance how to run themselves as well?

[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1303257961' post='2694029']Any AcTi nations who do not wish to continue fighting may join the POW AA, which is: [b]Jordy Chandler[/b][/quote]


[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1303257961' post='2694029']We shall await AcTi's response to our terms.[/quote]

Here's my suggestion for counter-terms:
Thriller, write "We will not attack other alliances for no reason" 100 times on OWF. (OOC: not any worse than demanding a "beer review")

Edited by White Chocolate
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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1303270388' post='2694239']
I had a feeling you were going to say something like that. You see, 5-10 days is not a warchest, it is a back-collecting fund, and an extremely poor one. 60 days is merely a (ridiculously) poor warchest.

You are correct. However, you are also under the naive assumption that they are interested in making sure AcTi has a war chest. What it's really about is making sure that the NEXT time that the individual nations of Thriller leave the safety of a real alliance to attack AcTi again, THIS time AcTi nations have enough of a saving to make the attacks worthwhile from an economic perspective.

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[quote name='Hamster X' timestamp='1303282080' post='2694448']
I actually never thought of AcTi as a military alliance. I joined up for the tech deals. Then I sorta forgot about the tech deals and am just in it so that I don't have an empty AA. Now I'm in it for the wars it seems :P

Hey Hamster X didn't you get the memo? You are a poor exploited nation who is being abused by some of the most immoral people on Planet Bob. Rawr! You couldn't possibly be... enjoying... this. :unsure:

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[quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1303300483' post='2694534']
what exactly was the point of all that?if we wanted to get away with this we would have organized a protector beforehand and we'd be ZI'ing the entire AA, instead we are offering to AID them and frankly either they will disband or straighten up and maybe make something of themselves in the future.

Also we all have unprotected nations if we are so evil why arent you stopping us? if its just mindless bawwing you want im sure there are more important threads that have 170 pages for you to get lost in.

[url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=417054"]Bring the Pain or Go home your boring us[/url]

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[quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1303303257' post='2694548']
You are correct. However, you are also under the naive assumption that they are interested in making sure AcTi has a war chest. What it's really about is making sure that the NEXT time that the individual nations of Thriller leave the safety of a real alliance to attack AcTi again, THIS time AcTi nations have enough of a saving to make the attacks worthwhile from an economic perspective.

Have you ever considered becoming a novelist? Possibly a journalist? Every post I read, I'm more and more impressed by your ability to invent your own story, mostly it seems to portray someone you disagree with as some sort of demonic semblance. Perhaps in the future you should include some sort of disclaimer along the lines of "I am not and was not at any point directly involved in this action and therefore my statements are based on speculation and should not be regarded as fact, but merely one of any given number of possibilities". Leaves a little room for you to be wrong from time to time

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[quote name='8 Mile' timestamp='1303271290' post='2694252']
:facepalm: Seriously dude?

They're trying to prove a point on how terrible of an alliance AcTi is. They are demanding changes to the alliance to make it less "fail" through military force.


Why do we need someone to prove that point for us? I always thought that it was a universal truth that AcTi was a terrible alliance. Why do we need a bunch of deserters to tell AcTi how to be a better alliance and why do AcTi need to be blown up in order to accomplish this?

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1303306650' post='2694590']
Why do we need someone to prove that point for us? I always thought that it was a universal truth that AcTi was a terrible alliance. Why do we need a bunch of deserters to tell AcTi how to be a better alliance and why do AcTi need to be blown up in order to accomplish this?

The same reason that most people should follow suit - for fun.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1303258548' post='2694053']
So this is basically just another alliance wide tech raid then? [b]Since when did people still use No First-strike policies in an actual war?[/b] You're just trying to preserve your spoils of war.

NPO still holds to a no first strike policy.

This document could be a lot worse. Though I still don't agree with the actions that brought us to this point.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1303270833' post='2694247']
So they're still free to nuke you guys as much they want in this war, but you guys have commited yourselves to not launching any nukes at their non-nuclear nations? Interesting policy, even if it seems like a nuclear policy which is better for them than you guys. AcTi let the nukes fly if you have them, that you guys don't need to worry about your non-nuclear nations being hit by nukes in response means you could work this to your advantage if you coordinate correctly. Having one nuclear capable nation and several non-nuclear nations who just attack conventionally declare on someone, as only the one launching the nukes gets hit with nukes back would be an effective way to grind a lot of them down nicely. ;)

What you just said... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read... At no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may Admin have mercy on your soul.

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1303308562' post='2694611']
What you just said... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read... At no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may Admin have mercy on your soul.
how long have you been waiting to use that line?

however long, it was worth it

Edited by Systemfailure
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Wow, you guys really are full of yourselves. Not only did you attack them for no reason, now you're violating their sovereignty even further by telling them how to run their nations and alliance and you're reserving the right of any member of Thriller, no matter where they are, to commit acts of war (spy attacks) against ActI nations for months after the war actually wins. I personally think ActI should deny these terms because they're really just a viceroyship without the mandatory hand over of forums.

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[quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1303309996' post='2694621']
how long have you been waiting to use that line?

Actually, I just looked up the video when I saw what he said. It just hit me that it applied perfectly.

I jump on any opportunity I get to quote Billy Madison.

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1303311430' post='2694633']
Wow, you guys really are full of yourselves. Not only did you attack them for no reason, now you're violating their sovereignty even further by telling them how to run their nations and alliance and you're reserving the right of any member of Thriller, no matter where they are, to commit acts of war (spy attacks) against ActI nations for months after the war actually wins. I personally think ActI should deny these terms because they're really just a viceroyship without the mandatory hand over of forums.

Honestly I think all alliances should do this. Purge the crap alliances that are worthless and after beating them be like here we'll make you worthwhile. Planet Bob is dying and something is needed to jumpstart it. I think more alliances should go out and just crush all the alliances that don't really contribute anything and keep it up until there are about oh 50 alliances left that are much larger and more competent. Also its kind of hypocritical to come along and tell them how to do things. Thriller can do whatever they want in your world of sovereignty. I mean pretty much what you're saying is that you don't tolerate intolerant people. :awesome:

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[quote name='Ying Yang Mafia' timestamp='1303272695' post='2694269']
Read the posted terms. We are doing these poor souls a service.

Why present it to them at the end of a gun?

[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1303311430' post='2694633']
Wow, you guys really are full of yourselves. Not only did you attack them for no reason, now you're violating their sovereignty even further by telling them how to run their nations and alliance and you're reserving the right of any member of Thriller, no matter where they are, to commit acts of war (spy attacks) against ActI nations for months after the war actually wins. I personally think ActI should deny these terms because they're really just a viceroyship without the mandatory hand over of forums.

Almost correct. They have no forums and if you read the surrender term accepting the forum clause basically makes it a viceroyship (because if anyone of thrillers side made it then they would have root admin and thus viceroyship.)

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[quote name='Brenann' timestamp='1303308001' post='2694605']
NPO still holds to a no first strike policy.

This document could be a lot worse. Though I still don't agree with the actions that brought us to this point.

Really? In which case I will continue my war of aggression against Pacifican forces until this disgraceful policy is revoked :v:

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[quote name='blazerboy525' timestamp='1303306430' post='2694585']
Perhaps in the future you should include some sort of disclaimer along the lines of "I am not and was not at any point directly involved in this action

I am not and was not at any point directly involved in this action. Satisfied?

[quote name='blazerboy525' timestamp='1303306430' post='2694585']and therefore my statements are based on speculation and should not be regarded as fact, but merely one of any given number of possibilities". Leaves a little room for you to be wrong from time to time[/quote]

I'm not claiming I know the people involved and never have. I'm basing my opinion on what has been written in public. If people on one side or the other have a problem with what I'm getting from what they are saying in public, either they are not explaining the situation very well and should find people to explain their point of view better or they just don't have a good position to argue from. Either way, not my problem.

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[quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1303305025' post='2694569']
Also we all have unprotected nations if we are so evil why arent you stopping us?

Fighting fire with fire only makes a larger fire. I'm not interested in making a larger fire.

A better question is, if you're not evil, why start the attack in the first place? I'll grant that the "we're trying to help them become a better alliance" argument is rather funny, but I seriously doubt it is actually fooling anyone.

Edited by White Chocolate
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[quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1303320829' post='2694720']
Why present it to them at the end of a gun?

So they'll listen of course.

Then again, I regretfully had to fire a nuke today in retaliation for an unwarranted nuclear attack on my nation. Such a shame really.

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[quote name='Ying Yang Mafia' timestamp='1303338262' post='2694906']
So they'll listen of course.

Then again, I regretfully had to fire a nuke today in retaliation for an unwarranted nuclear attack on my nation. Such a shame really.

I somehow doubt it that you even remotely tried to contact them and suggest them the idea's (spies, warchest) before all of this. let people play the game they want to play it.

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