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Lord Boris

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Everything posted by Lord Boris

  1. /me is saddened by this thread. You're an awesome guy, TBB. Good luck out there.
  2. Rarely do I find myself agreeing with extermination ideas. This particular one is quite agreeable, though.
  3. Good to see Zenith finally able to move out of the shadows of Xiph's vendettas.
  4. The notion that Vox would have an epiphany seems wholesale unlikely.
  5. This was the most well played sting operation I've ever seen in CN. Awesome work, TPF. I love you guys. EDIT: This week on "I Got Punk'd": Electron Sponge
  6. You know, Fox, you might be right. Or, at least that's what your partner in crime says. So yes, after that conversation, I stopped bashing this new group. So long as they don't turn out like you, Fox, I suspect they'll do fine.
  7. I'm really not surprised by either of the cancellations, but as I like alliances on both sides of the cancellations, I wish them all well.
  8. Oh, the Wolfpack War really doesn't even factor into it. It's all the other @$%& RoT pulled that makes me think the way I do. Maybe it was the continuous trolling they did from start to finish. Maybe it was the attempt to gain access to my account on the old FEAR boards from an IP identical to that of one of RoT's diplomats. Maybe it was RoT taking in people who were actively being hunted down by FEAR for extremely treasonous actions against the alliance and the fact that later conversations showed that RoT .gov fully knew what they were getting into. Nothing good came from RoT.
  9. Making the choice to protect an alliance stemming from Realm of Titans, I would have thought you had already known that detail.
  10. Unaligned when GWI happened (as I was for the first 5 months or so I played), ODS (League side due to MADP with ICP) in GWII, and neutral in GWIII due to lack of any treaties with defense clauses.
  11. A wise trade. Congrats to ML for their marvelous use of resources.
  12. I'd say Article VI sums everything up quite nicely.
  13. Well, there's your first mistake right there. NPO was given a valid reason to declare (new alliance engaging in conspiracy to do them harm), so they and allies did.
  14. Why does Nod gov keep trying to flood into my IRC office chans even though they're banhammered there anyways?
  15. Thank you for the morning chuckle.
  16. CN is filled with notoriously slow learners, unfortunately. Godspeed to IRON in getting things resolved and in finding those responsible.
  17. Downgrades are probably the least embarrasing thing TGE's had happen to it in the last few months. For going with a downgrade rather than an all out drop, I applaud TOOL for giving TGE a second chance, and I should think TGE will try to use this to rebound their shaken ties with the others on white.
  18. Considering the entirety of the LoFN War was a series of complete cluster****s and bad decisions on all sides (I would know), I daresay I can't really fault OBR here.
  19. Sounds like after you're done with them, their heads aren't likely to be the only parts in jars. Now, a wise person/group uses second chances to start fresh and learn from their mistakes. Fortunately nobody ever accused Jarheads/Devil Dogs of being wise. Happy hunting, NPO.
  20. When I saw Fupresti make a thread about how evil MCXA is, I must say I was expecting a lot more content, followed by a virtual litany of cursing. Fupresti, you disappoint me.
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