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Lord Boris

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Everything posted by Lord Boris

  1. While I don't particularly give a hoot what terms or if terms are given to NPO, something about this poll struck me as intriguing. Given how expansively slanted PR is against NPO on the boards these days, the fact that the results of the poll so far are within about 10% difference in the two opinions seems interesting, and lends itself to one of two things. Either Pacifica still has significantly more support than what has been expressed in the last couple months, or Karma is becoming out of touch with its own moderate elements.
  2. LSF wins this hands down, I think.
  3. I think my head just burst into a million pieces
  4. Yeah, the new wording clears it up a bit better than what you had initially.
  5. Was that supposed to come out like that? Seems a bit... self-defeating.
  6. Then send out PMs in event of an emergency and set-up emergency back-up boards somewhere (invisionfree or another free host)
  7. As a member of the CN community for as long as he's been, he's entitled to his opinion. It may seem overly cynical and unnecessary to post it, but it's his opinion and his right to post it. Sometimes it really is better to accept that no thread or thing will make everyone happy all of the time, and just accept that people have their differing opinions. Given the fact that he and I usually have differing opinions anyways, I'm not too concerned, and neither should you be.
  8. Thank you for the kind words, all. Also, I'd like to take this moment to give a big thanks and shoutout to Canik for the flag work.
  9. Dispatch from the Embattled Primarchy of Independent Citizens Declaration of Existence There are times when the best way to have a little fun is to create your own madness. I blame the delay for this thread on my lack of creativity.Forums: http://cnepic.ipbfree.com IRC: #Primarchy (on Coldfront) Team Color: As of yet, no team color has been decided upon. Since team color is an important decision for an alliance, with long-term consequences for the nations in an alliance, the issue is being rigorously examined. In the end, we will decide team color based on the atmosphere, attitude, and trading conditions that best fit us. Protectorate: We currently have a temporary protectorate with the Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics, as announced a few days ago. Charter: Article 0: Establishment The Embattled Primarchy of Independent Citizens, hereafter referred to also as EPIC or The Primarchy, shall be deemed to be in existence following the ratification of this document. Article I: Government 1.1 The Primarch shall be the head of The Primarchy, and shall have final say in all matters of importance. 1.2 The Primarch shall have the authority to establish and abolish government level positions as deemed necessary for the good of the alliance. These positions may be given powers dubbed by the Primarch to be important to the proper execution of their duties. 1.3 The Primarch shall serve until resignation. He may appoint temporary replacements in times of absence. Temporary replacements relinquish all powers granted to the office upon the return of the rightful Primarch. 1.3.1 In the event of a resignation, the Primarch shall appoint his successor. 1.3.2 If the Primarch is incapacitated and is unable fulfill his duties, he may be removed by a 75% vote of the general membership. This vote shall take place no sooner than 4 calendar days after the onset of the incapacitation, and must be preceeded by a 48 hour debate on the matter. 1.3.3 In the event of the removal of a Primarch, a new Primarch shall be selected by a majority vote of the general membership. 1.3.4 If the Primarch returns in capacity before a removal vote is finished, the vote shall be null and the Primarch shall return to duty. Article II: Membership 2.1 Applicants shall be required to complete an admissions process approved by the Primarch. 2.2 Applicants shall fly the ingame alliance affiliation 'EPIC Applicant' for the duration of their admission process. 2.3 Membership shall fly the ingame alliance affiliation 'Embattled Primarchy of Independent Citizens' 2.4 Membership may be revoked for violations of alliance policy. Revocation may be enacted by the Primarch or other officials granted the authority to do so. Article III: Warfare and Espionage 3.1 Members of EPIC are obligated to follow military orders issued by the Primarch or military staff. 3.2 Resignation or surrender during war by individual members shall result in the member in question being flagged as committing an act of treason against EPIC, and shall be disbarred any future ability to rejoin the alliance. 3.3 No member may declare war on any other nation without authorization. 3.4 The practice of tech raiding is to be disavowed by The Primarchy 3.5 Primarchy military staff may seek the Primarch's approval to run military drills, but shall take all precautions to mitigate any collateral damage caused in said actions. 3.6 In the event EPIC is attacked by a foreign power, or EPIC finds it necessary to declare on a foreign power, the use of nuclear weaponry in offensive capability is authorized and encouraged. 3.7 EPIC members shall not be authorized to launch ingame spy operations without authorization from the Primarch or military staff. 3.8 The practice of forum espionage and other forums of non-ingame spying shall be disavowed by EPIC. Members caught committing such acts or conspiring to commit such acts shall be reduced to zero infrastructure and expelled. Article IV: Amendments, Policies, and Ratification 4.1 Amendments to this document shall be made by the Primarch after a 72 hour public discourse of the proposed measure in which all members shall have the right to advise. 4.2 Doctrines and policies may be established by the Primarch at any time. 4.3 This document is considered ratified immediately upon signing by the Primarch.
  10. RSF merged with some folks to become LOUD, iirc, so that one was dead for a reason.
  11. EDIT: Accidental double post due to bad wireless connection
  12. Greatest alliance error ever? Any time anyone has signed a treaty with ODN. On the slightly higher bloc level of blunders, anything involving CoMA comes to mind, as does CDT admitting Dark Evolution after all past pieces of it that had been in CDT previously turned out to be complete disasters.
  13. Meh. History with Maroon seems to be a path of repetition. There always seems to be one alliance on the sphere that the rest of the sphere can't stomach (even if they deny such a state publically). Maroon is rarely a united sphere, so much as a mostly united sphere. Sadly it seems as though the lone wolf on the team is now USN. Best of luck to them.
  14. Pretty well expected, but congrats nonetheless.
  15. After I finish dying laughing, I think I'll save this little bit for a rainy day.
  16. Pretty sure you're right, although I haven't had my mandatory pot of coffee yet, so my mind is still a little cloudy.
  17. Thanks folks. Hopefully will have some more stuff coming out in the upcoming days. Also, cookies to the first person who points out the flag basis (that hasn't already had to have it explained). EDIT: Looks like the cookie offer was pre-empted by Uralica
  18. Wow... as though we needed another CoMA. Any wagers about how long it takes this one for one signatory to team up with a few other micro-alliances to attack another signatory or create some other generally stupid situation?
  19. OOC: This type of thing usually goes into the 'Player Created Alliances' area, I think.
  20. This pretty much sums it up. That said, though, signing with GDI was probably the first mistake.
  21. Very close race between Kobi, cool3, and RyanGDI
  22. Order of Defensive Security -> Elite Nations Alliance -> Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics -> Rising Sun Federation -> The Order of Righteous Nations
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