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Sir Kiloist

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Everything posted by Sir Kiloist

  1. Good to see this from you guys. Continue the good work.
  2. All I'ma say is I gave tech to DBDC and no one did a damn thing..
  3. Remember when we actually did this and ran everyone off because I got bored?
  4. One solution... Someone roll Atlas (hehe kinda funny saying that).
  5. Hmm, well.. Argent good pick up. GPF good choice. Best of luck and I hope this goes smoothly.
  6. I'm just saying kiss and make up already so I can sell tech to you to both sides so that you can do this again in about 11 months.
  7. Hmm... Lack of references in this.. Not an official announcement.
  8. This is promising. Good to see someone back in front who knows what to do. Best of luck moving forward.
  9. No, he is right. It was me who did it Bagel. I'm sorry.
  10. DT come see me when you need some tech, I think I found some I don't need.
  11. It's CN... We know what prolonged exposure to this game does to one's mind.
  12. Good fight everyone! I'd like to thank Invicta for kicking out shit in and a special shoutout to Shotgun Willy and Nascar for reminding me everyday in the early parts of the war. You've taught us a thing or two. o7 AFM o7 My side because holy fuck there are to many of you.
  13. *declares war on all allies of an alliance* this should stop that alliance from becoming a greater problem to us *ally of them gets hit* reaction to this becomes "how dare you" Did I read the thread right?
  14. It's definitely going to be the latter. Who let Jgoods run? Congrats on this J, I'll be sure to bother you more now.
  15. MI6 is being MI6.. I can say this. <3 ~ Agent Kilo Edit: I spelled me name wrong again.
  16. Everyone send 100 tech to DBDC after this war and let's see if we can't get Tywin's head to explode from the massive support to the "lulzist"
  17. I followed Emperor ReytheGreat for a while.
  18. Doch as always, you've hit the nail on the head when you attempt to. We've been shitty this war, although to call us the worst military when it was already known and discussed we'd do shit this war if we didn't get our original target, we were supposed to have declared 2 weeks before we did but kept getting told to hold off then literally hours before we declared we were pulled off and watched as our original target got little coverage for the sake of "escalation" (which I do plan on bringing up to those who brought the change and to be honest, I'm don't really care what they do/say about it because they know it was bullshit to do what they did and when they did it). What I'm about to say will seem like yet another excuse but look at it from the perspective that it isn't an excuse until you read it: When you tell your members to be on during this stretch and they do it but get told we aren't going to war the first time you know it's nothing really just a slight change (we were experiencing high levels of activity the first time), the second time we were going to go in we got maybe 5% less active than the first time, once again we were told not to go in due to some "recent developments" and had our target changed for the first time, going into the 3rd time (mind you it's been around 2 weeks since we were first supposed to enter at this point) we got switched off our target, Thanksgiving was coming up and the following week a lot of us had finals so we took a blow on our American membership activity (which makes up a good bit out of activity) factor that in with those who are foreign to America getting annoyed with the delays, that led to a large "we'll believe it when we see it" feeling even myself had this feeling. So we were ~72% active and had nations who were supposed to be in peace mode coming out (for whatever reason I don't know - this is where a lot of our damage comes from tbh). In all I've been saying since before the "worst military" thing started that we were performing very horribly and I'll be addressing this post-war. Anyway, I'm not saying we don't have reasons to be called the worst, but there are definitely reasons as to why that we couldn't really control. Overall, I'd accept being the worst because really like you have shown up above statistically we are. The moment I found out we were going to hit Invicta I told the upper government we were fucked and would get exposed, but there wasn't much we could do at that point.
  19. LPH wasn't the worst military in terms of what actually happened. We did fairly well considering every time we got hit, it was really flimsy reasons and like idk 5 nations getting hit by alliances with 20+ members (exception being Limitless Nexus - but had stonewall throwing nukes at our 5k ns nations) each time and the strongest nation (me at like 20k) was downdeclared on a nation that sold down like 10-20k ns to even hit the nation with a full wonder set when at the time I had only had like 4 wonders.
  20. As I said before, the moment they betray us as you all project they will, will be the moment we handle it. Until then, do take into account that Atlas and UCR have relations that do go way back to the early days of Atlas.
  21. It's been seven years already? Time flies by these days. Congrats on it Umbrella!
  22. Guess that means we have work to do. We'll be ready next time. I'm glad we are getting our teeth kicked in to be honest. I've learned a lot about prepping an alliance for war.
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