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Sir Kiloist

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Everything posted by Sir Kiloist

  1. Just wait until the messages to other members pour in "Your leader cares nothing for your alliance, come join us and we'll aid you."
  2. It's October... When do the big boys come in?
  3. It appears that Atlas is trying to win me over again... Congrats to Atlas good to see you accomplishing goals. Now avoid giving out CBs to people and you'll be fine. Then again considering the start of the alliance...anything you do is a positive. o7 Atlas o7 C&G
  4. At least Door Nail chose a name that fits..
  5. MI6 is trash for defending itself. Jeeze catch up man.
  6. Probably should have had a proof-read before you posted this... Under Expulsion it says, "A Sairse member" probably would want to at least spell your alliance name right in your charter :P
  7. Mmmmm, if there is one thing I love it's the word Saoirse and a good flag. I'm gonna have high standards just because of your name don't disappoint.
  8. Rey is mad he had a pretty good grip and went blind.
  9. Ahhh, now this is a thread... Rota's here, people bashing an alliance that disbanded 7 years ago, and the arbitrary NPO and NpO (among others) hatred carrying over. Regardless, these were good times. Miss both of these alliances.
  10. Post the other one! Show that Sir Kiloist of Last Hope Army prick who is boss.
  11. We are currently to stoned to actually declare war.
  12. Calling Rey out for being an idiot isn't even worth doing. We all know he is an idiot and that is why we love him.
  13. Damnit I leave for 5 minutes and you do this Rey... Maybe I should let you do stuff more often.
  14. I can't believe he actually thought you were serious about holding to that "agreement"...jeeze Tywin come on.
  15. Psh let's be real, we both can't afford that.
  16. You can't be saying Rotavele is even among us can you? After all, he was banned, right?
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