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Sir Kiloist

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Everything posted by Sir Kiloist

  1. Agent Kiloist.. I should pay money to have my name changed to this.
  2. My name is on this? Clearly, I am so important that even after retirement my name is needed to make things official. I need more and more every day. edit: Oh, I thought I saw my name in Myth's post but it didn't click in my head, clearly I'm not drunk enough yet. I'm trying to hang in there Myth haha.
  3. Well...this has went from pathetic to..well, just delete please.
  4. There this seems about more accurate. You are no one as well, I'd say Rey is more relevant than you if you find the need to constantly post about him and attack him but then claim he is a nobody. You lose, no matter how many times you attack his nation with one of your "alliance members" you only prove my point that much more. Just give up. Rey is hard headed, he'll never learn, have you seen how long he has been posting his shit?
  5. Where are my manners? I posted here but didn't post anything really towards the topic... Happy to finally see this. NPO certainly are good allies and I'm happy to have them with us. o7 NPO o7 Atlas
  6. Wow, the shit fest that this has turned into... Went from Rey trying to bring the best kitchen CN has had open in a while to Methrage chest thumping and trying to declare he is relevant by running nukes on CN's biggest nuke whore right now. Congrats Rey, you sir, have proven that everything you do is a sin.
  7. Hey, you learn to ignore him after a while.
  8. Oh no... Rey what have you done? The kitchen wasn't meant to be open, something like a health hazard or something.
  9. I tried to buy them and ended up with churches and thought it was a mistake on my part so I decom'd them and then noticed the bug.
  10. When I click on clinics, it takes me to the page to buy churches instead.
  11. Oh no...another alliance, been a lot of those lately... Best of luck, and good choice with protectors.
  12. Mmmmm I like this. Best of luck to you all. Long live el Presidente Franz.
  13. Now you know we have to get a history lesson once a week.. Edit: "I have the right to tell you what lead to the formation of Vox because I'm smarter than you are." Well Tywin when you are going to make a claim of being smarter than someone... Please use correct terms it bothers me when this is done wrong.. I assume you meant "led to the formation". Might wanna proof read next time, as you claim to be so smart and good at writing. ;)
  14. I'd like to see this make it happen. Just imagine the charter.
  15. While you have a valid point, there were quite a few of them (who I see in this new alliance) who were for the war. Many of the ones still in Guinness were not. I'd know as I was not only present for the talks but heard many different opinions.. However, as I previously said, you do have a very valid point, it is important to check with your members on why they feel a certain way/how they will feel. Unfortunately it appears one of the worse possible outcomes for Guinness has happened. While I say this with a bad taste in my mouth as no matter the reasons, you don't run away in war (especially if you posted it - could have got someone else for that), I wish SPA the best.
  16. Actually I'm not new. I agree it used to be more simply. I was being more of an ass hat than anything by my post.
  17. What the hell is this... Rey being civilized? 0/10
  18. I think I was born that way..."I'm not coming in" but somehow manages to anyway. If you don't care than don't bother yourself with it please. It's a simple request.
  19. So, what you are saying is, I can't be friends with Franz because he is attacking an ally? I never said I supported Franz or what LT was doing. Try again.
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