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Everything posted by Dcrews

  1. Ok look, everyone has pretty much agreed no one is an angel. Everyone has their demons, so any moral objection to IRON cannot be waged without appearing hypocritical. This means your motives are political. I honestly have no problem with that, use whatever arguments you must in order to succeed. Except, there is one thing, you're not succeeding. You and the rest of IRON's biggest critics had MONTHS to put yourselves in a position to act on your agendas and you tried. Following Disorder, you and your partners went on a tour of CN trying to rally the necessary support, preaching the same lines as quoted above along with a treasure trove of supposed reasons IRON should be rolled. You pulled every excuse out of the book even going as far as to drag examples so archaic that half of the people who actually took part in it aren't even around anymore. All of that work, all of that effort and what is the payoff? Instead of convincing their allies to cancel, IRON retained those allies and even found a number of relevant new ones. Instead of isolating IRON, they are in an even stronger position than they were previously, instead of succeeding in your endevour you failed. Maybe your failure is because IRON is better than you, maybe its because you didn't try hard enough, or maybe the alternative was so god awefully bad instead of convincing IRON's allies to cancel, you've been levied with a number of cancellations yourselves. Now we sit with the potential deciding conflict of the year on the precipitous and you guys are STILL toting the line? Thats either some praise worthy dedication or cringe worthy desperation. Tbh, I'm fine with sitting back and watching the same arguments over and over again, because they haven't worked and if the recent trends are any indication, you guys will eventually end up rolling yourselves.
  2. * Fellowship of the Wolves and yes, allies were informed and have agreed to carry the treaties over. Nice broadcast :)
  3. Ok, you seem to be new so I won't hold too much against you, but there are several points in your post that need to be addressed. You obviously do not understand the relationship between DBDC and DS. I'll let you slide on this one. Pm jokes are bad. See this Don't worry about it bro. But if you really want to http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=504308
  4. This graph almost makes up for you being out damaged by an alliance half your size. Congratz!
  5. Well, we can't have that. Have to enforce that standard at some point. OT- Yay stats
  6. Um, don't we know there isn't anyone who can stand on their high chair of morality and spew criticisms without looking like a hypocrite. Given enough someone can find an action taken by an alliance that lies in the grey area of the morality scale. Everyone's sh*t stinks, stop acting like yours doesn't.
  7. Looks like you may get to take the new treaty for a spin. Congratz
  8. I enjoy your analysis and your opinions of possible future events. I think it makes your report more interesting, its always nice to hear another opinion on different stuff that has or may happen. To those that are pressuring him: Please leave him alone.
  9. What everyone should be afraid of is the Lobster you cannot see O_O
  10. This is a neat idea, kudos for acting on it. I feel as if you need a credible alliance and then some to pull this off. Most alliances who are serious about their tech try to monopolize any credible sellers, so finding an untapped pool is going to be hard to find. You'll need to convince those neutral seller buddies of yours to take part. Also, 6/100 is way too generous. Should be 6/200 or 9/300. Good luck!
  11. Jesus, has it been two years already? Time really does fly. Happy Birthday Sengoku and congratz Rogal!
  12. I read the title and the comic, Rogal's wikki work will tell me the rest :P Congratz.
  13. I'm really surprised hart didn't make it. Guys must not get around much.
  14. Congratz Ginger, you've made pony lovers everywhere proud!
  15. Sorry Lowsten, but this had me dying.
  16. Very nice to see. Congrats you two.
  17. This is easily one of the best announcements of the year. Welcome back Europa.
  18. The comics might just make this thread of the year.
  19. I hope this cat thing doesn't become a trend. Really, we're better than this.
  20. I'm liking this, I'm liking this a lot.
  21. You guys didn't do yourselves a favor getting this much negative pr weeks after you doe.
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