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Everything posted by Dcrews

  1. How about you choose something more recent to harp on obessively. Bring back TWI, it was a lot more intresting.
  2. You're right, instead of keeping the entire upper tier in peace, you've evolved to keeping every tier in peace! Much progress, wow.
  3. Only if you were black out drunk for Grudge and Dave in which you employed the dove shield and the one man blitz repectively. TBF, if I were in Sparta during either of those wars, I'd drink myself silly too.
  4. AB is just so damn sexy, everyone wants a piece of her. I'm surprised you guys managed to declare any wars at all considering the whole peace mode all tiers doctrine you guys have going on.
  5. So much for not calling in allies. I knew it was propaganda, but its satisfying to have it etched in stone.
  6. I know you don't set Polaris policy now, but you're a public figure so I'll direct this at you anyways. I like how frank you are about your opinions. I also like how you would though any means to achieve your ends. That kind of dedication to something is rare. There is no bitterness from the alliances attacking you, nor contempt, just cold stone strategy. We're using the means available to use to deal with an obstacle in a war that was inevitable ever since the last one ended. You may not care for this explanation, and I don't really care if you don't. This is going to be a long war. Holding something in contempt for that long is unhealthy.
  7. As the Liquid Mercury rises, the snow levels fall. Who'd have thunk it. o/
  8. Wait, so I fight with Auto and I get comics? How did you know? o/
  9. Choosing our treaty to oA off of? I think I just found one more reason to love you guys. Burn them. o/
  10. Insert orange based humor here. Kick ass, ODN
  11. Wasn't a fan of a sanction war in Eq, not a fan of it now.
  12. Should be by ns instead of membership size. If you really want to show something have the magnitude be by tech.
  13. Guys, War for the Lulz. How is it not perfect?
  14. Every action has a reason behind it.
  15. That is a very nice image you guys have there.
  16. Mixed metaphor. Why does Polaris hate their puppies so much?
  17. Looking out for well being? No. Its more like seeing a puppy being kicked and watching as its owner sits back and tries not to get involved because he's afraid to get beat up.
  18. I have to agree with this. Yes, it helps to not hate an alliance you're treatied to, but alliances who treaty solely for friendship are doing it wrong. If there isn't a practical element behind it and if you aren't willing to use that element, you shouldn't sign it. It just so happens that my allies, are awesome. So there is some enjoyment out of them as well
  19. Your loss. I don't see why they would considering how expendable they seem to be to you.
  20. Its not a matter of conspiracy, its strategy, Yes, your strategy is to stay out of the war hoping the opposing coalition gets fed up and straight out attacks you so you can chain in a couple alliances who are on the fence.. Not a horrible strategy, but not a good one. What you're coalition doesn't seem to understand is your opposition is perfectly fine with dealing with the alliances already engaged. If you haven't been attacked already, chances are you won't, why? Strategy. Why would your opposition knowingly make this conflict harder for themselves by chaining in alliances who are not dead set against them. Stop playing dumb, you aren't dumb, you know the reasoning behind the targets and playacting an aloof fool doesn't really suit you. He can criticize it because its a strategy that has its obvious weaknesses. You're doing exactly the opposite of what you should have done when DS hit Invicta, hiding in your bear caves. Every day your alliances decides not to act, you are losing more and more capital. You're losing this war simply by not acting. As I point out above, your opposition is peachy keen with having your fighting forces divided, honestly it makes it a lot easier to destroy. You're giving your opposition free shots at your you without swinging, back. Once Aft has been rendered tactically irrelevant, you can be sure the targets will be adjusted, swing alliances or not, this war is happening. Shutting your eyes and pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away. And when your alliance is being besieged and you're scrambling for nations to throw back you'll end up regretting you let Aft fall without a single shot being fired in retaliation. Then we shall know who's strategy is truly foolish.
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