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Everything posted by Dcrews

  1. Nothing feels as right as fighting alongside you guys. Welcome to the war.
  2. Declare on all the alliances!!! *waives at ginger and iamthey #thefellowshiphungers
  3. Finally. Welcome to the shindig.
  4. Also, it was nice to hear your voice. Reading all of these posts in my own voice can be kind of boring sometimes
  5. FEAR-WP-Europa created BFF (bloc) some time ago. BFF (bloc) added NEW. FEAR-WP-Europa merged to form BFF (alliance) and BFF (bloc) disbanded. FEAR-WP demerged, BFF became LPH. FEAR-WP merged to form FTW. Thats the genral gist of things, lots of context isn't there of course, but the history is a bit more accurate :)
  6. Oh, wow. After looking your alliance list, I can't say I'm not a bit dissapointed. Who new MI6 would employ the infamous dove shield war strategy. Poor show chaps. Polar is showing more testicular fortitude during this war. If you're gonna defend someone try not to only do it in name only.
  7. Not gonna lie, until this morning, I had no idea you guys had a treaty with Sparta. Doesn't really change much, but theres a tid bit of useless info. Congratz on getting countered IRON, hit em back hard.
  8. Billy Madison was one of the favorite movies in my nation too.
  9. Can't have our buds in DoomSquad go cold. Tonight, you feast with wolves >:)
  10. Time to form another superbloc, we're going retro.
  11. Penedono, I missed you. Roll them Masons.
  12. Fangs and claws shall be bared. Blood shall flow, but our pack will prevail. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!!!
  13. Be proud of the nerdiness, thats what makes it special. I always end up laughing whenever I try to explain the game to someone XD
  14. I'd call what they're doing to Sparta the antithesis of futility!
  15. Here comes the BOOM!!!!1 IRON will show you why we don't need a decent blitz :smug:
  16. You're not strategically deploying your tiers, you're peacemoding every nation you can and putting up a token war effort. What is there to understand? Its a strategy Sparta is very familiar with in losing wars, so I can't honestly say I'm surprised. I'm not over-estimating anything. Your sphere failed to capitalized on its gains and oppertunities post war to pick and choose who you wanted to take out next, IRON or DBDC. You failed to do either and allowed your political betters help them find each other. Ever since then you've offended one group after another until you found yourself as the political underdog. My alliance was ready to declare on DBDC during Disorder to defend Valhalla if called upon. The fact they chose not to call us in was out of our control but we were ready to make that sacrifice and our allies would have rode with us. Another instance of failure to recognize an oppertunity. Now in part to your poor decision making, I am happily allied to them. Thanks a bunch Sparta :)
  17. The means to take down DBDC were readily available to you and your friends after Disorder, but in your incompetence and complacence you failed to sieze it. Your nations will get their ass kicked because their leaders didn't have the forsight to take care of a threat to them. In fact, you actively pushed people away right into their arms. Whether your top tier is completely destroyed every war is honestly up to you, no one is going to hold your hand and do it and Polar/Fark can only drag you along so far. Do not !@#$%* and moan about not being able to have a top tier, or criticize people for complaigning about your cowardice because at the end of the day the people holding you back are yourselves.
  18. You guys are doing the game a disservice :P. I actively try to recruit people I know irl.
  19. Yeah, no I'm not conceeding this point. Sparta has 20 nations over 100k, same as us. The only reason there aren't targets to fight is because your side is too scared to bring them out.
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