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Everything posted by Dcrews

  1. Yay, radiation. My lawn wasn't green enough, this shall do nicely :).
  2. Congratz to Osie and the rest of gov.
  3. Chickens are delicious oh, and feast on their souls NSO Salajol :ehm:
  4. Finally. Now we can stop talking about "next war"
  5. I like this, I like it a lot. Congratz.
  6. So, not everyone plans on following the gameplan just the ones who don't matter, gotcha. Might want to hold a extra team meeting or two, miscommunication like that could lead to avoidable self inflicted mistakes on the field Nice deflection, but you don't know me nearly enough to make that kind of personal attack. Try again, with feeling.
  7. If the instigating party wanted to be handed peace on a silver platter they should have considered the consequences before going on their Jihad. I mean most of the Jihadis will be deleting right? So what's the problem. :O Maybe they weren't planning to delete to start. Hindsight is 20/20. So, instead of crying about it (a fact I find soo ironic btw), fight until your opposition is tired of hitting you. You've racked up a lot of ill will with a lot of people and now that you've given them the opportunity it's time to reap what you sowed. Also, lol at the peanut gallery trying to discredit GOP, you guys are hilarious but your posts are definitely shifting the spotlight a bit, so kudos to that.
  8. Itt, people disregarding the validity of a person's argument and go for the personal jab. Never change owf.
  9. You all know you read that post in his voice. Don't deny it.
  10. Its an intriguing plan but I see problems you'll face trying to execute it. Nice try tho :)
  11. I agree with ya on that one bud, pink elephants are way worse than tits.
  12. Started to sound like a tit a long time ago. Bet you're starting to feel like an idiot right about now aren't you myth.
  13. Can't tell if serious or trolling, best to ignore either way.
  14. -Alls in a days work- Nice song ya got there Lannister, but I think you may have confused MK and MQ once or twice.
  15. I know a certain mason who's day has just been made.
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