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Sniper Joe

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Blog Comments posted by Sniper Joe

  1. It's not about whether or not she'll end up being a good artist or how cute she is or isn't. If she continues doing this stuff, her life is going to revolve around being a celebrity. She's never going to have a proper childhood or know what it's like to be a real person. Her personality, ego, and worldview could become hugely distorted and she could end up becoming a terrible human being. Other little girls will see what she's doing and want to be like her, furthering the insane American cult of celebrity and the false belief that everyone is special and talented that's led to the hugely swollen egos and superficiality and shallowness that plagues this generation.

    Her parents are sick for doing this to her and our society is sick for encouraging it.

  2. The US government suffers from the fact that the Balance of Powers requires compromise. This creates a problem that the definition of a compromise is that it is about right when everybody is equally unhappy. Coupled with elections every two years and ridiculously long campaigns for them, you have an ungovernable country.

    Seriously. The US presidential election cycle lasts about 18 months. Mid term elections about six months. That means of a 4 year term, 2 years are spent on the election cycle. You get 18 months grace after a presidential election, then six months campaign, then six months off, then 18 months presidential campaigning. It engineers the type of political stagnation that happens in proportional representation countries with multiple collapsing coalitions and elections whilst only having two parties. How can you make a compromise that will anger the people voting for you in primaries when you are going to be facing them in a few months time?

    I would say that given the length of time when campaigning takes place, and the time before that when representatives look over their shoulder at approaching elections, less than a third of a 4 year period is spent on governance rather than electioneering.

    Compare that to the UK with national elections that last 5 years, less issue over divide between lower and upper houses and see how more effective the government is at getting things done, and also the fact that parties are more willing to compromise on issues. Why? Because a decision 2 or 3 years into a parliament is unlikely to still be hurting them when the election campaigning starts at 4 1/2 years.

    As for political parties, they exist for the same reasons that companies exist. 10 people working together can do more than 10 people working as individuals. A candidate with a party behind them has funds to research policy options, create campaign strategies etc etc. A MP from the Labour party can use their parties think tanks to draw policy on every conceivable issue without having to research every issue on their own-an impossible task.

    Maybe being a politician should be seen as a service you do for others and not a career, and they should aim to do the right thing instead of the popular thing.

    That'll happen.

  3. As much of a pessimist as I am, I must say that these are the only sorts of events you really hear about. You don't generally see news stories about human kindness; sensationalist stories about horrible acts of cruelty get ratings and sell newspapers. So, maybe, our perceptions of the world are distorted in a negative fashion by stories like this, and things aren't as bad as we're led to believe.

    Or maybe I'm full of !@#$.

  4. Being government in an alliance you're not a member of is totally normal, shut up Gibs.

    Let me put this another way. King Kaiser is currently flying the New Sith Order alliance affiliation. That means that he is a member of the New Sith Order, or at the very least not a member of Legacy. Legacy either has an NSO member or a ghost/rogue as their head of foreign affairs. You think if, say, a member of Invicta's government joined SOS to fight NG while Invicta was still claiming them as a member and member of government that people wouldn't raise a big stink over it and view it as Invicta providing military support to SOS? Legacy isn't even allied to NSO, so it's even worse.

    Don't make dumb comments about Invicta or SOS either, that isn't the issue. Replace the examples if you like.

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