Sophia Grace - Girls Just Gotta Have Fun
So another kid with rich parents has made a !@#$%* music video. This time, its NOT from Ark Music Factory. Apparently, the producers are "Modern Artists Creative".
So the girl in question, is Sophia Grace. She's 6. At least, I think she's 6. I heard somewhere she might be 10. Either way, she's too young. She looks like a kid from Toddlers & Tiaras. Anyway, so the video begins with Sophia telling us to get our "choo choos" on if we're listening to the radio, whatever the $%&@ that means. Sophia begins rapping (which, by the way, has been autotuned to the point she sounds like a robot), to what can barely be described as "music". It's more on the line of a method of torture. Then we- ah, screw it, I was planning to make this a full review, but I can't listen to it anymore to critique it. So here's the link if you want to subject your ears to this pain.
PS: I don't have anything against Sophia. It's not her fault she's spoiled. I hate her parents who made her this way and the producers who made this monstrosity. They deserve the blame.
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