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Everything posted by Farnsworth

  1. I think that's more or less what he was implying. So, about this thread, it's been quite enjoyable and informative... it'd be interesting to see some post-war updates. For example, one week after peace, one month, two months, etc. Anybody else agree?
  2. We couldn't keep fighting until 4 April? Ugh. Weak. Very weak hippie stuff.
  3. Yes, good addition. Agree with the 2 posts above (denser bars look better, halfway marker would be nice). o/ Gopher
  4. I'd vouch for you to join DT. You're rather interesting, if at times overly opinionated and undiplomatic. Besides, we at DT have demonstrated a willingness to tolerate people being individuals (UnknownSmurf, et al). I mean, we have our limits (see: Tom Riddle), but we're a fairly tolerant group. Heh.
  5. Ask Me Anything EDIT: Wait, were you srs? lol. ;-)
  6. Is North Korea a South Korean Survivor-like reality show? If you were a balding man's toupee, upon whose noggin would you prefer to perch?
  7. Oh, apparently I forgot to bandwagon with the obligatory inquiry into your willingness to vouch for inquirers. So, yeah, would you? Interestingly, TOP was on the short list of alliances I considered joining in the past -- after my exit from VE and then briefly when departing Symphony. Others considered were NoR, MK, and FAN. I like quite a few from TOP and have a long history with the likes of Lum, Megamind, SGC, and the recent convert Ardus, among others. So, yeah, I think I'd enjoy it there, but I am happy with my decisions to have helped found Symphony and then later migrate to DT. One more: What update to game mechanics would you most like to see?
  8. Assuming TOP had no members interested in governing, and you were charged with selecting outsiders to fill the various government positions, who would you choose? Oh, and half of your choices should be from allied/friendly alliances and half from other spheres, however prominent or peripheral.
  9. Hey, Smurf... where have you been? The forums have been a bit dull lately, you know... Thanks for posting! <3
  10. Cool story, Bro. How about you let them relay the message, as at least one has already done.
  11. I heard that it's because TTE got jealous about UCoN having DT's babies. Idk, maybe the Pope is not Catholic... o/ UCoN
  12. Pearl Harbor (Alchemy) also gets honorable mention. If you check out our war page, the stats don't reveal how good he was doing. I was lucky with my SDI and the SDI of another co-attacker. Also communicated via PMs a bit - very cordial.
  13. Since the forums are so rampant with mean-spirited vitriol and propagandistic half-truths, and rather light on a more good-natured banter, it seems this thread (which is somewhat of a tradition, iirc) is long overdue. So, yeah, if you're reading this, you're probably decently active and a right-good fighter. There's no need to boast of your conquests in this thread (pick any of the other threads for that). Let's use this thread to honor those that are giving as good (and sometimes better) than they are getting. I'll start. Of those I've fought the following have proven very capable fighters: Jesse James (TSO) - The damage in our war reached nearly 32k NS and he did nearly 17k damage while I did nearly 15k. It was a high ranking war in damage totals at the beginning of the war (and war stats tracking). He was highly active and proved difficult for us to coordinate against. This was my first war in this war, and the first war that I've been active for. It was an "up-declare" on my part, as I was itching to join the war despite a dearth of war slots in my range at the time. Metal Joe (Alchemy) - This war reached over 19k, with me taking 11k of that damage. After scanning the other thread titles, I didn't notice a shout-out thread. Feel free to lock this thread and point me in the right direction if I have simply overlooked it.
  14. We're talking about a war and these are war stats -- it's nothing if not political. The difference in the names isn't whether one is political or not. One side chose their name to describe their goal, while the other chose theirs - at least in part - to belittle the other side.
  15. Aside from swelling someone's ego, is there another reason to post on these forums?
  16. Congrats to UCON on peace! For a small, young alliance with ties on both sides (more ties to Equilibrium's side, in fact), it's indeed unfounded for some to criticize you over this. Besides, your exit has received the blessing of the ally you entered to defend. What more can they expect? Oh, yeah, sorry, you weren't invited to the victors' party. That might be source of your delusion. In other news, our front has been mostly civil, but I'll be sure to file your comment under unnecessarily snarky.
  17. Hokay, good to know. Thanks for putting all this together, as always!
  18. Gopher, unless I'm overlooking it, it seems DT's wars have been left out of the active wars spoiler. Granted our number of wars has dropped over the past week as some of those fighting move to peace mode to restock nukes, but we're still in the war... The Dark Templar (9) & The Order of the Paradox (0) -- 8 nations on the TOP AA, and 1 that's a hopper. The Dark Templar (1) & Alchemy (0) So, yeah, like a said, we're not exactly in full force at the moment, but not altogether absent either.
  19. Looking good, GLoF! Thanks for the shout-out! Classy announcement is classy. Props and kudos to GLoF for their efforts. Not singling anyone out, but if everyone in Equilibrium put in effort proportional to GLoF's, the other side would be feeling considerably more pressure. I concur with prior posts regarding the civility displayed and enjoyment had on our front with TOP & friends.
  20. This has been an interesting read. Seems like a good suggestion in the above post, too. Also, it'd be nice to see these stats drop to the 50-60k range, though I know that may get into more effort. This thread, admittedly titled "Upper Tier Tracking Thread", has been one of the more consistent, interesting, and objective to emerge in the stat discussion, and thus seeing the conversation here expand to include what may be considered the mid-tier would be appreciated.
  21. Haha... so true! It's unlikely that a nation his size in DT would see war (unless seeking it out). And even then, damage done to a nation that size is completely undone with even just a few aid transfers. I guess that's too difficult to figure out or understand.
  22. With your endorsement, NAO is destined to achieve the impossible. Interpret that how you will. Yes, releasing all the transcripts is sure to make sense of this situation. Please elaborate. As a masochist, I enjoy your posts. This is the real reason I'm posting in this thread again. I saw that Ubuntu was posting in the Tom Riddle thread... It's interesting, I think, to see the intentionally lulzy mix with the unwittingly lulzy.
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