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King Louis the II

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Everything posted by King Louis the II

  1. great victory Legion. You gained your respect back. My best wishes .
  2. [quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1320459798' post='2839222'] We asked for a straight surrender. The only stipulation is that NSO admits defeat. Since we're widely held to be WAE ('Worst Alliance EVAR' as the kids would say), surrendering to us would stick in NSO's craw more than they'd ever want to admit. Thus, 1 month of beatdown for NSO. Tetris refuses to abandon their allies, NSO, on the field so they're stuck too. The Legion won this one. Everybody knows this. So, for our sins (i.e., winning this) we're gonna get rolled. [/quote] Whatever happens, you guys got your honour back. kudos for that.
  3. As an outsider, my perception is that is not Legion that is extending the war. I guess they are not asking for reps or anything. Is pretty clear that NSO and Tetris lost. It happens, why not admit it, clean the dust and rebuild.
  4. Thats another very interesting treaty. Congrats to both alliances
  5. I am kind of short of money so [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_MR4tE32xDSU/TK0kS9AQ8BI/AAAAAAAAD1Y/DRFROP-GHy8/s1600/r2d2.jpg[/img]
  6. looking the OP now, after all these months, I wonder if your opinion of XX havent changed. It looks to me that time proved you wrong my friend.
  7. Very interesting... Very interesting indeed. Congrats Terran Empire, Congrats CCC
  8. Sad to see. Good luck to our brothers in R&R Good luck for you to IRON.
  9. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1319007116' post='2828526'] [img]http://stores.sundaycouponclippers.com/catalog/resolve%20carpet.jpg[/img] Thanks, it does a good job looking after my carpet. [/quote] You prove his point in an undeniable way. And think again about what he said (if you are capable of it) and you wiil see that it is not demeaning to NSO.
  10. Man, we went through some rolling costers together. I am really sad to see you go.
  11. Enjoy the break Ego, Clngrats Bambi and Demonspawn Long life to our brothers!
  12. [quote name='Crusty Juggler' timestamp='1318558660' post='2824402'] To be fair so was Rok. [/quote] Do you really think this people care about what is "fair" my friend?
  13. Congrats OBR and TTE long life to your partnership.
  14. Congratulations and good luck ! and by the way I liked the flag! My best regards.
  15. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1317912517' post='2818486'] All I got out of this was crappy metaphors and that even Sparta realized you were an idiot. Congrats on the WoT? [/quote] You being butt hurt and being aggressive without using reason just reinforces your lack of arguments and/or capacity of debate.
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