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Everything posted by AvengingAngel256

  1. Congrats on the Mergers Guys and good luck with it!
  2. Agreed with MB. And I think this election was such a furious one because there were three such excellent and well qualified candidates. Congrats Dynasty on Winning! Great issue as always guys. Kudos to the DP Staff!
  3. Good luck to all those in the contest. A Special Good Luck to our Friends in Sparta
  4. Congratulations again on the RoK GO treaty. Great alliances, glad to see you two getting together.
  5. Congrats on the Protectorate agreement to both The Rokkers and those in ERA. Here's a toast to hoping both alliances benefit from the relationship!
  6. Interesting Idea. Trimming the fact has been an issue over at mha as well but I don't think there'd be enough support for militarily cutting them out. Good Luck with the transition, hope ROK benefits from it.
  7. that's a nice lookin treaty you guys got there. Also Kudos to whoever made that shmexy graphic in the OP. beautiful.
  8. Guys, stop derailing what should be a thread of congratulations Congrats to IRON for their Fourth Birthday! Good luck in the next four.
  9. You guys sure do put out a great newsletter. Great Articles, and Congratulations on (nearly) completing your reparations! We at MHA expect to be battling you guys for number one sometime soon!
  10. Times change and people grow apart, but I'm glad we're not totally going our seperate ways. As Unpronounced said, feel free to drop by anytime NATO, and good luck in the future mhail NATO!
  11. Congrats to everyone in the corporation for rebuilding back up to 1 Mil NS. Now onwards to 2 Mil!
  12. Congrats to those elected into Gov, And Congrats on the New Charter! Goo Luck to you guys in the future!
  13. Sad to see the disbanding announcement, but CSN are cool fellows so congrats with the merge
  14. [quote name='Ejayrazz' date='11 April 2010 - 11:59 AM' timestamp='1271001532' post='2256375'] Wow. Good to know we publicly condemn people for admitting they were wrong. You might not like them, but at least they have balls to admit their mistakes which nearly half of you and your alliances fail to do. (Particularly a few posting here) I understand not liking someone or an entity for being idiots, but at least have the common sense to acknowledge someone respectfully for doing something right. They had nothing to prove with this apology, it was made because the op clearly knows mistakes were made in the past which many of you are quick to jump on them for; well, they're "doing it right," and apologizing [i]is an action[/i]. ADI, I am not too proud of your past either, but good luck in the future. You're doing this right, hopefully you continue to follow this example further down the road; thus, not requiring apologies at all later down the road. Just my 2 cents. [/quote] Listen to this guy, He seems like He might be somewhat intelligent ADI may have done things in the past that no one's agreed with but here they're acknowledging those mistakes and attempting to move forwards. You should at least show them some respect for trying to change their past image and move forward from it. ADI; Good luck to you guys in the future.
  15. Congrats on the Treaty and Good Luck to Both alliances in the future.
  16. Great Job and congrats on 1 Mil NS Guys! Onwards to 2 Mil!
  17. I was too distracted by Biazt's Avatar to notice what this was about, what's going on again? By Now CSA is down to 3 Members, Good luck with the war I guess, not sure you'll need it.
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