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Everything posted by AvengingAngel256

  1. A step in the right direction I guess. Good luck in the future in turning things around ADI.
  2. Congrats to those newly elected into positions. Good Luck to TOP in the coming months.
  3. [quote name='Valtamdraugr' date='08 April 2010 - 07:53 PM' timestamp='1270770785' post='2253556'] I got lost somewhere in the middle, but I did read that you gave Cable a job...oh you poor fools. <3 [/quote] What? Is it a bad Idea to trust him with that? Cus we actually signed over the whole Alliance to him. Cable's going to be announced the new god-emperor of mha along with some new charter changes. lol. Also to those in TOP & Co; Can we not make this another 30 page long Mha/Top argument and just say there were problems on both sides, leave it at that and wish each other well? enough already jeese.
  4. Dangit Dynasty! You even got me with that joke! I read it and started freaking out like "Why the heck didn't I hear about this? ahhh!" lol Great Issue (as always) besides that scytale. WCR: I mean I said it all in your farewell thread in MHA, but you were [i]THE[/i] Hitchhiker. If you read this I wish you luck wherever you go, and know you'll always have a home in MHA.
  5. Again, Good Luck with the New Alliance Guys!
  6. [quote name='masterbake' date='07 April 2010 - 10:49 PM' timestamp='1270694943' post='2252587'] My guess is that this is emily. [/quote] I could see it... but who knows?
  7. That's Interesting... Switching from One Protector to another who was up until recently on the complete over side of this whole shin dig, and then on top of that to someone who had dropped a protectorate treaty because they couldn't protect Krynn anymore... Well Good Luck to you guys I suppose. IRON are classy folks, (Well, a good bunch of them are) you guys will have some fun together.
  8. Congrats on the yearlong anniversary. Good luck in the next year to come.
  9. Congrats on the treaty to our Friends in Sparta and to the Asgaardians as well.
  10. [quote name='KagetheSecond' date='02 April 2010 - 02:28 AM' timestamp='1270193275' post='2245181'] Welp. Admins win April fools day. [/quote] Agreed haha, Good Luck Admins!
  11. Congratulations on attaining the role of overseer mike, and congrats to the rest who've gotten positions in Gov. Good luck to Zenith in the future with re-building.
  12. Sorry to see allies part, good luck to both alliances in the future.
  13. finally a hearty mhail to DF! and our harmful brothers in mostly harmful alliance!
  14. [quote name='ajaxpenny' date='23 March 2010 - 08:32 AM' timestamp='1269351136' post='2234167'] I wish MHA the best of luck in their future travels through the galaxy. There's not much to say here anymore. As per usual, it seems that communication breakdowns and misunderstandings caused mutual misconceptions of the goals and aspirations of both alliances. This treaty should either have been canceled earlier when TOP and Gre were failing to bridge their divide or we should have gathered by some sunny beach and frolicked and partied until we knew each other once again in the best of ways. The fact that neither happened, and that we were both willing to live with this half fulfilled and not necessarily happy relationship, proved to be a mistake by both alliances. [/quote] I think you and Jerdge should just win the award for classiest blokes [ooc: in this thread.] (Not to discount others who should get honorable mention, not everyone was throwing %$#% around) Thanks for the well wishes and despite heated words exchanged following this announcement, I along with many in MHA do wish TOP the same well wishes. good luck to you guys in the future. Edit: grammar
  15. Congrats on the promotion Peron, Good Luck to you and IRON in the future, you guys have put up a tough fight (and continue to do so), gotta give credit where it's due. Good Luck in leading IRON in the coming days. [quote name='peron' date='21 March 2010 - 11:25 PM' timestamp='1269231904' post='2232893'] I officially declare war on the entity known as "Real Life." Whose with me? [/quote] I'd stand by you in that war, let's do it. Let's plan for an update quad attack on Real Life tonight at update.
  16. [quote name='Geoffron X' date='22 March 2010 - 02:08 PM' timestamp='1269284869' post='2233356'] It's still redundant, not because of any overlap with UJW, but because it's nothing more than a statement of "We won't attack you unless we have a reason to attack you." Which most alliances don't need a doctrine for! [/quote] I think you might want to re-read the third clause. It's not "unless we have a reason to attack you", it's "Unless you attack us". So GGA will not engage any alliance on green unless that alliance should attack GGA (or one of it's allies) first.
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