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Everything posted by AvengingAngel256

  1. good luck to both sides. Hopefully things can be resolved soon.
  2. Congrats on the Merger guys! A big MHAil from your brothers in mha! o/ Gramlins o/ Filipino Heroes
  3. [quote name='Cormalek' date='09 March 2010 - 01:20 PM' timestamp='1268159103' post='2219455'] This document should be a good tool in a way towards might. Also - I like the whole feudal scheme, so points for that. We don't get knighted in democracy [/quote] Agreed with this, I like the Idea of the Feudal System where more active members get the higher ranks. Often times in a democracy people get into positions they don't deserve (or rather they can't handle), this seems like a pretty cool Idea with the Paladins/Cavaliers/Knights etc. although not to sound like a "Boo Democracy" person, Democracy's got it's perks over fuedalism too. Hope this system works out for you guys!
  4. Congrats on the New Gov and Charter, Good Luck to GGA in the Future.
  5. Sad to see friends parting, but I'm sure it will work out for the best for both. Good luck to both NEW and WAPA in the future!
  6. [quote name='Newhotness' date='07 March 2010 - 01:27 PM' timestamp='1267986706' post='2216999'] well, yes and no. If something happens and ADI threatens to attack whoever messed with you guys they may think, "oh whatever its just ADI, we can take em". but if ADI says, "ADI and her allies are going to attack you" theres a little more incentive to back off because you dont want to fight ADIs larger allies, and not necessarily ADI itself. If someone were to mess with a RoK or VE protectorate, for example, and Hoo or Impero says back off, youre more likely going to do it because of the size of the protector alliance. Theres no need for them to bring in allies in most cases. [/quote] That might be so, But as kulomascovia said before, It's unlikely an alliance Stronger than ADI would want to attack ERA [quote name='Newhotness' date='07 March 2010 - 01:27 PM' timestamp='1267986706' post='2216999']But to your other point, yes a protectorate is also there to help teach the protected alliance and help them grow and build a strong lasting relationship. So good luck with that[/quote] Agreed with this however. Congrats to ERA on the protectorate, and Congrats to ADI on having a little buddy to look out for. Good Luck to both alliances in the future.
  7. Ouch, Sorry to hear guys. Good Luck with the New Forums!
  8. Congrats to SkyGreenChick in her sucession of Avernite. Congrats also to Jenko and Benevlan for their Promotions!
  9. Congrats to all those elected, and those promoted as well!
  10. Tomato Beer? Gee Rosss. But That Dundee Honey Brown looks yummy
  11. Congrats to everyone for their winning their respective elections, And Kudos (and much respect) on the Non-Chaining Clause.
  12. [quote name='Thorgrum' date='24 February 2010 - 09:08 AM' timestamp='1267020728' post='2201398'] The issue isnt defense any more, its calcualted losses. As much as I detest reading the same speech from janova over and over (and wasting his personal capital in the process), part of what he is saying is true. You boys (TOP side) are now the defender without the technicality of declerations. Its been pretty much established by LM that the preemption was a mistake based on miscalculations of what Polar would do and TOP and co are paying for it. However this dosent mean CnG should accept peace on anything but thier own terms, hopefully those terms will be something in the middle of harsh and white peace. Good luck FOK this Gramlin loves you guys [/quote] hear hear cheers FOK!
  13. [quote name='alkicker' date='19 February 2010 - 11:18 AM' timestamp='1266596287' post='2192091'] Don't make false accusations and not show proof to back it up. What was so dishonhonorable? Oh yeah using our spies. I remember you guys saying it was just like getting nuked. I see the similarity in that. And having a nuclear nation at 4500k ns nuking non nuclear nations is Honorable. Here's my proof. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=255725 http://www.cybernations.net/message.asp?ID=48927467 Anyway good fight Mha And fok. Had fun sending those pm's to you. And good job to our allies. Now hopefully others will put an end to this conflict so everybody can start to rebuild. Thanks again for a good fight. [/quote] [quote name='scutterbug' date='19 February 2010 - 11:21 AM' timestamp='1266596502' post='2192097'] I think it was more to the point of the BS messages you guys were spamming all our members with trying to claim our leaders are facists and all the other lies they contained ;D [/quote] this and Plus don't go complaining about Nuke Nations Nuking Non-Nuclear Ones, I'm a Non-Nuclear Nation and I've been nuked twice, My Non-Nuke Flightmate was nuked 5 times, It happened on both sides of the war buddy. That being said, No Grudges held, mcxa put up a good fight, Good luck to you all in the future.
  14. Awesome Fight to everyone involved! Good luck in the future mcxa, nadc, echelon!
  15. Let's have fun guys, Good luck to y'all and be sure to come around for a round of pan galactic gargle blasters after the war's over!
  16. o/ TsarN Show um how Gramlins do it. I think you'll find that the grams aren't put down so easily and it's not empty talking.
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