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Everything posted by AvengingAngel256

  1. [quote name='pasquali' date='03 February 2010 - 10:40 AM' timestamp='1265211635' post='2156587'] This brings me no pleasure - I have always considered Gramlins to be friends of the highest caliber, and I have fought alongside them in the past (ironically enough, against IRON). However, just because they (along with a large majority of Planet Bob) have no use or respect for treaties does not mean Old Guard feels the same way. It is entirely within their soveriegn rights to attack whoever they want for whatever reason they want. Old Guard, however, gave their word in a treaty that they would defend IRON against unprovoked attacks, and we take our word very seriously. The Gramlins attack was not triggered by any similar mutual defense agreement. IRON did not attack Gramlins, nor any identifiable Gramlins ally (namely MHA), so there was no provocation. Therefore, Gramlins chose to attack IRON aggressively, much as IRON chose to attack C&G aggressively. Whether we agree with the larger war or not, whether we like Gramlins or not, whether we get pounded into dust or not, we take our words and our treaties seriously. To my opponents - I would gladly help rebuild you when the dust settles. For now, though, I will do my absolute best to turn your nations into parking lots. War is hell. [/quote] I think you're mistaking the Gramlins move to a paperless system for disrespect for treaties. Am I getting that right? Well... No. I'll just let you know, Gramlins respect treaties, but what they respect more is friendship. Their friendship with MK is their treaty. Their Friendship with MK is the CB for their declaration in defending MK from their agressor.
  2. [quote name='Duncan King' date='03 February 2010 - 10:11 AM' timestamp='1265209879' post='2156538'] No, actually, I think I'm right. MHA and GRE have two separate forums, two separate AAs, and two separate charters. Until GRE canceled all of its treaties but MHA's, they also had two separate banks of allies. You can claim "Harmlins, Harmlins" all you want, but as long as separate charters, forums, and AAs exist, you are [b]not[/b] the same alliance. However, you're right, I do need to clarify something. MHA had no treaty with anyone actually attacked by IRON, the only treaty that MHA [b]could[/b] have declared with without bandwagoning was the oA part of the MDoAP with Fark (Fark are allies of CSN). But that's not what happened. MHA attacked without a treaty at all and Fark declared based on their MDoAP with MHA. Being ever the good followers, GRE declared with MHA. [/quote] Yes we are seperate alliances but We ride together. Enemies of Gre are enemies of Mha and vice versa. Their friends are our friends and our friends are their friends. GRE was defending MK, and MHA fights with GRE. GRE didn't declare with MHA, it was the otherway around, you're right in saying that mha don't have any direct treaties with those IRON declared on but GRE does and harmlins fight together.
  3. [quote name='Shamshir' date='03 February 2010 - 09:54 AM' timestamp='1265208882' post='2156512'] I think we have to once again explain this no treaty lark... To Old Guard, i'll see you fellows on the battle field. Maybe you'll be a tad more adventurous than IRON [/quote] I'l explain it for ya shammy [quote name='Duncan King' date='03 February 2010 - 09:37 AM' timestamp='1265207862' post='2156486'] I don't recall hearing that IRON attacked MHA. GRE has no allies other than MHA and GRE only attacked IRON because of their MDoAP with MHA. But there's something I ought to tell you: I'm not left handed either. [/quote] Gramlins have gone to a paperless treaty system. They won't be entangled by the great mess that is the treaty web. Instead they will choose whose aid they come to based on friendship alone, not a piece of paper that says they must. GRE came to MK's defense because of the mutual friendship the two have for one another. So: Iron attacks MK GRE attacks IRON MHA are GRE's Harmlin Brothers and we ride together. SO the Harmlin declaration on IRON was in defense of MK, Not an Agressive War.
  4. [quote name='erikz' date='03 February 2010 - 09:11 AM' timestamp='1265206267' post='2156429'] I'm not sure to laugh or cry. IRON must be very desperate. The Härmlins on the other hand will be glad someone more competent @ battle won't be able to fill up their slots anymore. Good luck MHA, I doubt you guys need any luck tho. [/quote] Thanks Erikz and to you as well! How are you guys doing on your end of the fight?
  5. Good luck to gga, Onwards Hitchhikers! To victory!
  6. [quote name='fallin' date='02 February 2010 - 11:21 PM' timestamp='1265170889' post='2154512'] I note that the testicular fortitude required to declare war on the other partner of the Harmlins isn't present. I note that keenly. [/quote] They don't need to say it. An Attack on our Gramlin Brothers is an attack on the MHA as well. Harmlins are our Brothers, we stand side by side.
  7. I have Cattle/Furs, If Judah has to drop out for any reason, keep me in mind. Nation: Awesomeland
  8. I'm Cattle and Furs, I realize this is already filled, but keep me in mind if Derailer has to drop out for any reason because I have the same resources as he does. If you need me. Cattle/Furs, http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=300553
  9. I would join circle 4, but my resource slots (cattle, furs) are already filled. Either way, Consider me as a replacement if anyone drops out. Nation: Awesomeland http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=300553
  10. Yea , It took like 3 days, I got the bonus. thanks.
  11. Hey, Just registered to post this question about the link offer, About How Long is the turnaround until your link is validated and how will you know that it was? (Aside from 300k magically showing up in your Cash)
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