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Everything posted by Daimos

  1. Here I am thinking we will be in this war via TPF not the other way around haha. Anyway, finally a war worth fighting for. HooRah!
  2. The war against NPO is of paranoia. Hence I enter the name The Paranoid Wars.
  3. I never expected Archon to sponsor an unprovoked war….Regardless, by trying to kill us you give us reason to continue to live…
  4. VE & allies vs NpO and allies...to obvious?
  5. “Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.” Goodluck NpO.../salute
  6. An alliance currently considered the top dog in CN not sanction? There is something wrong with that.
  7. Congratulations to TPF a true ally in my eye. Congratulations to STA a classy alliance in my opinion.
  8. Karma War hands down! My first introduction to CN warfare. Was bum that I was on vacation during the initial stage of the war. Came back with my nation already in anarchy. Pacifican bank got me up fast though and I was able to play against some Voxians, Rokkers and Viridian nations. Fun times! Cannot wait for the next war.
  9. I am surprise no one has started a thread on whom MK are going to end up allied with. To soon?
  10. I agree on Branimir’s assessments. MK is dumping a lot of baggage. MK is realigning with what MK perceive as their equal or/and respect. I will be surprise if an alliance like Athens will be in this new bloc with MK. I always viewed Athens as a crutch to MK. Time to spread your wings Athenians, your momma is letting you fly away to be your own. Make them proud and try to make a mark.
  11. Alliances I rather not have to engage militarily: TOP Polar STA Alliances I will gladly go to war against: RoK Sparta Athens
  12. For NPO to hold it together after Karma when everyone else would understand if it fell apart...that is true strength.
  13. [quote name='King Chill I' timestamp='1281534808' post='2411082'] You guys are all blind if you cant see it. The obvious answer is UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER. [/quote] Heh you beat me to it.
  14. [quote name='Wabooz' timestamp='1281465500' post='2409968'] Hmm Viking vs Sith poetry. I can get behind that. [/quote] a Viking...battle craze beserker who terrorize Cybernation or a Sith...a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force. WHO IS DEADLIEST!?
  15. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281398805' post='2408664'] I would defend my ally. I understand that this concept is lost on you. Seriously, you guys need an mhawk to show you how it's done properly. Self-serving cowards, the lot of you. [/quote] Invicta have proven they are a great ally to its allies. That is all that matters. I for one am proud to be allied with them.
  16. [quote name='Tungsten' timestamp='1281373731' post='2407795'] Bias? On Planet Bob? Dear lord, say it isn't so! [/quote] There a few people I find who would make unbias posts regardless of their alliance affiliation (at least so far). Ironically enough one of those people I consider, resides in your alliance.
  17. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281312879' post='2405387'] I doubt very much that the NSO's treaties include a "request for help" clause. Thus I'm going to conclude that any treaty partner not defending the Legion of Brown is led by lying cowards. [/quote] Guess I was wrong about you. What a bias comment.
  18. Including a person's sig without his consent strikes me us uncommon.
  19. This thread has gotten a bit stale since the king of Sparta stopped posting imo.
  20. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1280430219' post='2394215'] Do you know Lord of the rings? [/quote] You got me there. I liked the “The Two Towers” in LOTR.
  21. You know in any trilogy, the first has always been the best:) Am lucky enough to be still a member of Pacifica.
  22. The more treaties we have the safer we feel. Let us all admit it. We are the problem why we have so many treaties.
  23. This forum provides more entertainment than the game itself. Yes we need more like Corinan and alliances like the NSO.
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