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Everything posted by Daimos

  1. [quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280416645' post='2393963'] Perhaps all the displaced nations from the disbanded alliances could be entered into a draft, kinda like in pro sports. Of course then we'd have to figure out how to determine which alliance gets the #1 draft pick and so on. [/quote] Well in pro sports, worst record get's the first pick. Which alliance get's the number one pick? heh
  2. Invicta = Stay. I do not think Invicta embraces NPO's culture. So a merge is not possible. Invicta is just very honorable alliance who does not abandon their friends regardless of the opinion of the majority. NPO is lucky to be allies with them. Sparta = Stay. Certainly not boring and have very active members in the OWF forum. I find their king...entertaining.
  3. Kingzog for what it's worth. Some of us are grateful for sharing these logs to the NPO. I do not believe you hate the NPO. Indifferent, absolutely. Hate no. In regards to turning this to Drama numero uno...well we all know anything that has NPO on it has the potential of becoming EPIC...so you are on the right track.
  4. Ok, less post on the morality, advantages, and disadvantages of tech raiding. That is not the issue here. Stick to the OP's issue. It is a much more interesting read. One thing I am not quite clear yet. Who's idea is this raid? Do we have a name of this person?
  5. Going to be looking for trades! Welcome to the neighborhood Invicta and NAC.
  6. It is going to be a combination of all the above except scenario 4. Micro AA war getting out of control resulting to a Tech raid gone wrong, resulting to C&G/SF dispute with NPO choosing a side fueled by Pacifican revenge
  7. [quote name='The Rainwood' date='16 July 2010 - 11:29 AM' timestamp='1279294124' post='2374509'] I looked at the new treaty web. That...I have no idea what that says. Even if I found out that the NPO were still the bad guys, how am I supposed to tell who the good guys are? Actually, just tell me what alliance I should join if I want to fight bad guys. Thanks for your time. [/quote] If you only knew the power (clenched fist) of the Dark Side...Join me, and I will complete your training.
  8. Lando the face of Supergrievances eh? Please tell me this is true...chuckle.
  9. Congratulations MK well played so far... [quote name='TheNeverender' date='12 July 2010 - 06:10 PM' timestamp='1278972629' post='2368538'] we do not seek to infringe upon the sovereignty of our friends or allies. [i]Archon[/i] [b]King of the Mushroom Kingdom[/b] 07/12/2007 - 07/12/2010 and beyond [/quote] Easier said than done. Some of your friends and allies are more than capable of making a political blunder. If you do not intervene, they will drag you and your beloved alliance to rubble. Someday you will be face with a decision similar to the movie "Of Mice and Men". You are George and some of your friends and allies are Lennie.
  10. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' date='15 July 2010 - 01:53 AM' timestamp='1279173166' post='2372451'] While I personally don't think an apology was necessary, that which you gave is respectful and in good taste. Disappointing to see that it resulted in Vesalius being removed though. [/quote] Kronos admitted it was a mistake, a greater mistake would have been to not do anything about it. Good show Kronos.
  11. My money is on GOD due to recent events and Athens due to past events.
  12. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' date='15 July 2010 - 09:53 AM' timestamp='1279201975' post='2372803'] That already happened. [/quote] I see...good show than.
  13. I think the honorable thing to do for Kronos to Valhalla is to make the people/person that are/is responsible to this shameful act to resign his position and issue a public apology. I would do this if I truly value my allies.
  14. [quote name='ChairmanHal' date='14 July 2010 - 11:03 AM' timestamp='1279119793' post='2370963'] Off hand, like you should pay more reparations or face attack by C&G and Superfriends. Oh wait...that was a joke. Hilarious, huh? [/quote] I meant no disrespect to Valhalla. I apologize if the members took it as such. Personally, I would leave my alliance if they got disrespected like this and did not do anything. My humble opinion.
  15. Valhalla you were made the butt of the joke. You just got smacked in the head. Everyone who was on it is laughing at you. How does it feel?
  16. Daimos

    World Cup

    [quote name='theArrowheadian' date='08 June 2010 - 09:55 AM' timestamp='1276005312' post='2328796'] Lets be honest, if war broke out we wouldn't be expecting NPO to win. [/quote] Depends...are we talking about just your alliance? Again...sticking to the World Cup concept...I like our chances
  17. Daimos

    World Cup

    NPO = Spain. You know Spain is the consensus pick to win it all. I like our chances
  18. I can understand why some would be annoyed of what seems like a spam of NPO treaties on the boards. It is just NPO could not wait to sign these treaties with allies who stood by us during our darkest hour. I think a day or two of this is not asking a lot when you have been in chain for close to a year.
  19. This is a very popular treaty to the NPO's Body Republic. Overjoyed that it is finally official. Hail!
  20. I doubt you will see NPO make any significant moves in the political arena anytime soon once out of terms. NPO has risen to the sanction race without lifting a finger. Why make moves at all at this point. So try not to depend on NPO to much for your entertainment, I like were we are right now. This game is a marathon not a sprint. NPO has the stamina (resolve) to see it through the end. See you all at the finish line.
  21. New Pacific Order 4 = I do not like how we entered the “Armageddon war” and I do not like how we ended it. Lessons learned. Errors we are determined not to repeat. We did find out who our true allies are and who were not. New Polar Order 6 = Rating dropped considerably because of last war. I view this alliance as a distant relative of NPO. May we not cross paths in the next war. Viridian Entente = 8 Solid alliance. Performed admirably during the “Armageddon War”. Great leadership. Good people from what I see. Mushroom Kingdom = 8 NPO needs a good adversary and MK is up to the task. Hope to see you next war. The Order Of The Paradox = 6 Great show on the last war. Poor way entering it though. Should have taken a page from NPO in how not to start a war. Ragnarok = 7 Was not impress with them during the “Armageddon War” but they stick to their alliance through thick and thin. An admirable trait. Independent Republic Of Orange Nations = 5 Been a punching bag in the last two great wars. Hope to see you doing the punching in the next war. Siberian Tiger Alliance = 7 Honorable alliance. Athens = 5 I find the alliance...entertaining. The Grämlins = 3 A once respectable alliance. Been making very uncharacteristic moves lately. Will probably drag MHA down from the top. Do not have any opinion for the rest of the alliance on the OP's list.
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