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Stonewall Jaxon

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Everything posted by Stonewall Jaxon

  1. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1345085211' post='3022320'] There's a few of us around here. [/quote] No offense Starry, but I wouldn't classify you as an "insider"
  2. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1345079313' post='3022283'] Not always true. [/quote] Please do tell. I won't be offended; I mused out that theory as I typed out the last post
  3. Sounds like the messages piqued your interest, eh Brehon?
  4. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1345070415' post='3022247'] You're lying to yourself if you remember political discussions around here. Shark Week and NPO's actions (secret terms anyone?), for example, prevent it from happening. Now, for the sake of the discussion, let's admit there actually was political discourse before. I always thought the opposition had to bring it to the table. See, the hegemony (whether it is MK or NPO) is untouchable so they do whatever they want (attacking GPA, noCB, attacking NPO, attacking CSN...). So it is the job of the opposition to actually oppose them in a convincing way. In the past, whether you agree with them or not, you had people like Archon, Denial, Schatt, Tyga... who could and would argue against the powers that be. Look at what MK is left with: people like d34th, Alterego, IYIyth, King Wally, SCY... who, when they are not spouting moronic lies and drooling all over themselves, are just being contrarian for the sake of looking cool by sticking it to the man. [/quote] I realize the counter to this point has already been made by Starfox, but I'd like for you to recall with me the time in CN at which I saw political discourse reach its highest level. That period was directly at the founding of Vox, when walls of text were posted by members joining the newfound revolution, and NPO's spin brigade was doing its damnedest to produce an equal amount of text to try to put a lid on the whole thing. If you recall, in the "MK Leaks" thread recently, Archon came out of his shell and talked with me for a few posts, and despite my carefulness to keep my posts free of excessive vitriol, Archon eventually threw a bit of a fit and withdrew back into the shell: [quote name='Archon' timestamp='1341286665' post='3002117'] Truth be told, I just wanted to waste some time. But this is just depressing. Back in 06-07 we had to actually try and make points. You people are just pathetic. It's nothing but opinion-as-fact or trying desperately to sell !@#$%^&* as reality. Dear god. How I long for Josef Thorne, Philosopher, or even !@#$@#$ Z'ha'dum at this point. [/quote] The issue DoomHouse posters seem to have with guys like me is our astounding persistence. To validate that claim, we do tend to go into just about any MK or GOONS announcement and immediately take issue with every [i]word[/i] in the OP, but that's the price you pay for being powerful- your detractors will never stop nipping at your heels. MK and GOONS will respond with guys like Bansky, Neo Uruk, Vanilla Napalm, mrwuss, etc, but I am certain the general CN community cannot be blind to the horrid quality of their posts when compared to their enemies'. I mean D34th, supercoolyellow, and IYIyth aren't known for posting walls of texts, but their original criticisms in a thread generally revolve around an historical parallel or some sort of callout on hypocrisy between Karma MK and modern MK. The DH responses are always personal attacks, something that has always been common, but in the old day accusing someone of "ad hominem" was considered a fairly serious accusation and would generally keep people on their best behavior. Now, that kind of behavior is always a shame when countering fairly experienced guys like IYIyth, but when Schattenmann makes a lengthy post or blog only to be countered by the same one-sentence quips and personal attacks such as: [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1345059069' post='3022198'] More like: Declaration from Vox Populi [i]The Struggle For Modern Relevance Continues[/i] [/quote] Now, since discourse is always a two-way street I hate to place fault for the piss-poor average quality of discussions in CN these days on one side, but surely they can at least [i]try[/i] to do better. But more to your point, which I haven't addressed as it pertains to NPO's stifling of discussion pre-Vox, there was still the FAN guys and their like. The thing about a one-bloc-dominated system is that the only guys willing to stick their necks out to criticize the lead bloc are the ones who are already on the bloc's blacklist regardless of what their members say or do. We see this today just as we did then, alliances not necessarily allied directly to MK aren't joining in on the discourse in these threads because they can't afford to be "next." Once alliances formerly protected by the lead bloc start getting picked off by it because they were seen as a threat, everybody else generally clams up and tries desperately not to draw attention. If I were, say, Duckroll for instance right now, I'd be telling my members to keep their heads down or else the crosshairs will surely shift right over to our backs. However, I've shifted from listing problems to speculating as to the causes of those problems, so I'll concede that my logic is debatable, but the fact is not, and that's that today, just as before, only the ousted population has to gumption to speak out as we do. The difference now is usually that we're ousted by choice whereas entities like Vox and FAN were generally either perma-warred or put on PZI lists before they became part of the dedicated opposition, but nonetheless discourse now, as then, is reserved for the select few.
  5. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1344981519' post='3021971'] Unfortunately we're not the bogeyman many are looking for. [/quote] Don't flatter yourselves. At best, you're the new GGA.
  6. TOP has been rather quiet as of late. Slipping into obscurity Grämlins-style?
  7. [quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1344902706' post='3021712'] No, those handful of posts got you on the list just as much as your reputation. [/quote] And here I thought you had come to this topic to defend my honor
  8. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1344899599' post='3021691'] I just miss semi-competent opposition to the system. [/quote] Likewise, I miss a semi-competent system. NPO never had to try this hard.
  9. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1344821765' post='3021435'] No, most people do not recognize that, because they take time to learn the history of the alliances and realize that VE has directly defended GOD in three of the last four global wars. [/quote] We can agree to disagree on the point of fidelity to the treaty. I'm really not overly impassioned on this issue, seeing as it's a decision made about the relationship between two alliances that I'm not a member of. I thought about just jumping in with Schatt and Starfox on this one just for the fun of arguing via long WoTs, hopefully drawing Impero into the fold (though I daresay he's afraid of Schantamantan these days), but I just can't perform like that if I'm not properly stimulated by the issue. Carry on, best of luck to GOD in the future.
  10. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1344784909' post='3021264'] I didn't like this treaty and personally wanted VE to cancel it a long time ago, but I have to respect VE for sticking by GOD for so long and fighting with them in this last war. [/quote] Don't we all sort of recognize that VE's sentiment this war was "Well, we can't keep ignoring this treaty, so let's declare for them this one time, take a small beating, draw out early, then cancel this for good immediately after?"
  11. I can't believe they thought, at some point, you made a decent spy target.
  12. Bad breath, it was definitely bad breath. Smooth had a horrible gingivitis problem back then.As for the rest, well, I'm not quite sure how to reply to a post with this title from you, so I won't. What a disappointing reply. I can only assume this means that you did not find anything in the OP to be contestable
  13. This is good to see. I hope you realize the target on both of your backs grows ever stronger, and I hope you revel in it.
  14. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1344627386' post='3020565'] No, people simply think you will never educate yourself. [/quote] Children, settle down. Obviously the poll can be interpreted in so many ways that it is statistically and factually useless in gauging anything. I figured I had to say that before the two of you started a "no u" loop.
  15. I have to echo Prodigal Moon's sentiment. If most CN alliances would stop sitting on their thumbs and grow a pair, our political dynamics would be infinitely more exciting.
  16. This poll really has brightened my day. I realize it's not a serious poll, and I wouldn't dream of being such a wet blanket that I take any significant value from it, but it is nonetheless flattering that I was remembered in the creation of the poll. And here I thought only Archon and Sardonic actually paid attention to my words. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1344493316' post='3020114'] I voted SCY, he may learn. Doubtful the rest will, although I suspect Jaxon is quite a lot of bridge dwelling and not genuine delusional [/quote] I suppose this indicates that you've noticed, throughout my career, that I'm more contrarian than anything else. Alone and in rebellion is the only position in which I feel at home, but don't let that fool you into believing my ideology has not remained consistent. Even going from NSO (a Machiavellian alliance) to CoJ (a perhaps mislabeled "moralist" one), I've generally continued to say the same things. I also don't hold personal grudges, which allows me to move with the changing winds. It's a shame to see you of all people speak ill of me, Kain, seeing as from what I remembered we haven't had one disagreement in the public arena. Please don't tell me that old bad blood between NSO and SuperFriends would cause you to be biased against anti-DH posters during this conflict. Also, Jesus son if you're making a list of the worst posters on the anti-DoomHouse side of affairs, for Pete's sake include Roquentin!
  17. This is a really long announcement. Is the Cupcakery really done? Tl;dr please
  18. If this counts as good spying to you, raise your standards
  19. Dang it, jerdge has made a post on my favorite topic. I'm sorry I will not be able to reply now due to a midterm exam in 25 minutes, but I'll be back
  20. And nothing of value was retained
  21. As cliché as it may seem, I am inclined to side with Gen Lee's take on this issue. To that, I must add that to declare in defense of an ally, and then to accept peace while you ally still burns is no real friend. Good riddance in this front, VE. Hopefully this time GOD realizes what kind of ally you really are
  22. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1341890899' post='3007643'] You're cute. MK has never targeted an Umb ally. We encouraged a war that ended up with Sparta and MHA on the other side, but that was by your choice, not ours. Both Umb and MK wanted you on our side and gave you plenty of time to avoid burning for an alliance you didn't like. We made it quite clear to your gov that a war was going to happen that would result in NpO getting rolled and that we didn't want you involved in it. Your gov insisted on being on the other side and stated repeatedly that they were fine with that. It wasn't until after the war started that you started pitching a fit about the fact that you were on the losing side. [/quote] Wait, I thought NpO started the PB-NpO War. You mean you only [i]pretended[/i] to be outraged over the Lennox-VE affair?
  23. [quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1341613432' post='3005144'] Sardonic: He's not on PZI Starfox: So he's on PZI? Stonewall: I'm on PZI!! [/quote] I lol'd, but yes it is PZI, and for the record Starfox was before Sardonic, making the reality of the conversation less hilarious than the narrative in your post
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