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Stonewall Jaxon

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Everything posted by Stonewall Jaxon

  1. [quote name='Viluin' timestamp='1340026778' post='2987602'] Why would they want me to go away? They have literally nothing else to do in this game. And what's the fun in being a nuke turret against a neutral alliance for months? What a waste of time and resources. [/quote] What the hell do you expect? [i]You[/i] made the decision to go to war. You don't get to piss and moan and say it's a waste of your time. If your time was so valuable you wouldn't have a nation that took years and a hell of a lot of time to build. Get off your high horse, you're not too good for anything. All you posted this topic for was the attention anyway, so if you're just going to look down your nose at everyone by saying you don't have time for the game (the whole "we don't take this seriously" bit is used by everyone in this game, nobody's ego will let them believe they're the same as everyone else here. It's always so transparent it's sad), then you should have just walked out the door already. Drop the act.
  2. 6 billion, saved up over numerous years, and all you want to do is roll over and quit? That would make all your time war chest saving wasted. At least go until that money's gone. This is the fun part, the roguing is a good release for people who are bored with the game. Plus, your nation is large enough that if you do pull the trigger, you'll be kicking yourself if you ever wish to return. You'll come back, they all come back.
  3. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1339798083' post='2985220'] Because we're totally defending MK by hitting Fark, right? Come on, you're better than this. [/quote] That's the thing with MK followers on the OWF. I can never tell if they're playing dumb or if they're actually taking themselves seriously.
  4. An empty war screen, FAN? I hope that doesn't last through tomorrow. Also attacking Umbrella would be pretty useless, but you guys can really ruin their day by rocking GOONS' world in that middle tier. Just a tip
  5. The sheer ridiculousness of this post proves that the Order has completely fallen and that you, Brehon, are not fit to follow in the footsteps of your predecessors [quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1339642834' post='2982605'] The New Pacific Order knows what it is like to be on the receiving end of a jackboot. Our two years of being curb-stomped, isolated and used as a reps farm has had an enormously transformative effect on our political psyche. [/quote] The fact is that time has tamed you. Like a broken-in horse or house-trained dog, you learned from abuse that to follow your masters leads to not being hit again, so you obediently follow whatever orders you are given, regardless what you think of them. I fought against you on the Vox side, but I never disrespected your tendency to be leaders. Your leadership traits are what caused CN to follow you for years, but now you have lost all you once were. This did not necessarily happen during your short reign so far, Brehon, but you continue to follow, and until you exhibit some leadership, you'll continue to be insignificant in this world. The strength of your weakness is infuriating to me. Your community is strong and deep, yet you honestly believe in your inferiority to the people who ousted you. If you're thinking of combating this point by listing all that you've been through, I invite you to look at FAN. You kept them in war [i]perpetually[/i] for two years, yet each and every time you asked them to quit they spit in your face with a smile and a "$%&@ you." The fact that you quit so easily makes me lose every ounce of the respect I had for you when you were my enemy. [quote]We view it as our sacred duty to be at their back, especially when they have been at our side when we needed it most.[/quote] What situations are you recalling, exactly? When has MK and its disgusting ilk [i]ever[/i] had your back? They beat you until you became obedient, at which point you became useful. Don't think any one of your new allies wouldn't throw you under the bus if you lost your value in numbers. I have no clue what delusion you're under to say your new allies have [i]ever[/i] "had your back." Who has had your back? Look at the left column [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Karma_War"]here[/url] and the right one [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_House-NPO_War"]here[/url]. Those are the people who were with you in your darkest hour. In fact, look how at the few of those alliances who, after withstanding the same things you did, remain stalwart and unwavering. What did you give to those people who you lead through hell? Your back, as you ran away to your new masters, whimpering like a beaten puppy with your tail between your legs. It's absolutely pathetic the way your legs gave out the second a weight was placed on your shoulders. Everyone in this world has seen this, and now you've earned all the respect you receive: zero. [quote][b]We will not seek any reparations. We will not go for any stupid and punitive peace terms. We will not seek to cripple anyone on the other side, even if we have a negative relationship.[/b][/quote] Where have I heard this before? [quote]Our stake in this conflict is not about positioning ourselves politically, not about being an attack dog, and not about taking out an enemy. Our only desire is defending our allies. [/quote] Your concept of the word "defending" is idiotic if you think you'll be "defending" your new friends here. That's all I have to say. Be thankful I kept things brief.
  6. [quote name='Margrave' timestamp='1339552519' post='2981839'] One more terrible writer gone; 9001+ to go. I would sacrifice a million Rota's for one more good post from Dilber. [/quote] It is hard to resist a longing for the days of old while reading a thread like this. Perhaps we have always complained of a devolution in the quality of posting on the OWF, but at this point I don't see how it could get any worse. I fear I will be proven wrong in the coming years.
  7. Reading Liz chat on IRC just makes my head hurt; it's barely English. At any rate, excellent work, CSN operative. Keep it up
  8. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1339371849' post='2980418'] PS. I was stating that he didn't have the balls to openly challenge anyone... Which remains absolutely true. See: conversations with Invicta [/quote] As a general rule, one man does not accuse another of being without testes unless said accuser is, indeed, angry. Rarely does a conversation between two civilly-minded individuals end in such an emotionally charged manner.
  9. In accordance with the prophecies, She has returned and once again walks among the mortal. We never lost faith, our Lady Justice.
  10. I am proud to have served Justitia for but one of her three years so far. All the years prior to the Cult for me seem like wasted time.
  11. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1335625209' post='2960419'] Stonewall, your complaint has been noted and logged. Thank you so much for your participation. [/quote] Any time, Jack. That wasn't a cheap shot at you, naturally. I'm sure you're just a few English classes away from making perfectly grammatically legible announcements yourself
  12. Quite the jolly time this must have been for you guys; excellent work. I am surprised, though, not to see any complaints so far that this announcement was not made by mpol
  13. Well, congratulations to Kaskus and Mongols; GOONS has lost so much strength that they've been revealed as a weak alliance on the battlefield and you have proven yourselves to be strong. Though I hate to see you guys accepting reps, you can rest assured nobody's going to attack you again unless they have a damn good reason
  14. [quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1334387119' post='2952898'] good stuff. I think you could turn out a damn fine mercy board entry if you were inclined to do so. [/quote] I find this smug attitude from your alliance to be utterly hilarious. Not only can you not handle the results of your own aggressive actions against one micro on your own, but you seem to have this vision in your head of a defeated Kaskus/Mongols pleading for mercy here, and I can tell that's not the case. These guys have nothing else to fight for at this point, and since they're going down here, it's apparent they're dragging you down with them, and succeeding. Your losses, stats wise and in the loss of what little respect/fear you still touted around here, vastly outpace their losses. Even if they paid 100 million in reps today (and to Kaskus, please don't pay reps to these guys. It's their offensive war, and "reparations" is a little misnomer they use to hurt your morale and take your pride), this war would be a massive loss for GOONS. I know you see this, and your denial isn't fooling anyone. Also, Kaskus, don't worry about when your nations hit ZI. They'll be crying for months if you just reroll one or two spies into the Box
  15. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1334438919' post='2953336'] They raided somebody. An outside party sent aid to the nation being raided. GOONS demanded satisfaction. Outside party refused. War were declared. If you were engaged with an unaligned nation for any reason and I sent them aid, you'd declare war if the Kingdom and I refused to recompense you for the damages suffered by result of my funding. You would have good cause to do so. You would be almost obligated to do so, lest you encourage others who don't like you to also send aid to any nations you happen to be engaged with. That is the present circumstance. Construction of it as either aggressive or defensive to either party is meaningless[/quote] I miss the days when raiders recognized they were doing dirty work and that sometimes raids didn't turn out to be beneficial for the raider. A raider can luck out and get an inactive who doesn't even log in to fight back for 18 days, and other times the raided party has friends and maybe even a decent fighting ability. Instead, now when GOONS tries to, metaphorically, steal a smaller kid's lunch money, and that kid has his friends help him out, GOONS throws a temper tantrum, and daddy Umbrella and Uncle Pandora actually come in to help him fight the little kids. Do you see what a bad influence you're being on your kid, Ardus? GOONS should be grounded; a week without TV or their skateboard. Make it happen.
  16. [quote name='Scandalous Rumour' timestamp='1334319293' post='2952101'] Cause GOONS never fought a long term resistance movement against a more powerful, belligerent alliance. Hell, let's say neither did VE while we're at it. SR. [/quote] You seemed to have missed the memo. This GOONS claims to be a whole new entity, separate from the old one. Also, using the past to excuse present actions is pretty foolish, though then again I think DoomHouse has been using such logic ever since Karma to justify some of the crap they've done.
  17. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334318757' post='2952095'] The flat 150M that smurf had offered in one of the negotiations, but it was rejected. They aren't real good at this whole "negotiating" thing. Given enough time I have no doubt we could have brought this war to a close solo, but this is much faster. I see no reason why we should continue to allow them to continue to have vladlike nations assailing us which we cannot counter effectively on our own. Unlike in Xiph vs Vlad, I'm not about to let some stupid sense of pride or honhurr get in the way of getting help where we legitimately need it. But please, go on, continue to call us weak, tell us how much of a PR disaster this is. [/quote] Hey, I would refuse to pay reps in this situation if I were Mongols as well, but then again I guess we share things like "pride" and "self-respect," which are likely foreign to an alliance like yours. I've always thought that distinction was where we differ to the greatest extent.
  18. Just for clarification, what were the terms offered to Kaskus and Mongols prior to this DoW?
  19. NPO didn't even call in this many allies to keep FAN down for years. GOONS needs multiple waves of allies to come in and handle one minuscule micro. Stats aside, how do you expect anyone to fear you when you can't even manage micros you raid in the first place? GOONS have proven themselves to be a joke of an alliance in every aspect of potential respectability, and everyone can see that. You can't spin this conflict any other way at this point; you've won an extremely Phyrric victory.
  20. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1333865454' post='2949872'] You are no Vox. [/quote] How incorrect; you just told this man that he is no "voice!" I daresay as long as he does not add a "Populi" behind his Alliance Affiliation and does not claim to have any relation to either of the "Vox Populi" alliances, then his chosen AA is incredibly accurate. In fact, in hindsight Doitz, Schatt, et all should have called themselves "Voces Populi" or "Voices of the People," since the men of VP were vastly diverse, but I guess it would've hurt their parallels to V for Vendetta. Anyway, I'm just saying any criticism of this guy's AA is undue and incorrect.
  21. I see in this conflict two alliances exercising their sovereign right not to accept unfair reparations from a larger party, choosing instead the honorable route of self-defense. Continue the fight, good men, and do whatever it takes to make your aggressors regret the entire affair.
  22. [quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1332434929' post='2941670'] Good idea. My trainees could use more reliable targets. [/quote] And Umbrella could use fewer risk-free investments
  23. Just as a tip, soon you're going to lose damn near 100% of your nation strength, and rather quickly might I add. Don't be discouraged by this, as from the lowest ns range is where you can be a particularly annoying thorn in the side of an alliance like GOONS. You see, their smaller members are commonly tech sellers for Umbrella, and they might even be getting war aid from the whole Mongols thing right now. Your strategy lies in target selection. Go to nations within your strength range and look at their aid screens. If they just received large amounts of aid, quad attack at update and take 4 million of those dollars for yourself. You can use this to build up considerably, then prepare to lose it all again. Though you'll never win by yourself, you can keep this up eternally and really get under GOONS' skin. Trust me, they'll remember you. Also, if you can keep track of how much money you've stolen in battle, put the running total in your nation bio so as to publicize your exploits. Good luck.
  24. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1331386009' post='2936349'] Avoiding war. It's the first topic of discussion. You can read zzptm's thread about it on the forums. It's war as a last resort, which basically implies in most cases you wait until someone's knocking on your door or does something directly bad to you. I apologize if this sounded out of the blue to anyone else. [/quote] Well, this is what we're there for. Let's continue to discuss this in-depth on the forums, and hopefully this teaser will encourage greater participation from Bob-at-large
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