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Stonewall Jaxon

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Everything posted by Stonewall Jaxon

  1. [quote name='o ya baby' timestamp='1341077398' post='3000677'] i think you're just mad because we're cooler than you irl and we're better at this game than you are too [/quote] I've played this game just how I like it. At least half of my time here has been spent as a spy or at war. I doubt you guys have had nearly as much fun as I have, but to each his own
  2. [quote name='Cotillion' timestamp='1340993832' post='3000059'] then it sounds like mickey leaks with mickey being a word for penis in case you were not aware is this what you really want? [/quote] Of all the terms I have heard for "penis," and believe me they are plentiful, "mickey" is not among them
  3. I prefer this chart to the other one because this one includes me
  4. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1340916537' post='2999576'] lol ur still in college [/quote] Indeed, jealous?
  5. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1340861990' post='2999165'] The world will stop responding to MK posts literally when they stop responding to any posts at all and the last stubborn nerds decide its time to hang up their hats. [/quote] This mentality is just hilarious. MK spent years hanging around this game, laboring desperately to get on top. Their sarcastic posts are just a shield for the fact that they take this game as seriously as anyone else, maybe even moreso, and then act like because they put on that guise in the OWF that these times are when the "cool kids" take over from "the nerds?" If anything, we're in the middle of the Revenge of the Nerds right now, but why even make that distinction? This is CN. RL-wise, we got winners, we got losers, and none of that matters for !@#$. When you log into your account on your computer screen, we can say whatever we want to say and be whomever we choose to be. It was true when I started as an awkward high school freshman and has continued to be that way for me as I've grown out of that awkward shell and finally realized my social potential in college. We ALL play this game, so someone else playing it differently doesn't make that person any more or less "nerdy" than you are because you're here too. The ONLY thing that makes me judge someone on these boards as a pathetic, try-hard, real-life desperate !@#$headed little whimp is when they try to come onto the Cybernations boards and say "Harhar look at all the NERDS who play this game!" It's an obvious compensation for the fact they're losers and that they try to come here and put other people down to make themselves feel a little bit better. Edited to take out "you" at times and put "they." A common pronoun error, but it makes all the difference
  6. I resent the quotation marks around the word "Alliance." We had a DoE, Charter, and IRC channel for admin's sake.
  7. [quote name='GuMMyWoRm' timestamp='1340740950' post='2997473'] You obviously have never stopped by our forums and realized the love we got for our current allies. But i guess its ok to hope we split from them. Gotta be frustrating to wait forever though. edit: If we pretend to like you, will you run into our arms too? <3 [/quote] My whipped dog analogy didn't imply you don't like them. I love my dog, too, but eventually even Ol' Yeller got shot by his master. You can fight as many wolves as you want for your masters, but once they think you got "hydrophobie" those times won't mean squat. And as it pertains to your edit, I was a former Voxian who fought in defense of NPO in the DH-NPO war, so it's not impossible. You won't get me to your side so easy as you have TOP, though. I'm a tougher pony to break in. Also, I support wholeheartedly Brehon's lattermost point. I don't give two !@#$% who wrote it, but that kind of talk has no place here or anywhere.
  8. [quote name='Melancholy Culkin' timestamp='1340733756' post='2997397'] I know that! I'm a 40k ns nation though. My point was that you'll find nations like that in every alliance. For example, all but one of Fark's nations with >10k infra have less than 3.5k tech. [/quote] Luckily for them you're talking about very few nations. Admittedly though, their ratios are even worse than yours. My point was that Jake cherry picked his examples to say that Fark is a poorly-prepared alliance. I by no means am trying to say that Fark's nations are good or that Deinos' are particularly bad.
  9. [quote name='Melancholy Culkin' timestamp='1340732781' post='2997389'] Lmbo you sure showed us posting those unflattering infra:tech ratios that can be found in literally 90% of alliances. Too bad they're all better than your entire alliance's ratio!!!!!!!!![/quote] When you're at 15k infra, a 2:1 ration just doesn't cut it. And you should never get all the way up to 20k infra without matching your infra with tech, at the very least. Do you not understand how one's ratio should become more tech-heavy as one increases in infrastructure? [quote]edit: Chey is currently occupied with RL hence his lack of presence on these forums for the past week or so. [/quote] Noted, sorry to hear that
  10. Oh my, very sorry guys. When naming alliances who paid for their mistake of kissing MK's ass a few posts ago, I forgot the most glaringly obvious one: SuperFriends!
  11. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1340731346' post='2997371'] Are you implying we treatied the NPO? [/quote] Brehon would be overjoyed for such an opportunity of whoring out his alliance to his former enemies. I think you offering him a treaty would be Christmas to him.
  12. [quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1340730411' post='2997356'] Some interesting facts about Fark's forces! One guy has a hidden nuclear missile silo, but no Manhattan Project! Cuban missile crisis, anyone? TWO guys have WRC's, but were also full up on CM's! Might as well take advantage of and stockpile those ultra-advanced CM's they have now! The vast majority of them also have no navy, but they sure do make up for that with the number of bombers they have! [/quote] Glass house, Jake. Your leader is in Peace Mode! That's always poor form. I see at least one guy with a WRC and 50 Cruise Missiles Some infra:tech ratios on your first two pages (in thousands): 20:15, 20:7, 15:8, 14:7, 14:7.5, 15:5 (wow), 14.5:6, 14:5, 14:6, 12:6. Those aren't good, Jake.
  13. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1340729500' post='2997334'] The Unholy Alliance has been cancelled? I must have missed the memo. [/quote] Are you still so dense as to not see the sheer idiocy of treatying an alliance that had just gotten through mashing you into the ground? To MK you're a tool until you're a threat, so enjoy the "tool" portion of the cycle; I suppose it's the more fun one. Even so, signing that treaty is something so nonsensical I can't imagine what goes through your head. If someone had run me down like CnG demolished you, or demolished NPO [i]twice[/i] I wouldn't be running to their arms once they pretended to like me. How bad of a whipped dog to you have to be to do something like that?
  14. You see, kids, when guys like me (I suppose the perpetual rebels of CN) say "don't try so hard to join the MK fold (formerly we said the NPO fold)" it's not because of some sort of dumb vendetta we have. Mushroom Kingdom are legitimately terrible allies and will dispose of you once you've run out of use. We saw this with NPO and all of its Initiative allies, we saw this with MK-TOP, MK-NpO. These schemes are of no credit to their "brilliant scheming," it's entirely attributable to 90% of CN's follower mentality. Until you people start dreaming a little bigger than "Maybe I can get a treaty with a MK ally!" then we'll never see a better world.
  15. [quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1340693071' post='2996974'] You are allied to GATO sir. Remember that. [/quote] The fact that your dedication to your new allies, who have burned you, is greater than your loyalty to those who have burned for you shows your true colors above all else.
  16. [quote name='hobbies0310' timestamp='1340692244' post='2996956'] Yes. I, a gov member (lowlife) of ODN (lower-life alliance), am prancing around attention whoring over my heroism and how I stand up against the ebil GOONS! I will be remembered for my bravery!! [/quote] Oh please, this is one of my fewer exploits. You really need to get out more.
  17. [quote name='hobbies0310' timestamp='1340691515' post='2996944'] Are you admitting you spied on us? What great and heroic feats you have accomplished here. [/quote] Indeed I am. What have you done for yourself? Lowlife in a lower-life alliance? Fun fun
  18. [quote name='hobbies0310' timestamp='1340691063' post='2996931'] You believe your one man rouge alliance on GOONS will be remembered as an act of heroism? You truly are foolish. [/quote] Well, I admittedly had even more fun taking screens from inside your private forums, but this will do for now.
  19. [quote name='Caustic' timestamp='1340687941' post='2996837'] The past is exactly that, we're over it. Aren't you? [/quote] The past is never the past. Once a two-faced snake, always a two-faced snake, and NPO should know that as well as anyone. That's why they're pathetic.
  20. [quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1340686669' post='2996773'] I warned alliances not to hit my allies. [/quote] And what great allies you have! After all, what don't you owe to [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Karma_War"]PC[/url] and [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_House-NPO_War"]FOK[/url]?
  21. It's laughable how selectively you remember to exact revenge on your Karma foes Your alliance is sad, weak, and pathetic, and for Brehon to call himself Emperor makes the false comparison to Dilber, Ivan, and Moo. That's an insult to those guys, to your members, and to anyone who once respected you. Have fun being a shell of what you used to be and still could be.
  22. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1340682569' post='2996502'] Oh go back to the dustbin of history. You know nothing. [/quote] There's a difference between you and we. Our place in history is one of heroism and great feats; your place will be remembered as the pathetic likes of leaders of GGA and all the other laughable henchmen in the blocs whose relevant alliances make all the decisions. I know where I'd rather be; in this instance I [i]know[/i] the grass is greener on our side.
  23. [quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1340645897' post='2996010'] Disappointing, I thought you'd go for FAN. Or MHA. [/quote] Why and why? I had some good friends in MHA, though admittedly you excepted, and I left FAN on poor terms because I was leaving to found a new alliance. I still think MHA is much to passive in their foreign policy, but that's not nearly as abhorrent as this idiotic, anti-Karmatic practice GOONS has of always demanding reps. FAN I still have an immense amount of respect for; I love alliances never scared to throw themselves into the fray. I almost wish they cared about their pixels a little bit less.
  24. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1340639668' post='2995908'] [color="#0000FF"]I do not doubt that he can fight for a long, long while. I am sure that he will. However, GOONS will not budge on their policy, regardless of what your thoughts on it are. I have some reservations on it myself, actually, but they are firmly committed to giving no white peace to rogues. When Stonewall finally exits (if he exits, for all we know he may fight forever) it will be at a price.[/color] [/quote] I'm not entirely sure that they will budge, but their policy is utterly unacceptable. For rogues, the acceptable practice (I suppose CN almost has a GAAP-style system when dealing with such things, prior to the SEC's intervention of course) is ZI, then they're done. There is nothing more which can be done to a nation once their ability to wage war has been completely depleted. However, GOONS, being idiotic scoundrels, feel the need to exert something more, usually a humiliation, from the nations they've already pounded into the ground. This practice harasses players new and old, and can lead to unknowing rogues going to the "mercy board," which will force them to meet conditions which may force them out of Bob. Their policy is asinine, it's petty, and to me it's unacceptable. Once my nation is ZI'd, every million I raid from a target nation will be a lost million to them. Every nuke I launch will be money, tech, infra, and land that just got pissed away. Eventually, they can either drop their claim to 500 million in reps from me, or I can just as easily take that amount from them. Logically, it will make no sense from them seeing as I will be perfectly willing to accept white peace. It'll just be bad business. So maybe you're right; maybe they're dumb and proud enough that I'll fight them forever to no avail. But when I see something wrong, I fight it, and this cause had my name all over it. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, RV.
  25. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1340639011' post='2995899'] You clearly have never planned one of these rodeo's before. [/quote] I'm not much for the planning of rodeos. I ride the bulls
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