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Stonewall Jaxon

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Everything posted by Stonewall Jaxon

  1. [quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1322944832' post='2860891'] I was kind of meh about this until reading the posts by TimLee. I find it interesting that this may be a hit it and quite it war. FAN does seem like the kind of peeps that would go for one last romp with the ex and never call her back. [/quote] Not likely; FAN quite simply cares too much.
  2. Why argue about the joke CB? Isn't this war, for Fark, really about NPO including itself in the DoS's for the Bye Polar attacks? I just don't understand the point of arguing over CBs when they're never the real reason for wars.
  3. Pre-emptive war? You !@#$%^&*! Oh wait.... This is a very interesting decision. I anxiously await the next few days.
  4. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1322932145' post='2860719'] the ordinance of the orders will never die [/quote] He beat me to it. Hell will freeze over before the Ordinance is ever cancelled
  5. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1322802437' post='2858995'] Did you just compare TOP to MCXA? The only person you are fooling is yourself if you call TOP a pawn. They are one of the handful of alliances in this game that have the ability to lead coalitions. [/quote] Most alliances have such an "ability." Hell, MHA is bigger than two Polars, and you don't see them with the sphere of influence they technically should have. EDIT: Of course I also realize TOP is more dense in talent and experience than MHA. For the counter there, look at the original NSO and tell me how large their sphere of influence became.
  6. I'm curious about your unique rhetorical perspective, which is almost entirely why I joined your alliance for a significant period of time, and will be applying as soon as an application becomes available. As a recent college student, I sincerely hope you strategically begin courses after "finals season." [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1322724268' post='2857983'] Tomorrow night (later today really) or Friday morning I will add a link to the OP for applications once I figure out how I want to select students. I will state that since I am hoping this will catch on and I will be able to recruit a few of the better students to help me in the future rounds that the initial class will lean towards more established players. But, I believe I will have applicants provide links to IC posts that highlight their unique rhetorical skills and if I am impressed with a newer player then I may select them as well. [/quote] If I recall correctly, the forum only allows one to view his or her posts from the past year. As such, my better posts would be practically impossible to find. Perhaps an interview process is in order?
  7. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1322791020' post='2858781'] You have a very strange way of viewing things. Doesn't TOP(us!) reap the benefits of attacking the NpO? [/quote] How dense. I didn't say that there isn't mutual benefit in the situation. When MCXA sold out to One Vision it gained security, and NPO had one less alliance to take down on its way to eliminating the Polaris threat.
  8. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1322788724' post='2858697'] We know you hate us, Tromp. There's no need to veil it behind my brand of false even-handedness. [/quote] His even-handedness isn't false; if it's that clear to you that he was talking about you specifically, then it shows just how accurate he is. We all know he speaks the truth, so why beat around the bush? Your alliance mates have long accepted the role of villain ever since NPO members abandoned the persona, and if I say so myself you've done a pretty damn good job of navigating the whole BiPolar situation, especially the acquisition of TOP as an "ally." MK has come out of this whole situation scott-free, so why challenge Tromp for saying you've gotten away with too much? You know it as well as the rest of the world does, that's why alliances like TOP are willing to sell out to you, and you just reap the benefits. I'm not faulting you for it, so why pretend that you don't deserve the ire of guys like Tromp when you know his reasoning is without fault?
  9. Normally I complain when war is used to extort resources from an alliance, but I feel no sympathy for those who accept individual terms.
  10. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1322638901' post='2856752'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vqD2w.png[/img] [/quote] This one I greatly enjoyed. Kudos
  11. [s]I am happy to sacrifice my nation for this noble cause![/s] Oh wait, we're announcing elections? o/ CoJ o/ Don Chele
  12. Might be better than taking straight pulls of Kentucky Dale... I'll have to try getting more expensive whiskey next time I'm out. Also, you taste guys should know, why do I always seem to prefer whiskey to bourbon? I mean I can go Belushi on a bottle of Jack, yet I'm pretty sure I could not with Beam
  13. I don't understand this argument, and that is saying something when I am omniscient. Even if I was upset, God (Burnt) forbid that I am upset over... racist accusations. Considering you have no basis for this, and although I take note of your sincerity to protect my feelings, shutting up might do you wonders in stopping my extremely "mad" responses.I'll give you one actual bit of practical advice: don't try to start an argument and then run away. I understand this hit-and-run thing you kinds of people do in SF, but it isn't working. I suggest starting a Q&A thread to dissipate any feelings you may think I have towards you. You seem to take Cybernations way to personally. Also, in regards to the you vs. Myth side of the "argument," (or one-way !@#$-flinging fest, whichever you prefer), he implied that the Japanese and Chinese dislike one another. I know many people who take this as fact, but to your credit he didn't provide "evidence" of this fact, sort of like when people don't provide "evidence" for every other thing that they say unless they're arguing with someone, which he didn't know he was (for example, I haven't cited every fact in my post to links to particular posts in this thread because I assume you have a memory span of more than two seconds. Admittedly, it's a stretch on my part). He made an assumption, but you proceeded to make an assumption to the contrary, providing just as much evidence as he did, and proceeded to insult his intelligence (and I don't mean in that indirect ask-him-an-easy-question kind of way) based on the fact that he didn't provide evidence. Thus, not only are you a hypocrite, but you have proved yourself to be a total arrogant ass incapable of conducting yourself with any self-respect, intelligence, or self-awareness. Congratulations, you've successfully mastered debating on the OWF.
  14. China is a nation of horrible disgusting people with no values that a human being should possess. They have no sense of responsibility, and the sooner they turn their nation into an uninhabitable wasteland the better
  15. I don't see how one can speak condescendingly of those who stood while they themselves groveled or hid. o/ Vox We should all V our avatars in remembrance
  16. My friend owns a cool record player, and I own cool records. We often get together and put on Eagles, Billy Joel, Richard Pryor, Willie Nelson, and scores of other records and chill. Not a hipster, though
  17. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1312515248' post='2772359'] And how has it gone so far? Happy with all the pointing and laughing? Or would you rather shout [i]Obliviate[/i] and pretend this never happened? [/quote] If this thread turns into another slew of attempts of Harry Potter puns, I'll have a bone to pick with you.
  18. I've always blamed you, personally. Everybody wants to roll RIA because RIA has you in it.
  19. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1312514748' post='2772353'] Hypothetical: TOP hits Polar tonight, allies get called in, no hope for settlement. Which side do the following alliances fight on? Acceptable answers are Polar's side, TOP's side, Cherry picking on one side, not fighting, or fighting on both sides. Explain each answer. Fark GOD MK NoR NG Umb NPO VE [/quote] Why would you ask them about what choice your alliance would make? That actually seems like it'd be as much of a variable to them as anyone.
  20. Why not just do this as part of the radio show to get people to listen?
  21. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1312134492' post='2768374'] Boring is defined in this community as the absence of the tendency to be suicidal for others entertainment and/or exhibiting unwarranted hubris. Ergo, useless by the same standard is equally inaccurate. [/quote] I think I'll translate this to OWF speak "If you want us, come get us." Really, no alliance ever voluntarily stepped down from the top spot. If they're an utterly useless paper tiger, one has only to rip through the paper.
  22. Also, the topic title sounds familiar. Warning: Lonely Island
  23. When are you guys going to finally interview me? I have zany antics, infallible insight, and irresistible sex appeal.
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