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Everything posted by Thorgrum

  1. Good luck out there argent, someone kick EOC in the nuts.
  2. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296097188' post='2603980'] The ease with which Sparta was led by its collar is astounding. I hope that MHA is not so readily handled. [/quote] That wouldnt be very entertaining though, the peanut gallery hungers.
  3. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1296097182' post='2603979'] Games are, by their very nature, adversarial. For a game to exist, electronically or in reality, there must be some sort of challenge set before the player, based on a conflict between himself and some other force. This force can be any one or combination of the following (non-exhaustive): the forces of nature (time, gravity) , artificial opponents (bots, AI), other players, or the player himself (beating one's own records). In the absence of such conflict there can be, by definition, no game. There might be a space of play in which you attempt to make friends and socialize, as many in this game eagerly do, but that is not a game. Since this is intended to be a nation/political simulation game, the conflict that drives it best tends to be political intrigue and role-playing. You can certainly play the game by racing each other to statistical benchmarks, but that's not particularly entertaining. This isn't to say that the only thing one can enjoy in this game is the conflict. There are numerous benefits that go hand in hand with participation, some of which I've already mentioned. Socializing is the biggest one. Many players build relationships with one another in this game that endure to other locales on the internet and even result in real-life events. Members of the Kingdom have held multiple meet-ups around the world. Opportunities for creative output is another reason many enjoy the game. Folks like D34TH or my friend Professor Chaos both take enormous pleasure in using CN to inspire "visual arts" (for lack of a better term), creating numerous sigs, flags, posters, and so forth. Many write lengthy treatises, manifestos, and other walls of text to hone their prose and debate skills. But, as enjoyable as these things are, there would be no reason for them to gather here in the absence of the game that exists on the basis of role-playing national conflict (this is, after all, a nation simulator). Without the core the rest disperse and the entire house eventually rots away. [/quote] Of course thats all true but within this rationalization you afford that others might have a different point of view, the op didnt. My point is rather simple, lets cut out the populist appeals and nonsense rancor of ooc "its a game, this is fun, this isnt fun" play however you want but the endless comparative to the past isnt relevant if everything set forth here is true. What was fun then, has to be fun now by the logic presented (which you support) that makes everyone on par with the old NPO. Embrace it, admit it, and enjoy it but please stop with the B.S. tugs at the heart strings of how this is better or worse then the past. It cheapens the value of the premptive strike and erods the very core values you espose in your response. [b]Own the decision.[/b]
  4. [quote name='Tromp' timestamp='1296094220' post='2603910'] Contrary to what you seem to believe, with these last two lines in your post, you prove everything Azaghul has said to be true, and that you are agreeing with his theory. What you are seeking is not just freedom my friend. What you are seeking is power, the power that his alliance now possesses. The only thing you have yet to do, is admit this to yourself. When you do, I'm sure this all will be much easier to bear, and provide you with more enjoyment then you've had ever had before. Realize that only those in power enjoy the [i]privilige[/i] of freedom, while those who are powerless will have to submit themselves to the will of the powerful so that [i]they may be granted[/i] some freedom in their doings. The flipside of that is that with great power, comes great responsibility. For the bigger they are, the harder they fall. You have chosen a side, other then his, and I commend you for it. I hope you will enjoy the war, even when it will be technically concluded... [/quote] The only problem with the theory is it assumes everyone, or a clear majority holds war, conflict and political intrique as the core element to enjoying the game. Really it infers that there is nothing else to the game and wihout it, it dies. I havent heard a reconcilliation yet with this notion, and the reality after the karma war and lack of major conflicts until it was essentially forced the last few weeks. Its nice to be able to justify actions with a populist argument -well everyone really believes this is the fun part of the game anyway- but that dosent make it a universal truth what so ever. I agree with him personally but enough !@#$ has been shoveled the last couple of weeks. After karma and all this, arent we all grown up enough to just say we are playing the game we want, regardless if you like it or not? NPO is getting rolled and literally the hour after it began we had the moaning about how they committed EZI, disbandments etc. If it is truly a game for fun as azghul proclaims and given his criteria he set forth it would seem to me the NPO of old must have had a blast. It's okay to emulate them, they dominated the game for a long time. Enjoy the view from the top of the mountain, nothing wrong with that.
  5. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1296069832' post='2603057'] This is another thing that varies quite a bit, but I believe that for a [i]majority[/i] of players, competition, war, and intrigue are what make this game fun. Conflict, both in war and the political intrigue leading up to war, drives this game. Peaceful stagnation, where no one can act against anyone else for fear of being labeled "immoral" and everyone just grows their nations in perpetuity, is boring.[/quote] It was a nice read but the major points contradict in a way that its hard to take it as anything more then propoganda Azaghul. If the majority believe what you say, then the reality would have been war would have come much quicker and without MK or anyone else positioning to make it so. I mean, we are all here for fun, per your definition that is contradictory to what the reality was after Karma. [quote]We chose to make the game interesting again. In the past months, MK chose to reshape our treaties in a way that helped make a major war possible. And when our enemies did everything they could to avoid a war, we, Doomhouse collectively, and one could also say VE, refused to let them. We helped put an end to the stagnation. We refused to comply with the moralistic and pacifistic gridlock that was smothering this game. We started to perfect Karma. We made war.[/quote] If you had just tied it back to the original point of what you believed the majority wanted as fun, and understood reality was evidence of that not being true it would have made the ending even better then it was, because then it would have far more honesty. In essence you chose to impose what you believe makes the game fun, that isnt an absolute condition, not even a majority one, given the time frame referenced in the piece. Nice read though.
  6. Wonderfully entertaining, good wholesome fun for the entire family. The more log dumps the better.
  7. [quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1295918447' post='2597501'] If you've got a big dick and a gigantic pair of balls, let that !@#$ swing. Who gives a !@#$ who you smack in the face, they probably deserve it for not getting the $%&@ out of your way. [/quote] Sadly, when TOP employed that logic the last time it didnt work out for them. Perhaps you could instruct them on how better to impose this political methodology?
  8. [quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1295917951' post='2597488'] Humility is !@#$@#$ overrated. [/quote] measured humility can be a valuable political mechanism, when combatting history.
  9. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1295917407' post='2597468'] [i]Breathtaking[/i]. I have never in my stint in this game saw what they were able to do. The amount of aid provided, the amount of intel, trades, and help by them was nothing short of remarkable. People say that Polaris was doomed even if it hadn't changed sides, nuh-uh I have to disagree. TOP's evisceration of many upper ranked alliance and all around ability was just absolutely legendary and outmatched. MK, an alliance born of fire and powerful in their own right, could not compare to TOP in what I saw. When all of us ran out of money, TOP provided it to us and not only that but had a lot left over to spare. Had it not been for the incompetence of our side, TOP would've broken through and potentially changed the balance of this game single handedly. TOP, I may not be your biggest fan, but I know what you're made of. It would have been very easy of you to just stick with your friends on the other side rather than make a stand for ours that day yet you chose not to. I will never forget your performance that war, unmatched and whatever I say here cannot do it justice. You not only made a stand, but made history as well. War was never so well executed as when you all did it. I'm happy to say that I was a witness. [/quote] I'll second this, they were impressive even more so these days with the improved government leadership. They were a trip in citadel thats for sure, humility will only make them stronger.
  10. [quote name='Zack Myslinski' timestamp='1295769872' post='2593577'] I have just started out on this game and am already being threatened by a nation called WARZONE. [/quote] Join an alliance and ask for their assistance, if that dosent appeal to you go to the wiki page and learn all you can about war and get your ass in gear and prep your nation for battle. War is part of the trial we all must face from time to time. You can do it, you are not the first person to face this situation fight back or pay the extortion.
  11. Thorgrum

    Bye CN

    We served in Gramlins together for a while and were trade partners for nearly 2 years. I didnt chat with you nearly as much as I should have, good luck out there.
  12. Interesting read, however someone engaged in "black operations" wouldnt proclaim it in public. That could put everyone involved in operations past present and future in harms way and greatly hamper future abilities to operate in that vein. Using it a preface to make a point is far more damming but im no practioner of special ops, I wouldnt know the first thing about it. You do however have a point, there was certainly enough ill will floating around to get a better orchestrated CB against Polar, it was sloppy, but successful.
  13. While the thread has mostly evolved into no u I would be remiss if I didnt add 2 cents as a member of the peanut gallery. I was in ROK for a brief period of time and while my departure wasnt an ideal situation for anyone I wish them all the best on the battlefield. Good luck out their rokkers.
  14. Excellent blog entry, please post more.
  15. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1295404855' post='2582513'] However, I am not convinced that Dajobo was guilty of anything more than poor judgment and failure to exercise due diligence. [/quote] Poor judgement has oft been the downfall of many a leader. Regardless of circumstances people in leadership positions cant afford poor judgement particularly given the tone toward the alliance in question leading up to the war. If it was a setup he should have been on high alert for something odd or out of the ordinary. Should they be rolled for it? Im not convinced they should, ive certainly seen plenty on the other side cry to the heavens for lack of diplomacy, but its been my expirence this must happen. It's in the best interest of everyone to have a war and to have a suspect CB. Without it the world continues its slow decline, with it, awareness increases poor judgement turns to attention to detail and the cream rises to the top.
  16. [quote name='Henry Rollins' timestamp='1295318759' post='2579585'] Tell that to the 20,000 people who.. oh wait.. yeah, they're not around anymore. I guess we're not allowed to discuss how we can sustain or save this game since contributing players who voice their opinions on it are called doomsayers, have their threads shut down, or are called stupid. I don't look forward to the day when I tell you I told you so. But when you log in one day and the server is down and doesn't come back up I know you'll do a facepalm. [/quote] No bro I wont. I tell what I will do, I will read the 100 to 250 other threads created about how the game is dying prior to the server shutting off and smile for a moment and think of you and wonder if you will feel allowed to discuss the issue.
  17. [quote name='Henry Rollins' timestamp='1295149324' post='2576577'] [another active and contributing member bites the dust.. but even though there's almost less than 20k of us left there's NOTHING wrong with Bob, NOPE *rollseyes*] [/quote] The only thing wrong with the game are the people playing. Good luck Krunk thanks for being entertaining.
  18. You're one of the best people around Al, period. What you need is a red dead redemption sequel to refresh your inner outlaw.
  19. Ninja's are all over the place, but this communication didnt go through the regular channels.
  20. The peanut gallery hungers no more.
  21. Yes there are plenty, it was talked to death but its begining to fade away into the lore of CN. Anyway, cheers and happy new year bob
  22. In your review of 2010 it would be nice to read some of your thoughts on the breakup of Citadel and the decline of Gramlins, both notable events in the year. Always interesting to read your blog Bob, hope you update it more in 2011
  23. Thorgrum

    Mid-Game Crisis

    Good luck out there Wally, it was an honor serving with you in ROK. I understand 100%.
  24. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1293749828' post='2558643'] I know I never wished anything bad on the Gremlins of Bob Janova, HellAngel, LiquidMercury, Ejay and others....the Gremlins we signed up to be in Citadel with. The Ramirus version...yah, I'm petty enough to enjoy what they've become. If that makes me a bad person, guilty as charged. [/quote] It dosent make you a bad person, because you made a notable distinction in your reply, as did Walker with his notable emphasis on 3 letters. One of my proudest moments on the planet was being as loud as I possibly could about the destructive nature of Ramirus to the Gramlins brand and image, I was right and so are you. [quote]Yes, TOP has made mistakes under certain leadership. They've made the kind of mistakes that have upset friends, allies and almost everyone else. Shocking. So have about 75% of the alliances on Bob. Get over it, move beyond it, or try to punish them for it. For the love of Admin, at the very least, shut the heck up about it. [/quote] Im not going to shut up about anything Janax, you know the drill, if you dont like something you arent required to read it, or comment on it but you certainly have the right to do either. Without petty grudges, past reference and inference we dont have a whole hell of a lot by which to move forward on do we? Im sure things are wonderful in Argent, its an awesome alliance but last time I took a look around not a whole lot of new and exciting things are afoot.
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