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Everything posted by Thorgrum

  1. [quote name='ilKhan Ozy' timestamp='1299296376' post='2653077'] Good luck peoples [/quote] First post was a hail in our DOE, nice. Thanks man
  2. [quote name='Freelancer' timestamp='1299202689' post='2651768'] Good Luck Thorgum... Its long overdue. [/quote] Tell Gib I said hello Free, once things settle a bit I'll stop by Brain and we can have a chat. Retirement is boring....
  3. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1299142165' post='2650990'] All the best with this new project... maybe one day I'll tell you about my supa sekret plan to build a CN norse blok... cant speak too loudly here those pesky CNtel spys are watching [/quote] Drop me a PM sometime Wally, I'll always listen to your half baked scheme's.
  4. [quote name='Tromp' timestamp='1299116759' post='2650296'] I like the theme. Best of luck to you. [/quote] thanks Tromp, hope to see you in the boilerroom soon.
  5. [quote name='Acca Dacca' timestamp='1299114867' post='2650224'] Good luck to you, Thorgrum [/quote] More Rok love, im touched. Thanks man
  6. [quote name='jekalle' timestamp='1299066711' post='2649501'] If Odin's organizational abilities are any barometer, this alliance has a great future ahead of it. Best of luck guys. [/quote] Thats a loaded compliment Jekalle, but ive adjusted my attitude accordingly. Thanks man
  7. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1299059433' post='2649463'] Secondly - how would you describe the alliance theme to a noob freshly landed into CN? [/quote] Sup wally? hows the wars going mate? Thanks for the well wishes craven answered most of the questions but I qouted this one because you know me, I wouldnt describe it to a noob I wouldnt have the patience.
  8. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1299057668' post='2649460'] Good one Odin. Best of luck and fair winds to you friend. [/quote] If people ever stop and come up with a reason to stay on the planet and carry on, you AVT are at the top of the list. Thanks for the well wishes, hope to see you soon
  9. [quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1299045937' post='2649336'] Good luck Thor [/quote] Thanks kid
  10. [quote name='Craven' timestamp='1299024666' post='2648800'] My colleagues are just as likeable if not more likeable than myself. Thanks! [/quote] Yes, Im an extremely likeable person. Ask anyone
  11. [quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1299022178' post='2648744'] [color="#FF0000"]Bravo. Best of luck. etc.[/color] [/quote] I was hoping you would pop in here, you are an extemely entertaining individual. Thanks for the well wishes, we'll see you around I'm sure
  12. [quote name='Drizuz' timestamp='1299022119' post='2648741'] o/ Thorgrum Best of Luck with new alliance dood. [/quote] Thanks Driz, you know I will always be a ninja at heart.
  13. [quote name='ImperialCubanacan' timestamp='1299021719' post='2648729'] Seems like a familiar alliance. Theme. [/quote] Nah, look closer
  14. [quote name='RustyNail' timestamp='1299021473' post='2648711'] Good Luck Odin! [/quote] Thanks Rusty
  15. [center][img]http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa308/CorbinAtk/gungniredit-1.png[/img][/center] Waxing poetic on the virtues of leadership, perceptions of the world and how it should operate and snipes at the odd ruler and alliance are often the norm in a DOE. Not here though, we’ll keep it simple so you can all go back to more interesting matters. After years of looking for an alliance that met my special requirements and demands, I've decided it’s time to retire from the peanut gallery and expend my energies in a creative manner. This sentiment, shared by the co founders, is the basis for our decision to declare the existence of the Æsir. It is our intentions to create a strong community with a focus on quality over quantity. We're looking to create a mature atmosphere where active and experienced nations can become the best of friends and avoid the drama that often overcomes new and old alliances alike. The tl, dr for those looking for a summary: • On 03/01/2011 the alliance of “Æsir” has come into existence • OMFG has agreed to serve as our protector • Our forums are located here: [url]http://cn-aesir.com[/url] • Our IRC channel is here: #aesir • Our government is a Trimutive system, each holding the title of “Hilmir” • Those 3 individuals are: Thorgrum, Craven, HegemonRob • There will be 3 elected “minister of” positions titled Landvættir • The alliance is founded on 3 guiding documents: The Charter, the Member Bill of Rights, and The Creed. • The Charter is below, the other 2 documents are available to applicants. [quote][b][color=#ee4a2d]The Aesir Charter[/color][/b] [b]Preamble[/b] The Aesir charter is the 1st of 3 founding documents of the Cyber Nations alliance “Aesir”. The Aesir’s intent and purpose is to build camaraderie within the alliance and expand our mutual interests within Cyber Nations. The Aesir cherish above all else: maturity, personal liberty, discipline and honor. It is our resolute desire to employ all of these traits as we conduct ourselves within the Cyber Nations realm and be true to the edicts and intent of the 3 founding documents of our alliance. [b]Section I. Government[/b] [i][u]Hilmir[/u][/i] The 3 high officials of the alliance who determine the fate of all matters at their discretion. This is a classic “Triumvirate system” the 3 Hilmir may make final decisions on all matters overruling the althing and the Landvættir, as they see fit or as necessary. Hilmir are appointed for life unless item 7 or 9 of the Danelaw is applied. [i][u]Landvættir[/u][/i] Is the alternative to the “minister of” positions in classic Cyber Nations terminology. The Landvættir run their departments as they see fit and appoint assistants as needed at their leisure. [u][i]Landvættir of War:[/i][/u] Elected by the Althing, position handles all military affairs with the assistance of the Hilmir. [u][i]Landvættir of Internal Affairs:[/i][/u] Elected by the Althing, duties include coordination of aid programs, forum and IRC maintenance. [u][i]Landvættir of External Affairs: [/i][/u]Elected by the Althing, duties include coordination of diplomats, embassies (internal and external), OWF declarations and point person for all diplomatic activities. TBD necessity by Hilmir. An elected Landvættir term lasts 3 months. Elections will run for 72 hours for all positions every 3 months starting on the first day of the election month. Any member, with the exception of Thralls can run for an electable Landvættir position. After the 72 hour election period has finished the vote is final, any tie vote will be decided by a 2/3 vote of the Hilmir. [b]Section II. Members[/b] [u][i]Althing:[/i][/u] The collective body of the alliance. Each member of the alliance with the exception of Thralls has one vote in matters that the Althing must consider. [u][i]Thrall:[/i][/u] Member not promoted to Einherjar or Valkyrie, a recruit or member waiting for ascension approval. [u][i]Einherjar:[/i][/u] Male warriors of the alliance. Once a male member passes through the Thrall phase he will be promoted to Einherjar and will be eligible to be appointed, or elected to any Landvættir position. [u][i]Valkyrie:[/i][/u] Female warriors of the alliance. Once a female member passes through the Thrall phase she will be promoted to Valkyrie and will be eligible to be appointed, or elected to any Landvættir position. [u][i] Varangian Guard:[/i][/u] Veteran members of the alliance who have completed a minimum of one of the following: 1. Fought in a war for the alliance. 2. Has performed meritorious service as determined by the Hilmir. 3. Has been nominated by the Althing and or a Landvættir for a specific reason. In all cases a 2/3 majority of the Hilmir must approve the appointment to Varangian guard. Upon appointment Varangian guard will be afforded forum masks that allow them the ability to read and see most government discussions and comment on them at their discretion. The title of Varangian guard maybe removed should a 2/3rd majority of the Hilmir believe the person unworthy of the title. [u][i] Jarl:[/i][/u] Any member that has served the alliance as a Hilmir at anytime in the alliance history and remains in good standing. The title may be given to any member as determined by a 100% vote of the Hilmir. A Jarl has the same accesses as the Hilmir, but no longer retains voting rights ascribed to Hilmir. The title of Jarl maybe removed by a 100% vote of the Hilmir. [b]Section III. Dane law[/b] 1.Membership is a privilege not a right. Members who do not conduct themselves in a reasonable manner will be expelled. Reasons include but are not limited to: breech of CN TOS, disrespectful behavior, inactivity, unwillingness to fight, and disclosure of any internal discussion or documents to an external party. 2.Membership is invite only: A nation can be invited by any member of the althing, the applicant has to be vouched for by the person issuing the invite. At that time, the althing may conduct a Q&A session and the applicant attains the title of Thrall. Applicants without a Manhattan Project Wonder will always have to have a 2/3 majority of the Hilmir approve their membership. Applicants who are engaged in any wars will be automatically rejected until peace is achieved. Applicants who are subject to a ZI order or are an enemy of another alliance must disclose that information. Once disclosed the Hilmir will make a reasonable effort to resolve the issue with the 3rd party. Until a satisfactory end is reached the application process cannot proceed. The application process can be as long as a month, or as short as an hour. Until membership is approved, the nation/ruler is considered a Thrall and protected under the AA from offensive attacks only. Should a Thrall declare a war, the membership process is terminated. 3. Raiding: is permitted for nations who are under the AA “None”. If a member of the althing engages in raiding they do so with the complete and full understanding they will not be supported by the alliance should the target fight back. Members take full responsibility for any and all issues regarding the raid. It is the responsibility of the member to make sure the nation is not protected and is not a part of an alliance other than “none”. Ignorance of this tenet is not acceptable. 4.Wars can only be declared with an approval of 2/3 majority of the Hilmir. 5.Treaties can only be signed with an approval of 2/3 majority of the Hilmir. 6.Hilmir action: The Hilmir have the ability to change the charter, Landvættir decisions, forums or any other alliance issue at their discretion. Any such action requires a 2/3 majority of the Hilmir. Should 2 of the 3 Hilmir disagree and the 3rd is unavailable to vote, the decision then moves to the Landvættir where the 2/3 majority rule prevails again. Should a split occur again, the vote then moves to the Althing and a simple majority rules. 7.Succession: Should a Hilmir be inactive for a period of 30 days or more that Hilmir sacrifices his/her position. A new Hilmir is appointed by the remaining 2, should 2 Hilmir be inactive concurrently, the 3rd Hilmir will make the appointments on their own. If all 3 Hilmir are inactive for 30 or more days the alliance shall be considered dissolved. 8.Absences of Landvættir: If any Landvættir is absent from the alliance forums for more than 30 days at a time, they are automatically removed from their position. Hilmir will replace that member with a 2/3 majority approval for the remainder of their term. 9.Removing a Hilmir: From time to time it is necessary for an alliance to remove a leader. Should a situation arise where 2/3 Hilmir feel the 3rd must be replaced or step down, and he/she chooses not to, 2 additional votes are taken. The first vote includes the Landvættir whereby 2/3 must vote for removal to get to the next vote. The second vote is brought to the Althing, where by a 2/3 majority must approve the removal. The Althing vote will include Hilmir and Landvættir. Upon completion of all 3 votes in succession and in the affirmative the Hilmir is removed from office. 10.Charter Change: In the event a change to the charter is needed the same voting procedure as removing a Hilmir applies, except it is done in reverse order. (althing- landvættir-Hilmir). Any member of the althing can propose a charter change but that proposal must be supported by no less than 2 other members before the vote process begins.[/quote] Signed: Thorgrum - Hilmir Craven - Hilmir HegemonRob - Hilmir P.S. OMFG should be along shortly to confirm the protectorate agreement. We welcome anyone with questions to register at our forums or visit our IRC channel #aesir
  16. Christians are wrought with paradox, I think they even have a commandment that states they shouldnt place another god above thier own (the god of abraham) which dosent jive with the whole christ mythos. Fun stuff, sadly its like hearing the same song on the radio over and over, it looses its luster and its short comings become painfully obvious. Case and point is the opening sentence of this blog, although the title certainly caught my attention.
  17. Likewise, Im sure his god is proud.
  18. [quote name='Slumdog' timestamp='1298777033' post='2645796'] As stated above, we respect this, however we expect common courtesy [/quote] You need to read up a bit more, the current price of "common courtesy" starts at 40K tech. OF course if you were to appologize id be willing to be more civil but right now sir, this entire episode has been folly and wrought with very poor attempts at humor. Would you consider 20k?
  19. excellent read, well presented and coherent, void of emotion until the end. Really nice summation and saves hours of sitting on IRC pikcing up the bits and pieces from ancient connections. cheers
  20. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297736964' post='2633780'] It's five percent of their tech over a 6 months period from DT. And that was the cost to leave the war after just one week. Please stop acting as if the reps are high. [/quote] I dont care if they pay 100000 reps, I dont view things from a moralist point of view at all. I know your on one of your spew fests but you dont need to count me amongst the shocked and surprised. I think CSN should get whatever they can get DT to agree too. Although its refreshing to once again witness your zealousness in action, you are highly amusing I will give you that. Every court needs a jester I suppose.
  21. [quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1297733452' post='2633692'] And I'm saying that it was wrong for such over the top reps to be offered in the first place.[/quote] Did you see who was making the demand for reps? 30 pages of shock over Xiph and Goose asking for tens of thousands of tech for reps? Have all of you that are surprised had your head up your asses for the last 3 years? Go ahead take a walk down memory lane and read past surrenders and negotiations, nothing new here. It isnt wrong at all, it should have been expected, in the first place given the people involved. DT did the best thing they could do, make it a PR issue. Rinse repeat see you in 3-6 months when the next big fire cracker goes off.
  22. I used to play STW for hours online, the battles were great. I'd have to reload MTW2 and Empire because ive got them both heavily modded but put me down as tentative. Once I see the format and whats what, I'll give a definative yes or no
  23. Dio is regent? Where the hell is rustynail? Whats next, EOC minister of diaper changes?
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