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Everything posted by Thorgrum

  1. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1293749759' post='2558641'] I think he was saying at the time we were pissed at Gremlins and we had a reason for it. I don't think anyone is arguing that there are alliances who have a reason to be pissed at TOP for actual mistakes we've made. For example Umbrella was perfectly justified to be pissed at us for our actions this last war. The problem is when an alliance like GOD hates us for actions that we didn't even commit or that were greatly exaggerated from nearly two years ago. [/quote] Those of us in the thread at this point are former citadel and thats not what this thread is about. That being said, what he said has a bit more cache with those of us who were observers at the time. I never got the impression GOD hates TOP from this thread, i got the impression Xiph overreacted to an MK alliance to TOP because he dosent trust TOP. Like it or not Xiph runs the show at GOD and while its reasonable to assign his sentiment to the alliance as a whole (like people who judge TOP by Crymson) it dosent make it an accurate claim.
  2. [quote name='ROMMELHSQ' timestamp='1293744327' post='2558569'] Grämlins deserved every bit of !@#$ was thrown to them for their attack on IRON and breaking the Citadel treaty. [/quote] Really, if one wants others to move beyond past "mistakes", one has to, at least on the surface, adopt some modicum of humility. I personally enjoy consistancy, thats why reading Crymson's post was baffling. At least TOP survived, gramlins is a hollow shell of its former self that must be particularly gratifying eh rommel?
  3. being 100% correct about the direction gramlins was heading in with Ramirus in charge, making a spectcle of myself in the process and screaming as loud as possible for any of the archons to hear and make a change (particularly after the umbrella B.S.). After creating that noise, not leaving on the eve of war and sticking with Gramlins on the first wave against IRON in defense of MK and taking subsequent staggers from OG and Zenith. I had authorization to leave and it would have been easy to do, but the right thing to do was not to leave an AA that had protected me and given me a home on the eve of war, particularly against MK an alliance I respect.
  4. [quote name='eirland' timestamp='1293593840' post='2556849'] Don't believe the lies. [/quote] A famous man from some other realm once said "when you aint got nothing, you got nothing to loose" I had nothing coming into this and I lost it all.
  5. [quote name='Some-Guy' timestamp='1293563695' post='2556365'] Well, there in lies the difference between you and I. I can get over grievous, verifiable mistakes that former allies and (supposed) friends made an age ago. Whereas you, seemingly can't get over one or two small errors in judgement that have been apologised for and entirely imagined slights, which have no basis in fact or reality, that you feel were made by a mere passing acquaintance an age ago. Gosh, it must be hard work keeping track of all that needless rage. Poor you. [/quote] When I served with zilla in MA I remember him to be a very intelligent person, albeit zealous I dont think its hard work for him at all. having been allied to TOP via citadel alliances there was a lot of good about TOP, things to admire and even aspire too but the bad was, at times, ugly. I can completely understand why someone would remember it and hold a grudge. It should be the endevor of every ruler to find ways to inspire him or herself to continue on and slog through the meyer.
  6. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1293493926' post='2555618'] An academy is by far the most fair way to approach this. Open voting by everyone would yield stupid results like the fake ceremony of last year. I'm sure Sir Paul can once again do a good job in how he organizes the CN Academy Awards. [b]The peoples choice version will quite honestly be a waste of time and space and just end up being spammed by the usual suspects.[/b][/quote] The bolded part is pretty much what will happen no matter how the awards are done. Also "stupid results" should be expected in a role playing game from time to time, and the concept in of its self is highly subjective anyway. On with the show and enough of the attempt at GM, idiocy by the idiots, for the idiots! the peanut gallery hungers.
  7. As a casual observer who has read most of the thread what is perplexing is 2 fold. first why anyone is upset or surprised at the manner in which Xiph communicated his displeasure? second and most importantly, why anyone would be upset at his proclomation and decision at all? Would you all want to be allied (through multiple chains of course) to someone who didnt like your allies? Its like the people who whine about war, then a war comes and they whine they want it finished, then whine about reps or something else. Xiph is doing it right and playing the way I believe it was all meant to be played. It's always been rather humourous to watch the clamoring idiots give thier hails etc to their factions PR but this is a good thing for all involved. If the tantrum didnt happen now, it would have likely happened at a time when the balance of leverage was more relevant to the timing of events. He did you all a favor.
  8. Voted for those proclaiming fernando is stupid or is a waste of time, truly they are the intellectual giants of the planet and hold all the influence. Why else would they reply to someone they thought was irrelevant and stupid?
  9. [quote name='Lordmaximus' timestamp='1293163644' post='2552316'] Though, seeking a Christmas armistice isn't for just you and i, but for all those that may perhaps wish to spend time with family then fight a battle here. If it were your intended holiday, and you wished to be with family and god, i would support that as well. Its about giving rather then receiving, having honor and faith, valor and respect. Its not something i expect therefore informing me that it wont isnt an issue on my end. It was just a proposed request. After all maybe a day off can help some grasp what the hell is going on. as it still seems there are many questions unanswered. [/quote] If they choose to be here, let them wallow in the filth of the pig pen like the rest of us. Yep, pigs !@#$ on christmas too, so start rolling around in it with everyone else. Everyday you are here you run the gauntlet of war just like the rest of us and until it comes you're stuck in the meyer of !@#$ like everyone else. The only armistice you get is peace mode, otherwise you can be attacked at any moment by several other pigs.
  10. [quote name='GeorgeWBush' timestamp='1291503135' post='2530313'] THATS IT! I have taken crap from so many worthless alliances and nations! I have tried to put this right but all the time i get the the piss taken out of me! This was a genuine call for help but all you did was mock me! [/quote] Can you eloborate on how the piss was extracted? No one is going to help you.
  11. I am 40 so I am going to impart to you some of the lessons I learned in my life when it comes to relationships, dosent matter what your sexuallity is. 1. Dont assume you know how the other person feels, let them tell you: Really I know thats simplistic but often (as you exampled above) people have a hard time getting out the whole narrative. Its very important to have patience specifically given the dynamics you have expressed in prior postings about "coming out". 2. Sometimes less is better: Its important to get out how you feel, but it dosent have to be a major event requiring hours of conversation and emotion. Sometimes saying things simply allows the other person a quicker processing time and the ability to respond in a concise manner. 3. Emotions are real: If you feel it, its real. Dont get to caught up on others dismissive nature of their feelings or your reactions. The key here is, is to make sure you understand why you feel a certain way and how you plan to deal with it. Honesty, is paramount to being at peace with yourself. Just a couple of tips, sexual preference isnt important to me really, Im a hetro male with kids probably old enough to be your father. My best simplest advice to you is, spending time in reflection negates time living in the present which, if done at length can compramise the future. tl;dr: yeah tell him, get it all out but be mindful of the delivery and the genesis of the feelings.
  12. Nah, you were worth the 3 minutes, I would have invested a full 10 to watch you make a bigger fool of yourself had you not given some !@#$%^&* excuse not to execute your challenge/threat. "next time you're going to shoot, shoot! Don't talk about it" Tuco (the ugly)
  13. Forbidding you? what kind of crock of !@#$ is that? You call the guy out on your blog, he replies and thats your excuse? You wasted dam near 3 minutes of my time, I was hoping for a 7 day bile fest of nonsense.
  14. [quote name='scotch' timestamp='1290629367' post='2522328'] but yes, this is between buds and I, not valhalla and odn. [/quote] Give it a few pages mate, the magicians havent come in yet.
  15. [quote name='jerdge' timestamp='1290615855' post='2522140'] I think that offering 35 millions is a good idea [i]if[/i] you're doing it to lure the aggressor(s) to reveal their identity, so that you and your alliance can then flatten them. [/quote] Maybe, but he is offering 35 million every 10 days which is a nice chunk of change. Either he has written that in error, dosent understand the aid system or his alliance is already involved and willing to help him pay the cash.
  16. [quote name='Tsayka' timestamp='1290445713' post='2520352'] there is a nation that was created today with spices, lumber, and is on aqua. I first sent them a trade request, but need someone good with words to help convince them to become a part of our trade circle. [/quote] I'm not great with words to be honest, but if he accepts the deal with you then I will contact him and talk to him about trade circles.
  17. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1290449745' post='2520390'] I can understand the votes for Peggy, but ask yourself, is her country prepared to lead the world in Zombie exports? [/quote] I dont know, im just here for the lulz. Dont get me wrong I think you would be a fine choice but if I were an odds maker id be willing to bet that if she is the winner it will provide a better outcome for a broad group of people.
  18. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1290448011' post='2520370'] Voted Peggy. You guys must not like drama. [/quote] I like drama, and I voted for her too. The peanut gallery hungers
  19. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1289919620' post='2514603'] It does not suprise me they are not talking. The only thing I find of note is how much MK has become like NPO of old with annoucements like this and that entire NSO fiasco. Not sure of that is a good thing or bad thing for MK but, I do find it interesting. Planet Bob always needs a bad guy. [/quote] indeed and dependent on how you view the "NPO of old" one could argue their reign on top was one of the most successful we have ever had on this planet. If you chose to adopt that point of view, then its perfectly logical to understand why MK is emulating (somewhat) that success. I for one appreciate this missive from the Kingdom, the peanut gallery hungers.
  20. Well the only problem with your assertion is you left out any mention of parents stopping children from being trained. Children, for the most part, dont have the resources to obtain these items (cash, a car to get there), the parent have to be apart of your equation. Now if you had added a blurb about how mcdonalds make it very fast and easy to obtain thus making it easier to feed the children, you'd have something. But you left it out, you dont get any prize with your happy meal, although im sure if you ask nicely Hero will score you some pokemon toys...
  21. [quote]Can you let me know what my agenda is and where I can locate it?[/quote] I think you left it on IRC in a triple secret treaty with valhalla, what it is, well it would appear to incite the baw squad of the current power structure. Im sure by the end, they'll bite.
  22. Both great people and I wish them the best in the other world, good luck out there Hoo and Kait and to the rest of the rokkers.
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