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Everything posted by Thorgrum

  1. Just a friendly reminder, should you clowns choose to attack the players "gretchen or Gibson" I will rogue GO. 3 months from now when this war is over and Im still sitting on a billion in cash and 1k infra in peace mode buying more nukes to hit your mid teir with, you can evaluate the cost benefits then. Some profess not to care, and some truly dont. Give me a reason to remember to log on everyday.... EDIT: go ahead and nuke Free, he has past sins to pay for still.
  2. [quote name='kingzog' timestamp='1341507247' post='3004012'] Bob's history is replete with small alliances who made a name for themselves through their conduct in war, my favorite example being the entry of TDSM8 into the BAPS War 4-1/2 years ago. I don't know if your micro-alliance will fall into the same category, and yes, you'll almost certainly get squashed, but I'm not about to fault someone for standing up for a friend. Good luck. (You're probably going to need it.) [/quote] Pretty much this. You'll find that no matter what you do around here there will always be people shouting you down. In the end you declared war on a superior force who will crush you in support of your protector. Thats exactly what you should be doing, making your bones the right way gets you noticed.
  3. I don’t know what this is, freelancer is a cryptic pain in the ass that I do know. I also know if anyone attacks Gretchen or Gibson two friends of mine that currently reside on the brain AA, you and your AA eat my 15k tech nukes and billions of cash reserves until I have nothing left and delete. Otherwise carry on.
  4. Janax is a good guy, rusty isnt so bad either. Good luck to everyone.
  5. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329770684' post='2924713'] That's fine and all, but when it overrides more real concerns a la Crymsonism, it goes too far. [/quote] It doesnt go to far, anyone who's even been on the fringes of the gov circles knows absolutely how the game is played and run. Once you accept that reality its very easy to ensure you dont fall into the trap of over investment of time. You were part of that mechanism, you are using the only means that will break it, appealing to the masses. Sadly you are a few years to late and Vox did it much better. Apathy always wins Roq, good luck the thousands who play for 2-3 min a day will be watching.......
  6. This is good gaming (for a browser game) He spied in game content for in game gain. He was exposed and its played out on the boards and in game. There isnt anything else happening Hal, you want to wait another 6 months for the next large war? You really do need more perspective here the torch you seem to bare for good gaming and decent behaviors seems to be flavored with some real world ethos. This all happened in game, this is a good thing for the game short term and long term. When you see a car crash on the highway do you slow down to take a look? I sure as hell do, in CN terms this is a similar situation, players read it, people engaged, intrique occured. All positive outcomes. Now back to IC. You're an idiot roq, you really blew it on this because you allowed them to make it about you and some ridiculous notion about your mental state. Several people offered you the same simple advice (alfred does as well) you're now part of the show. Another cluster$%&@ but its all good, for 3 minutes today at work I got a pretty dam good laugh about it. Thanks man.
  7. Had you taken Pezstar's advice you would have garnered a better outcome. You played into the classic trap Roq, you allowed them to make it about your charecter instead of the issue you presented. I still enjoyed the train wreck but its now about you not MK spying (I know that was 20+pages ago...) and now you're in a pissing match with Non Grata? You're doing it wrong but its been a good 10 minute hoot. Congrats, you're the flavor of the month.
  8. ScratchScreen don't listen to any of these Neanderthals, they don't know a quality piece when they see it. Anyone who has stared into the abyss of the toilet before the flush can see clearly that this indeed is a wonderfully crafted nugget. IT likely took you a long time to squeeze it out, and while it may appear to some to have been plopped onto the screen remember as the artist of this piece only you can truly appreciate its aromatic prose. In the end, everyone value's !@#$ differently.
  9. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1328218938' post='2913320'] Joe: You didn't have all the information you thought you did and you screwed up. Go be the best Mushroom Kingdom member you can be and let this drop. People will respect you more for it. I know I will. [/quote] Once again Hal is giving horrible advice. Lest we all forget this is all meant for entertainment purposes. Given the general apathy that surrounds the planet the last thing we want is to have one of the players in the latest drama to stop posting. On the contrary what would be best hal is if you stopped giving advice and let the Rok people play out the final act of the production. Curtain falls soon, dont spoil the fun
  10. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1328081835' post='2912425'] It's never too late for that. [/quote] If I can get an authorization from non grata, ill be happy to step in. Ive got the new theme for ROK planned, here is a sample (long version is 78 hours) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fUHnExxlIU&feature=re lated"]Trollolololololol[/url]
  11. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1327979724' post='2911217'] Agreed, MK could make something of this I'm sure. However, I doubt they do just [b]because this whole thing is no longer funny[/b]. It's just retarded at this point. [/quote] @bolded: yes its still funny. Look at it this way, when you have been a fringe person, sometimes in the know often times not and you happen to see the last nuggets of !@#$ swirling around the bowl before the tank refills its gratifying. Give it another page or 3 then the you all can pull the lever for the final flush.
  12. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1327806929' post='2909124'] This is entirely surprising and not at all expected. They still have some treaties, but this takes away a significant amount of the bite that would happen by hitting RoK, to be sure. [/quote] hahahahahahaha, ohohohohohohohohoho, hehehehehehehehehehehe Funny stuff really, the peanut gallery hungers. lol
  13. [quote name='Spith' timestamp='1327728053' post='2908682'] Duke Nukem is reading this? [/quote] Plenty of people have, are and will read this. We're all here for the lulz. Now let me give a little bit of advice maggot, I dont like the cut of your jib, lets get that out of the way. You go to rok you keep your nose clean and keep your head in the sand, i dont want to see any of these silly antics here again. Tell Bob, its not how you play the game, it only matters if you win or loose. You dig cyrus?
  14. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1327721018' post='2908574'] Well, it was either that ... or Rok got a new d-bag head of state and it's bad form to start dropping treaties in the middle of a war. One or the other. [/quote] Its the new !@#$% bag head of state, dont mince words its unbecoming.
  15. Close yes. Key here is not only do most not understand most dont care. Apathy always wins.
  16. I forgot to collect for 22 days recently. Make sure this idiot cartman is flooded with aid from the terran alliance. 3kk and 50 tech for a week or so, otherwise Im going to come out of peace mode park my ass on the AA and turtle it until I piss away my billions and you eat nukes. This will give me a good reason to remember to collect. Dont $%&@ it up, I need a decent reason to delete. So 5 packages of 3kk and 50 tech to cartman. Cartman make sure you send my nation a message so I remember to check your aid screens. If you wiggle out of this cartman with some half assed B.S. I will rogue/turtle any alliance who accepts you. you dig?
  17. Let me know when the parade of idiots passes

  18. [quote name='Krashnaia' timestamp='1323776151' post='2876447'] Neither conclussion leaves you in any good light. The former means you are just a bully and someone with enough lack of life to invest months and months of his life in abusing newbies. The latter means that, also, you are working for us, since thanks to you we can know whose newbies have balls and whose don't. [/quote] On the contrary, its very rare Hizzy isnt in a good light. He's enjoying the ride, nothing wrong with that. You and I served together in Monos Archein a long time ago so im going to offer you up a piece of advice here (should have pages ago) you should move along and let the hero's thump their chest for awhile. You can counter until you are blue in the face here, CSN had a beat down coming. Take solace in the fact that these idiots had to dog pile you to do it, not one of them alone likely could have on a one on one. They know it too, it was a good attack well timed and the outcome was easy to predict. A slam dunk war by no means represents their abilities at all, anyone with half a brain cell watching can see it, so you loose pixels but you'll always have principal. Best thing to do is unload your cash and nukes into them, then delete.
  19. [quote name='welshgazza1992' timestamp='1323734381' post='2875772'] Karma is !@#$%*. [/quote] lol, yep you could say that. You could also say, some people proclaim not to care and then there are those who really dont. You could also say, its not the strength of the hawks strike that kills its prey, but the timing of the strike. You chicken !@#$% dog piled them, you arent fooling anyone your military prowess has been overrated for a very long time.
  20. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1323619560' post='2873920'] So seriously, just stop !@#$%*ing. It makes all of you look bad. [/quote] For someone who has been all over the boards running thier mouth the last month or so you should probably take your own advice. You cowards are taking an easy win here and you know it, yes it makes you look bad.
  21. I always found you to be a level headed reasonable poster who from time to time was able to pursuade me to adjust my libertarian point of view. Sadly, you often teetered on foolishness as most liberal minded people do. For instance, creating a blog post with cavaets: yet your posting in the context of the game and its community, which is it sport? You're a decent person, move on and let go you can do better then CN.
  22. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1323296160' post='2867773'] You sound angry. Maybe it's because you got kicked out of RoK for being a whiny little !@#$%*? That'd make sense. [/quote] I am, Im always angry. I couldnt tell you why I got kicked out, I was pretty drunk when it happened, maybe kait saved the I'ms I dont know, probably whined my ass off. I do know when I was there i was entertained for a week or so, that was a good thing. Still, its notable you didnt really refute anything I said/inferred about ROK. One could deduce you believe it too, which is cool I like honesty even if its indirect or implied. Whatever, declare war get your 15 or so people on at update with their 30 day warchests and get on with it. It dosent get any better then this does it sport?
  23. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1323146236' post='2865034'] This is a better callout than Jaiar's. [/quote] It’s a close call as he is a god dam idiot, however his callout is referring to a collective idiocy that is the alliance you reside in. The breadth of his call out and what he implies makes it far better than this. This is someone whining about whining. I know hypocrisy and bad form are par for the course during war but let’s not elevate one !@#$@#$ moron over another.
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