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Everything posted by Thorgrum

  1. You gotta take your lumps pal. I am by no means a Kashmir fan but they are right on this one. You DOW on them with an old CB, with some encouragement :smug: but you made the call none the less. So ya they brought in people to help, this is Kashmir I mean they needed help with Methrage, and now me, lol. So you want to peace out and say "ooops lets have a do over"? They would be an even bigger laughing stock then they are now to peace you out. You just keep nuking and doing damage, dont screw this up.
  2. Thats one way. However they must be mad about something. I mean a one man alliance which they dont care about makes it into their signatures it would seem to me a nerve has been hit. It sucks for them I guess, I mean what better confirmation of facts than affirming the psychology. Why else would they go to such trouble over me? Certainly after dealing with me on their forums they know I cant be shamed and would use it to my advantage but correctly articulating its cause. Im starting to feel bad for them, slightly.
  3. I dont understand this vein of thought. Excrement makes it sound like there is a plethora of wonderment abound. There isnt, we're all in the cesspool here at this point.
  4. You cant rage quit if you arent enraged William, what was that again about not using "meme's"? lol. Maturity is a subjective concept Im certainly not going to argue the point with you, your signature by default allows me the higher ground in that conversation. The wiki? I simply tried to correct it for you to portray the accurate information which you confirmed in your post above. Its not my fault youre alliance documents arent worth the space they take up. I mean at least your admitting it here, thats a good start for any potential applicants going forward.
  5. Implosion might be a severe rendition of what I am doing. Simply put, a Kashmir gov member violated the "spirit" (Kashmir words not mine) of their charter. I called them out on it, didnt go well. They created a discourse with the body public to discuss it and the net result was "Thorgrum is being a baby". The fact never got addressed and so that was the first CB which I didnt act on. I mean I didnt write the charter of Kashmir I simply tried to live by it and when I asked the same of the gov there? They didnt like it. Those are facts they simply cant dispute, but then we progress, I got tired of dealing with complete morons who couldnt deal with the reality of what happened. In classic behavior it became a name calling fest, which I was happy to take part in but it became clear to me that there was no traction at all to correct the problem, the leader of the alliance. On the contrary they were very content to shrug it off, as frankly they are all friends the charter isnt really serious essentially the soul of that alliances is the personal relationships not the presentation of what they represent in there charter documents. I said fine, deleted my account in dramatic fashion of course I am after all fantastic at vitriol when I try. So I was left with a deferment to my initial deal with Kashmir, I needed an AA to park if war came I would fight. I had no reason to believe that wasnt still in effect. They claim to have sent me messages about an expulsion, I dont have them and I saved everything. Regardless, according to them an expulsion of a member is no simple thing, at least according to the spirit of their charter (seeing a pattern yet?) So it made it very simple to take this course of action, when you have less than honorable people pontificating about an ideal of how an alliance should be run and then when they miss the mark and you call them on it and they tell you your over reaching why not go this route? Thats how it played out these are the facts as I see it. Did I stoke the flames? You bet your ass I did. However it was from a position of rightousness given the clear violation of the "spirit" of their charter. In the end, I left the forums it was a quagmire. The situation was thus resolved at that point, they choose to expel, had they not it would have been an internal matter that would never had seen the light of day. I had already begun the process of contacting old friends to move. They acted, which is there choice and now this is the consequence.
  6. It's always nice to see through the meyer of foolishness a few gems sprinkled in. Cheers
  7. LOL, a one man alliance you call a rogue got you so bent out of shape you made a sig? Youre an idiot, pal, lol.
  8. The funny part is Methrage, and william knows this, all of it is rooted in reality. Facts suck when they dont paint the picture you want. Kashmir, its charter and entire premise of the alliance, its very core doctrine is a lie. I proved it to them, and they didnt like it. Unlike others in that alliance who have gone quietly in the past I wont. Now of course you'll see all the standard meme's about reality, they dont care, they'll use me as training for members etc. What you wont get is an admission that in fact, they made a mistake and its going to be a costly one for them. They wont own it, and more will come. While I am by no means "connected" I might have one or two tricks left up my sleeve, unlikely but Im "working the phones". Rebuild, retool and reengage methrage at this point what do you have to loose?
  9. Anything to extract one more measure of entertainment, Im already bored.
  10. Dont worry, eventually Kashmir will call someone in. That precedent has been set, I mean their defense chief is a complete idiot.
  11. Jack despite where we are at now, I believe you. I dont know about these other clowns, I do know that I was able to experience Kashmir enough to make decent evaluations on some of the people. As an example most of the morons are here, showing how god dam stupid they are. You? my impression of you was you were a straight shooter. At least for me, I always got a straight honest answer from you. To bad more of your alliance mates arent cut from the same cloth as you.
  12. Lol, but the Admin part can you elaborate on that please? :ehm:
  13. Congratulations on the formation of your alliance. Indeed its a big step to go out on your own and not wait for master to tell you when to act and when not too. Its always good to see people going out on there own, from one micro to another good luck out there. Thorgrum Commanding Officer of CN-Rangers
  14. I think your depiction of it being a war is pretty generous. It looks like a faceroll the likes of which we havent seen in a while. I mean Oculus should crush them fairly quickly, drawn out or not the outcome is pretty much already been decided unless someone comes white knighting. Either way I suppose if you can go big, you go big.
  15. Digging the references at the end. "Its not a lie, if you believe its true Jerry" George Castanza
  16. Why would I not give an accurate portrayal of the circumstances? I mean at this point Im essentially responding to some individuals that "dont care" you know they are creating the mental gymnastics of their own stupidity. I cant help it if it provides a gold mine of opportunity. Who better to have discourse with than someone proclaiming they dont care about you, in reply to you? Also what I am doing at this stage cant really be considered fighting, the strategy dictates that when fighting superior numbers you have to get to a range where you advantages enable better results. Im not there yet but as this fades, we'll have better rounds for sure. Anyway Jack have fun out there and remember, its not a lie if you believe its true.
  17. We'll see, I'll be out of money by the end of the week.
  18. No need to apologize it is what it is. Look we've discussed this one on one you know my thoughts on the macro picture. I mean the banter is humorous but you know you cant upset/humiliate someone unless they empower you to do so. I'll never be that guy, its simply not a tact that is going to work. The fact that most of Kashmir is attempting it on me, is once again a testament to their understanding of the party they are addressing and overall intelligence. Anyone with a modicum of objectivity could draw that conclusion, the fact I am pointing it out and they keep replying is verification of the premise. Unlike your pal Berk, Im doing something about the injustice. Perhaps thats what most annoying for your side I dont know. Someone wouldnt just take it, someone actually told you to go screw and put the nation on the line to back it up. I suspect thats closer to the truth here but it doesnt matter. No, I wont be contacting you, you will be contacting me or I see it to the end and we never chat again. I am ready for the road ahead I have a good idea what to expect and have enacted the correct strategy to ensure I can maximize my impact. You can contact me anytime, we will discuss the terms ive offered I am benevolent despite it all I can show clemency. If its 6 months from now thats fine, you know where to find me.
  19. What you think this is easy for me? On top of being handsome, intelligent and wealthy this is an extreme burden. I would have been happy to sit on the AA and not bother anyone until another war broke out which I would have fought for Kashmir no questions asked. I was clear about this in my application thread, you know when I was recruited by William to be on kashmir. You know when I was rather explicit about my expectations and after pages of back and forth we all agreed on the terms of the membership. Its also not my fault that one of your government members choose to break the spirit of the charter, really the core concept of it and I called B.S. You all handled it poorly, so now you reap what you sow. Remember I didnt come to you, you recruited me.
  20. Well of course they proved that in the last war when they could not defeat the last micros they fought. I was on thier forums, I know they can call in allies, they did. Of course being dutiful alliance members we didnt portray that on the forums but having to call in alliances already the precesdent is set. Its one of the reasons why it made the decision to create an alliance and declare war with my valid CB, as explained in that DOW thread all the more palatable for me as a ruler. I know factually their capabilities strength and weaknesses. Im not here proclaiming they are going to loose, on the contrary by every rational measure they will win. However they will bleed resources and excessive bleeding leads to death over time. You arent arguing that with me are you? I mean please let me know now as id rather not waste my time with irrational folly. I mean I do understand why you would do it, ive done it in support of allies in the past but come on now, we arent babes in the woods here.
  21. So the long term strategy of inflicting damage over time gains more momentum. Lets be honest Kashmir a lot of you are broke, not all of you but death by a 1000 cuts is still death. I hope, truly there arent other micros or one off's out there whom you have victimized. It would be absolutely horrible to see you in perpetual war, particularly with larger conflicts on the horizon. Tragic having to spend resources handling small mess after small mess. Whats next a redecleration from Methrage and Co?
  22. Odd, given your prior post you proclaimed not to be able to understand. So I guess then, based on this commentary I was infact correct? Im not telling anyone I am smarter than they are. More articulate? Sure I'll take that moniker but lets face it Hakai, you and yours are not the top of the intellectual food chain, I mean you didnt have to be in kashmir to know that. Just a quick search through some of the recent banter reveals that as fact, its by no means a measure of my intelligence pointing that out. Its like someone standing outside and pointing to the sky and yelling "its blue"
  23. Normally people argue when they dont understand something. It was clear from the Kashmir forums you were a complete moron anyway but indeed if my paragraphs are too complicated for you (your words) I will dumb it down to a level you and most of the other half wits in Kashmir will understand. "No U"
  24. I lol'd. I dont know what I am doing, i dont know anyone in this game anymore. This comes as a complete shock. :smug:
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