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Everything posted by Thorgrum

  1. No, I think its funny you continue to reply to subjects/ causes you find inane. its almost as if youre trying to convince people you are not an idiot. The proper course to that end would be not to reply, if you actually believe what you said which, your reply suggests you don't. Poor thing. lol EDIT: Ill be in your range soon, see sig.
  2. I don't have anything witty other then to say you provided me (or the irc log with you chatting on it) one of the best laughs ive ever had in CN. Glad to see your still around. You realize youre never going to get the time you invested back correct? You are truly a tragic figure Xiph. Good luck out there man.
  3. Not everyone on the AA feels the same way I do. Some changed their view after the outcome of the OBR thing, others by the choices of Sun. Im pretty confident though that if the cause was inane you wouldn't be replying to me at all. That of course assumes you understand the actual definitions of the words you choose to use. Regardless, people come and go those who wanted to exit have or will, those of us who are prepared to go to the end, spent and in bill lock will. The fact that SUN needs help in this matter via PR is amusing but not surprising considering their horrid performance in the FA realm. Needless to say its not going to be a horrible outcome dumping 3billion dollars and who knows how many CMS and nukes into them. The world would be a much more dynamic place with less cookie cutter bland alliances.
  4. You'd advise against that? Really? I know this venue dosent breed a lot of intellectual giants but what part of was unclear? Whats the worst case scenario, other alliances declare war on nations who are prepared to delete? LOL we knew SUN wasn't much, another cookie cutter alliance with minimal character and questionable value but are they really that bad?
  5. I think you have mistaken your importance. To be blunt your continued attention grab is keeping the conversation alive which enables a broader audience. Personally, Im a mercenary. Im on the AA to help 3 friends, one of which has been helped so ive got two left. I couldn't care less if GATO is rolled over, lubed up and butt pumped for months. Bring NPO as their overlord again, I don't care. Sadly for you my ability to grasp situations is a little bit more developed then yours. You've read far to much into it and assume a great deal. Its actually a very simple situation, but I do understand this helps your own personal PR. Im okay with that, the game is important to you. Should the "broader audience" read between the lines, please send a message to my nation and we'll talk. Cheers
  6. "Forcing" isn't the correct word, enabling is. Everyone makes a choice, SUN included. Im confident that information was given to them regarding 3% and its internal and external circumstance. Some of its played out publically, but this was never a clean side war to begin with. So if I am in SUN's shoes I have a decision to make, do I stay in continued war with people who are in game friends and have been for years knowing they have nothing to loose or do I expedite an out that saves my alliance pixels to fight another day. That choice should have happened early on, given the circumstances of the DOW and the internal workings of 3%. The simple answer is, SUN should have recognized that the DOW was a segment of 3%'s way of signing off from planet bob and worked with the nations who didn't want that outcome on the AA to get them peace and get them out. There were 18 nations, any competent FA team should have been able to handle it without an outside party facilitating the transition. Sure it would have taken an non traditional approach to CN politics but the circumstances dictated it. SUN isn't/wasn't saavy enough to draw that conclusion, or were and decided to live with the consequences of not acting on them. Those consequences being, instead of perhaps 5 nations prepped for endless war and delete you now have 15 or so. Again, you cant win a pixel war with people who don't care about the pixels. Yes I know its a sexy meme "its only pixels" but when its accurate, your the one gambling with your alliances lower tier because a month from now that's where this will end up. How does SUN sell a ZI to its 15K nations that are being hit by a 2000day old nation on its way out with billions in the bank? Of course this isn't a simplistic situation but power player here is SUN, they have and had far more options once the war started.
  7. The major caveat here is apathy. CN's best days have past, at least in my view. Hence it takes effort to remain connected in a meaningful way, as the pool of players with actual influence into politics/war gets smaller and smaller. There was a time when a nation could participate in an alliance, gain position and influence said alliance into meaningful action that affected world politics. We are now In as situation where many nations simply collect taxes because they have had the nations for 2000+ days and don't want to just let it delete. So the context of "doomed" isn't horrific in that sense, for players like myself who are otherwise not engaged and don't have a vested interest its a nice circumstance to be in. The nation has to die at some point, and it would be a !@#$%* way to go forgetting to log in after a month. I much rather be in the position to fight to the death, then die and go away. This war at least has given me that opportunity, whether that comes to fruition or not is still in question but we will see. Also @wally: Cheers mate
  8. Sun is in the sad position of facing unending war, had they decided a different course early on perhaps their fate wouldn't be so grim. In the end they have numeric superiority and will statistically win the battle of pixels. Unfortunately they cant truly win here, and they knew/know it. As I said when your dealing with a group who is willing to expend everything their nations have and then delete, your course of action is limited to fighting it out until they do so or getting a quick of an exit as possible to limit your long term damage. They should have chosen the later.
  9. The sad part for you is you choose to hit people who don't really care. Literally I logged on twice a month if that for the last year. When we see fail alliances like Sun, who need to attack groups 3 times smaller and still get rolled (tell your people if I have a HNMS that you don't send spies for nukes if I have 5 or less) its worth it to spend my billions destroying your lower tiers for months on end. I should run out of cash sometime in April and have no problem turtling through 1k infra/peace mode build up and hitting Sun until bill lock and then deleting. Who ever your military people are, they are idiots. Apathy always wins, you cant defeat people who don't care. The best days of CN have long since past, anyone whos been around a while knows that. Good luck out there
  10. [quote name='MutedFaith' timestamp='1346250720' post='3026353'] I kinda wonder how TDO felt about one of their members dropping our because of a [i]personal treaty[/i] with another nation.. [/quote] They were told prior to my leaving what was going to happen. They didnt say much either way honestly, I think the 2 active people were sweeping tumble weeds off the streets of thier forums.....
  11. [quote name='JohnGulager' timestamp='1346288162' post='3026501'] Thorgrum was just looking for an excuse to quit. It is what it is. [/quote] Thats false. GO was told in advance if they chose to attack Gibson or Gretchen I would attack. That same message has been delivered to 3 other alliances in the past through the years via other wars. GO acted, I backed up my claim. Thats what it is. Im not quitting, never intended to. I'll be here for a long time. This has just given me the opportunity to remember to log in more then once every 20 days. Im actually in GO's debt, my nation in the last year almost deleted 4 times.
  12. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1346268434' post='3026421'] Your trying to make going rogue sound good. Its still going rogue and did nothing to help you. Could have just sent you aid post war. Also if your going to have a treaty between nations then why are you not in the same alliance? Alliances go to war. They go to war with other alliances. If you do not want people to attack your friend then get her in a nuetral alliance or you will be going rogue every couple months. This entire thing is so stupid it hurts my head. And I am not all that bright so I normally handle stupid pretty well. [/quote] Coming form a known piece of !@#$ like you this is a great compliment. Ive always found your exploits to be dubious, historically anyway. I often wondered how it was you never snapped your own neck when running from thread to thread telling people how to exsist here, with your head lodged so far up your rectum. It dosent come as a surprise to me (and Im sure many others) that you would find it hard to grasp someone informing an alliance prior to attacking a nation that you had a treaty with them and that you would attack should they make the choice to do so. They attack and well I backed up the talk with action. Nope dosent surprise me one bit you dont get that, given your history.
  13. [quote name='Commander shepard' timestamp='1346243000' post='3026314'] Courage, Honor? Yeah I'm not seeing it, your attitude is anything but honorable. [/quote] GO was told what I would do if they attacked one nation, they made the choice to do so. The fact Im doing what I said I would do isnt meant to be honorable at all, its merely backing the flapping gums with the only action one can take. Your perception of my attitude is amusing to me, youve given me a and additional 2 minutes of entertainment I wouldnt have otherwise garnered here.
  14. Thorgrum

    "Weak" CBs

    There is that little problem with "courage" that plays the foil in your scenario. Lots of people with big Epeens on planet bob, very few are willing to act outside of accepted norms. Even when the peak is clearly past and we are in decline you have nonsensical posturing that amounts to little more then a dossier on collective stupidity.
  15. [quote name='Thane Carcajou' timestamp='1346084686' post='3025654'] Your hands are tied because you chose to let them be tied. A simple resignation from The Brain would cut you free of the treaty web and give you the freedom to come to Thorgrum's aid in a military sense or via aid. In fact the two of you could even share an AA and burn together. You rule a nation that is nuclear capable and should be able to throw nuclear weapons for an extended period of time, assuming you've been budgeting properly. For all your talk, at the end of the day you've decided to stick with the The Brain and your social ties there. Which is fine, dedication to one's alliance is honorable. However don't act like you're actually doing anything or place some high value on your friendship with Thorgrum. You're clearly picking other social ties over the one you share with Thorgrum. All you're willing to do for Thorgrum is toss up this statement and hope the court of public opinion makes GO back off. [/quote] She is no warrior and I told her not to come to my aid in any manner. Her choosing this path I believe was a mistake as well but beyond my control. GO was warned publically what would happen if they attacked one of my treaty partners. They made a choice, that choice has a consequence and the full scope of that consequence hasnt come to fruition. Backing off isnt going to cut it, its going to take measured humility. Very unlikely to occur so, they eat nukes............for months.
  16. [quote name='Rodger Waldie' timestamp='1346081818' post='3025644'] Iam so easy , your a Rogue and that is it , im still waiting on you all talk no action .... [/quote] Slow and steady wins the race, Ill be nuking your alliance for months. Its the lower ranks that will be punished, im still sitting on billions. Attacking one of my treaty partners is going to cost your nations a lot of money.
  17. [quote name='Schmoo' timestamp='1345983179' post='3025348'] So Thorgrum is honoring a personal treaty by going rogue on an alliance that was honoring a treaty. Gretchen is praising it, and both actually like GO. Also Gretchen is somehow able to remain neutral while holding membership in an alliance with military level treaties. Makes perfect sense to me! [/quote] Amazing, you're known as one of the least intelligent people out there. Gratz man, tell me once you pull your head from your rectum does the smell linger?
  18. [quote name='Gretchen' timestamp='1345921117' post='3025220'] Recently, in the War between “GATO and MHA”, “The Brain’s” ODP with GATO was to attack MHA nations who declared war on a GATO nation “only” and strictly observed. Since I had friends in MHA, to declare war on an MHA nation was distressful for me, but my intensions were honorable. Our alliance “The Brain” was attacked by “GO”. This was their magnanimous ODP contribution to the alliances at war, GATO and MHA, GO an alliance of 100+ nations ½ in PM attacking our alliance of 28, a brave gesture on there part. We fought them with conviction and disregard to our pixels. Our honor was never in question. FA communications by GO existed that their nations were not prepared for the caliber of our fighting Honor. I posted in the Declaration of War by GO trying to symbolize that friends from different opposing alliances could support a character, not of their own alliance or their allegiances but a character itself. This “I” felt confused GO members and it was easier to disregard it than to deal with it. Since I have existed in CN I have been in several alliances and meet many great people who skills in communications allowed friendships to develop. These people were the brave who maintained neutrality in their allegiances but did support my character. This post is to symbolize one such relationship. Thorgrum, Realm of Asguard (Honor, Courage and Commitment)[IMG]http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq79/Gretchen99_bucket/Thorgrum.jpg[/IMG] In the GO declaration, he posted that you can destroy “The Brain” but do not declare on 2 nations, one being me. He warned that if it happened he would declare a one nation War with GO. I was declared on and his ultimatum has transpired. He had declared War and has been at War for 32 days, existing within the ranks of the GO alliance as rouge. His devotion to his commitment has cost him thousands of pixels but his honor has provided him the spirit to continue in his convictions. HONOR One word but yet so sound, the word Honor is an absolute decision in itself. It is the decision with action to value others and ourselves with devotion, which means; Honor is, “I will bear true faith and allegiance”; Accordingly, Conduct our affairs in the highest ethical manner in all relationships with our allegiance nations, through honesty and truthfulness in our dealings with each other. COURAGE With honor we build comradeship and with comradeship we build Courage. Courage is a mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. A definition of Courage is, “I will support and defend" Accordingly, we will have: courage to meet the demands of our allegiances and the commitments when it is hazardous, demanding, or otherwise difficult. The spirit of courage is strength and effort in that commitment. COMMITMENT The Realm of Asgard’s definition of Commitment is, "My citizens will obey the orders" Accordingly, we will: Demand respect up and down the chain of command; Care for the safety, personal and spiritual well-being of our allegiances. Commitment is a principle structure of moral value and fervent virtue. Commitment is a declaration to others and within ourselves, it defines Honor and Courage, “We must commit to Honor and Courage with responsibility to any task or plan regardless of the consequence”. We understand that all decisions we make are commitments to saving or improving someone’s life. Honor, Courage, and Commitment are not just core values, but a code of ethics our nations performs daily. These are the words of personal and political survival. Our actions and conduct, a direct representation of our entity, the institution itself measures the performance that allows people to trust its long-term relationships it has endured since a nation’s inception. This is my testimonial to Thorgrum, Realm of Asguard. A Loyal Friend and Companion as much as pixels allow. GO has been defeated even in his decline and this post, I suspect will mean nothing to GO members except kicking a downed horse. There had been many opportunities for them to let the War expire and move on but why not continue a good thing. Now it is one nation against 100+ and GO's victory will shine and be honored by all alliances in CN. O/ GO O/ Asgard [/quote] Thank you Gretchen for the lovely tribute, its been an honor and a privledge getting to know you over the years. Couple of things to keep in mind here: 1. Never go through life worrying about what other people think. 2. Its never the wrong time to do the right thing. 3. If you make a claim be prepared to back it up. 4. If I have to, I will unload every thing I have into GO, the further down I go the easier it gets. 5. I made a pact with a few players in the game, Im honoring that pact. GO made a choice and left me without one. 6. Ive come accross several people in this game, some were IC some where not. Most were piles of !@#$, you are a notable exception. 7. I dont hold any grudges against GO (those are reserved for other alliances, heh), they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. 8. ProTip: dont try to spy nukes if the person has a HNMS and less then 5 on hand (you know who you are) 9. Warchests are the singular most important thing in CN, work on it (you know who you are) 10. More nations should engage in personal treaties and honor them. I dont have much else, wasnt expecting a thread dedicated to my war. Thanks again Gretchen you are a sweetheart anyone who has met you in this game knows that, a true hidden jewel within this shrinking world.
  19. [quote name='ComradeR' timestamp='1342489861' post='3010978'] Basically why we attacked LOL. Nah seriously. It's war what did you expect? You either have fun destroying and getting pixels destroyed or you throw a fit that pixels are getting destroyed. So with this I end it by saying.. Come at me, bro [/quote] You're to small, Im sure thats a phrase you've heard several times before so I know you want take it personally. I expected you to hit her, I dont think you expect me to rogue your AA until I am spent and delete. Unfortunately your high end warriors are in PM, Im sure for purely strategic reasons.... No matter, I have all the time in the world. Ive been here for years...
  20. [quote]7/15/2012 12:34:30 AM "Defense" Empire of Gaia Ruler: Lord Sigma Knight GURU Order Stargarder Ruler: Gretchen The Brain Currently Fighting [/quote] you were warned, peace mode dosent last forever.
  21. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1341541196' post='3004429'] Hi buddy! And yeah gretchen and Gib are good folk... ex-Rokers. o/ Still got to love my Guru brothers, just go easy on those two if you see them and tell em Wally say's hi! o/ GO [/quote] You know Wally Ive always believed that you should doo 100% of the talking for your alliance, it will serve you well after the fall out of this war. Ive know gib and gretchen from MA (free as well) the old maroon days. I dont know if you were even around then. You are a quality leader and if GO is one of your allies then they must be ok. Again it isnt personal on my end, Im honoring old commitments and its a pleasure to actually still have a vested interest here. Good luck out there old friend.
  22. [quote name='ComradeR' timestamp='1341541710' post='3004434'] I dont care how much you got, I'll be sitting on way more than you have so bring it on now. Im bored of this crap. Don't just say it, Do it. >.> [/quote] I dont know any of you and dont care what you do or how you do it, hell roll the entire brain alliance. I am no one special and of no special ability but the 2 I mentioned are friends of mine and should GO choose to hit one of them I'll unlod everything I can into GO until there is nothing left. How much you have isnt really important, Im not looking to expand my E-peen I dont make threats I wont back up, Im just doing the right thing here. Im letting GO know 2 members of the brain alliance have an MDAP with me (Gretchen and Gib). I have no AA so there is no need for an official decleration. What you believe or how you digest the information is of your own accord.
  23. [quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1341515652' post='3004065'] I like the cut of your jib sir, personal ODP? [/quote] Old friends of mine, Gib from way back Free too but he deserves whats coming to him, he's been a sinner for a long time. These are MDAP's I entered into about 2 years ago as I couldnt find another way in game to express my appreciation for the individuals personally. Im not looking to be a hero, or have fame id rather not hear QQ if I hit someone who hits them. No ambaquity = win for everyone.
  24. [quote name='Auctor' timestamp='1341514857' post='3004059'] watch out, the black knight is invincible! [/quote] Those who are willing to click the “delete nation form” sub link truly are. The perceptions of harm in the context of our nice world here all go out the window, the pixels going away garner the desired result. It just makes the process longer. For me, I have to be reduced to no money left before I can click the link. This would help hasten that process greatly.
  25. [quote name='smurthwaite' timestamp='1341514192' post='3004055'] Seriously? Go ahead and declare an alliance wide war, but if your alliance happens to hit these two guys in the alliance you are attacking you will make angry and rash? [/quote] I have an MDAP with these two players, I reside on a neutral because I’m too lazy to log on every day. Should someone attack one of these two they have to deal with me. It’s highly likely they won’t be in my range so someone else in their alliance has to be punished for their stupidity. The endless war part is a good way to exit the game and it will excuse me from having to log in every 20 days to remember to collect. I win twice in that scenario, I honor my personal treaties and I can delete the nation at the end. If someone I was thinking of attacking had personal MDAP’s with other nations, I’d like to know. Now GO does. I’ve given them a nice gift, I’ve become generous in my apathy.
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