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Everything posted by Thorgrum

  1. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1317425406' post='2813011'] I was the one who brought up the thread to begin with... That thread makes Xiph look horrible and Delta look like his lackey. It lacks the additional context provided by zigzog who in this very thread explained in detail what really happened and why and it's clear in 2009 that Delta didn't have the whole story. I only referenced it because of the OP in which Kaiser Martens gave a summary of the events of 2007. [/quote] 2007, 2009 ? and we all wonder why things are dying slowly..... Good luck to UPN, anything that involves Xander has a high probability of being lulzy and thats terrific in my book. Thanks for doing something NG!
  2. This keeps getting better and better. Keep this up for another month or two and you'll be jockeying with Methrage for the court jester title. Good stuff though, cheers.
  3. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1316816607' post='2806922'] I just had to quote this post in all its glory for prosperity. It is hilarious. On more levels than I care to count. [/quote] No please count, its going to be a hell of a lot more interesting then your blog will be (how many times did you mention you've been around a long time?) and you might help inspire the next event. As I recall you were good at being a prick.
  4. [quote name='Cerridwyn' timestamp='1316568426' post='2804952'] Drummer is not my best buddy, but under the circumstances putting him down is cheap and immature. I hope you never have a time in your life when you need people to support a difficult decision and have someone say something cruel to you. It is people like that who are the reason CN is loosing people right and left. You should be ashamed. I know you're not. But you should be. [/quote] Ashamed? Cruel? Look it sweetheart, that moral high horse you're prancing around on has no place here. He chose to post it, he's fair game for every piece of !@#$ that comes here. No mercy, no quarter and no shame. I don't like the cut of this guys jib, and you, for typing out this arrogant, self righteous tripe should be treated as highly suspect. This is serious business, this is CN, you dig?
  5. Wow, I thought for sure you would make this about GOONS.
  6. I pretty much hate everyone and everything involved in CN so this was an easy poll. In addition to being easy I feel this is really going to add to the overall discourse. Thank you.
  7. [quote name='DrummerMike' timestamp='1316555583' post='2804696'] Well, I've hit a really good and bad point in my life right now. I have a family member on their death bed, a brother in the hospital, and then i have countless school homework and a girlfriend who keeps me busy. So ive decided to merge forte with RIA. RIA will forcefully/willfully accept the merge. As for me, there is a possibility of me deleting, or finding a sitter for the next several months... [b]or i might be on like once every 3 weeks to collect [/b]and stuff (im not one for long formal announcements) Hopefully everything goes well, For the last time, DrummerMike King of Forte [/quote] Given the circumstances I bolded the path I think you should follow. I think it will produce the best possible outcome for you in this time of flux.
  8. good luck Argent, fine alliance with fine people. Sad though that an anniversary thread devolves into bantering about Meth (the resident court jester). A sad commentary on the state of things indeed. Someone poke EOC for me, and yeah sanction Meth but do us all the service of creating a new thread for it. Really thats about as good as it gets these days...
  9. [quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1315764583' post='2798774'] You, sir, express yourself about as clearly as Omni. Also, wut? [/quote] Well I guess I loose the loto, you're an idiot. /shrug It comes as a terrible shock by the way.
  10. [quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1315719131' post='2798572'] No, we don't know what Omni's going on about half the time, either. [/quote] He's basically saying GOONS are cowards (I know its a news flash) certainly you are smart enough to comprehend the simplicity of his message. I hate like hell giving people the benefit of the doubt in terms of intelligence, but hey if you want to win the lottery you have to purchase the ticket, right?
  11. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1315691868' post='2798299'] Kids these days just don't appreciate a good old fashioned wall of text post hey... their loss! [/quote] Well that and I'm a complete !@#$%^&. Otherwise, good luck out there wally your a bright light in a dying world.
  12. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1315635165' post='2797902'] Thanks Mate!... are you over in WTF these days bud? [/quote] Yes, no one else wants me.
  13. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315633349' post='2797883'] I don't care what people say unless they give me reason to care about their opinion, I still see no reason to try entertaining people by posting war reports. Send me some aid and I'll send you all the battle reports you want though. [/quote] Xander and NG are cool people, its all about the lulz bro. pretty sure inmate still runs with them and so dont some other old PC people so, no im not going to send you aid, rather not piss off old friends. However you should still discuss how you are winning the war, I mean you've been given a nice venue here, dont let it go to waste. I do have to retire though for the evening, but I will be back to read tomorrow. onward to the flames mate
  14. [quote name='Mr flubb' timestamp='1315633336' post='2797882'] [color="#8B0000"]Maybe hes just trying to entertain us all. It wouldnt be fun if he just spouted a bunch of random !@#$. he wants us to provoke him for entertainingly pointless drama[/color] [/quote] Who the hell asked you? Put methrage back on! Sorry pal there isnt enough room for a side kick
  15. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315633066' post='2797877'] While you might like it, other will say its stupid/lame for me to brag about victories against other nations and all that stuff. Less I post the better probably, Non Grata is already doing fine in making fools of themselves with this thread. [/quote] Every court has to have a Jester Methrage. You arent suggesting you really care what others are going to say, are you ?
  16. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1315632974' post='2797873'] Hey, I hate Non-Grata. I hope they are destroyed in a nuclear hell fire after being castrated and raped by Satan. How come you think we support them? I've seen two ODNers post in here. [/quote] Now we are getting some good venomous jabs going, indeed this could be a 30+ pager. Thanks man!
  17. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315632544' post='2797861'] I could point out individual wars I'm winning, but that would be pointless. That Non Grata is failing to defeat me is a failure on their part, despite all the assistance they've gotten from many other sanctioned alliances. [/quote] Pointless? You're under estimating the potential entertainment value of a thread like this. Its already funny seeing Xander throw this up, its part of the baggage war with you brings. Defeating you is what I and I know ten's or .0037% of the nation base want to hear you discuss. Particularly any insights you might be able to give to your opponents that might garnish them a victory. I mean, here you are again, center stage. Genius after genius continues to give you a stage. Its funny as hell man, please more detail.
  18. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315632175' post='2797854'] You guys said that enough in the last thread you made about me, but didn't help you there and I doubt more threads will suddenly help turn this war more to your favor. [/quote] Can you elaborate in more detail about how you are winning the war. Its looking like a slow weekend anyway....
  19. Wally's sig is on the document so its probably top notch. Cheers mate.
  20. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1314671022' post='2790762'] The difference being I provided evidence to support my opinion. [/quote] While you'll always be a trend setter tyga, thats one trend Im afraid this planet simply cant handle. Evidence to support an opinion has no place here you heathen.
  21. [quote name='phillip110' timestamp='1314494279' post='2789639'] Looks like we scared her away. Good. Don't know what my mommy would say if CN actually had women in here. You get +1 interwebz for using both pontificate and wind bag in the same sentence. [/quote] can I have more please?
  22. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1314193001' post='2787641'] Which begs the question...why are you here now? [/quote] I enjoy watching wind bags like you pontificate over and over again about the past, and, hopefully hal to see the pound of flesh extracted from those who havent fully paid for their past indiscretions. That for me is worth 2 minutes a day to check boards, my nation. That and id like to have about 10 billion saved before I latch on to some piece of !@#$ alliance and just nuke them every day for 6 months (something steelrat should have done). Then i'll leave
  23. [quote name='Valtamdraugr' timestamp='1314116480' post='2786886'] Get out now.. while you still have a chance. [/quote] This, delete and look elsewhere. You will never recoup the time you waste here and you will never forgive yourself for wasting it. However if you enjoy watching 50-75 people repeat the same things for years, then by all means expend your time resources into CN, you'll love it.
  24. 1. Do you find it funny or sad that out of the 17,299 nations that are apart of the world roughly only 2% have bothered to participate in the Q&A ? 2. Do you ever sit back and in your mind find humor at those who chose to invest a great deal of their time into our world? 3. How many people do you believe are sitting out in the world at large waiting for an opportunity to rogue you (anyone of the SF in general)and then delete after exhausting their nations? 4. For the thousands, or perhaps ten thousand who find you, and those who invest heavily into the theatre of politics in CN to be idiots will you oblige silly questions toward the end of the Q&A to maintain our entertainment? (this assumes of course the brilliance of those already posting have thumped their chests and got it out) 5. Final question for Xiph specifically, when GOD gets stomped how hard will you be laughing at your aggressors if they dont mandate in the peace agreement you step down from gov and leave the alliance?
  25. This is great news, congrats to our protectors in OMFG. You couldnt have picked better BN
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