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Everything posted by HalfEmpty

  1. MK is causing global smarming and is shooting the polar bars when they flee the ever shrinking ice foes. Bottom line: It's worse (WAAAAAY TF worse) than we thought.
  2. If Moldavi decided to go nation building he'd have an MP at 150 days, it's just not his thing. He responded to me when I was 100 or so days old and there were 30K+ nations in the middle of a mess.
  3. I didn't have any idea who RV was until the lung-kidney-spleen donation. His generosity was obvious, his skill in transplanting his own organs amazing.
  4. Good Luck LR, losing a faithful enemy is sad, but here's to the next war! I shall update my sig in due time.
  5. Stay off the CN tower, I don't like your chances.
  6. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1308032301' post='2731010'] I will always dislike it when people claim they were forced to disband. IAA voted to disband rather than continue to fight after about 1 month of war, which very likely wasn't even a full on nuclear war if I remember correctly. [/quote] It was a long time ago TeeVee, things were different then. Pacifica and it's Sock Puppets of Doom could disband an alliance without even asking the alliance. It was a strange time, nation rulers walked in fear of being eliminated without cause, rubbed out, liquidated, mousetrapped, autofisher, you know the words, you remember them. Sorta like Shark Week. It was a horror show, I doubt I'll ever be able to act nicely. Also: LOLA!
  7. [quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1308083304' post='2731357'] Wow youwish, you really rose to the top man. Congrats. [/quote] Okay... NOW You!
  8. I will miss PC, my olde wayward friends. Has the Venerable Oriental been informed of this action? /0 Poison Klan /0 China TownBus /0 Twisty of Yore /0 Boulder Good bye old friends.
  9. I think it would be wise to just walk away from the CN Tower. Your Karma is in Hold My Beer mode.
  10. Note to HailSatan..... change the mask... QUICK!
  11. [quote name='Boogeyman657' timestamp='1308027815' post='2730971'] horrible decioson sith [/quote] I am forced to agree with BoogeyHips. Send YouWish home before it's too late.
  12. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1307565191' post='2727238'] I don't like these terms. But considering that UINE was redeclared on for not fulfilling peace terms, they're lucky to get any peace so soon. Would no peace terms be better? I think that, actually, yes. We've had some ridiculously long wars in the last few years but after three days, you shouldn't offer anything if what you're going to offer is like this.I can't agree with peace terms that affect alliances' internal affairs, even if it's a terrible alliance like UINE. And particularly if they are permanent.Edit: The anti-raiding one is particularly bad considering SF's own attitude to raiding. [/quote] Thanks Max. We are seeing the new delightfullness. Seriously can anyone argue that UINE could not have used a fine upstanding VR? MOG has much experience in these matters and a opportunity was lost.
  13. Thanks for the I-Wuz-There view. TCK is worse than Slayer about nifty inside info. Really.
  14. GreenAcres had a pretty good updated version IIRC.
  15. Awesome five years! Hails to TOP! According to my charts we'll be on the same side in 2014. So keep building.
  16. Remember that acrylic floor that could hold 4 hippos over the shark tank at the Audubon Aquarium in New Orleans? The sharks won't be surprised again.
  17. I chewed thru the restraints for this?
  18. 0/ temporary sorta umm.... TMDP (temporary mutually defending policy) with LOSS. It's a new thing, I can grove it. Now a rogue right now would make for some interesting allies.
  19. [quote name='Schad' timestamp='1306597340' post='2719523'] Even if he had gone 1700 days without paying them, he should only have bills of $91m with his improvements and wonders...nothing that six cycles of aid wouldn't fix. That said, being a couple years' deep in bill lock is more impressive than having a standard, functioning nation. The latter puts you in the same class with 19,062 other people, but I'm guessing that no one else has been living on credit for half as long as he. [/quote] Put me down for a slot after the war.
  20. Only problem is the jump goes to the bottom. Reading about bicuits and sawmill gravy JUMP serve with vanilla ice-cream.
  21. Arab League... 1A amirite? Good arms, no hit, poor fielding. Still, hey, games a game.
  22. Dont' make me take GanTan down again. I have sekret space tanks now. Edit: Too Smooth. Well done... slipping under the CNdar. Send word.
  23. [quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1305242847' post='2710944'] Actually when we fought I had 500 to your 1300, but I still crippled you to the point of defeat alerts and bill lock, only thing that saved you was the aid from Umbrella. tl,dr [img]http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/home-simpson-fire-cereal-epic-fail.jpg[/img] [/quote] Young man is indeed riding mighty high on the rickershaw tho.
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