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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. [quote name='Schad' date='28 June 2010 - 01:29 PM' timestamp='1277746163' post='2352857'] IF HE CANT EVEN FIGURE OUT SOMETHING THAT OBVIOUS IS HE REALLY DARK LORDS MATERIAL ANYWAY? I MEAN CMON. [/quote] I'll be seeing you on the blacktop after class ends...
  3. Winner Winner, chicken dinner. Where do I apply?
  4. [quote name='Matthew The Great' date='27 June 2010 - 04:10 PM' timestamp='1277669391' post='2352137'] I'm sorry but paying off 40k Tech is an inconvenience to our growth [/quote] No need to be sorry, it was mostly aimed at the fact that MASH merged a little while ago and yet half or more than half of the alliance is still sitting there unmoved.
  5. They still haven't passed pre-war levels yet surprisingly...
  6. [quote name='Lusitan' date='26 June 2010 - 04:00 PM' timestamp='1277582408' post='2351168'] Examples of it? [/quote] None of them are your typical 'large' alliances, most are alliances in the under 2mil club where one was 500k or so stronger.
  7. [quote name='Lusitan' date='26 June 2010 - 03:08 PM' timestamp='1277579318' post='2351128'] It'd be slightly awkward a larger alliance merging into a smaller one XD [/quote] And yet... history has shown this to happen a few times.
  8. Bleh, you're the one that came into TE saying you didn't want an alliance that fought. If we brought more SE players in like you then we'd have half a game of noncombatants. TE is for war, you join if you'll fight. Give it a rest.
  9. [quote name='Bleh32' date='25 June 2010 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1277496198' post='2350276'] well lonewolfe sorry but that's just the luck of the draw. you wouldnt be complaining if you had gotten fish and wheat. having all resources as good resources is just stupid. the fact of the matter is that all resources server some purpose, and there has to be some bad ones to balance out the good ones. [/quote] Nope, you're right, I wouldn't be complaining if I had a round of good resources, problem is that hasn't been for 5-6 rounds now and I'm not the only one finding it. The past two rounds there has been a viral resource combo that caused 10x the amount of people as normal to get it. Trades are magnified in TE because there are less people to trade with.
  10. [quote name='sammykhalifa' date='22 June 2010 - 08:59 AM' timestamp='1277211563' post='2346477'] No offense, but this sounds like a bad idea. There's nothing wrong about having to put a little effort into putting something together. The problem is (still) how unequal the resources are. Bad resources will ruin a round no matter what you do. [/quote] This is a little extreme I'll admit, but something needs to be done about trades. I've had to reroll twice this round, because when there is only 1600 players getting bad resources screws you over. Now I'll have to haul butt to catch up to everyone.
  11. The games stay separated. It's been said by admin, mods and players alike.
  12. 1 day please, resources are horrible enough as it is, with only 1600 people to choose from getting stuck with Furs or Lead 3/3 rerolls this round has effectively killed any hope of being in the top 5% for awhile for me.
  13. [quote name='Lochiel' date='25 June 2010 - 01:34 AM' timestamp='1277444028' post='2349739'] My Sincere Apologies for MY Mistake in Raiding [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000881"]England United[/url] of MHA ..... [/b] [font="Times New Roman"][size="4"].... But, as a result, MHA are STILL making the news AFTER they've Dissolved !! .... Not many Alliances can say that !! o/ Thaisport[/size][/font] [/quote] Thank for apologizing, but do know this thread was not and never was supposed to be about your blunder with raiding them. I guess there was a reason though, we rarely made news headlines unless it was with a purpose. Were you planning on being a spy, or a nuke rogue later? Perhaps a flag runner? Can we just stop arguing in this thread? Kinda what I had hoped to avoid. Fact of the matter is, this couldn't have came at a better time for Harmful, as when she leaves a new void is created and capable of being filled by younger alliances. The change that TE needs is possible when the old guard gets out of the way. Good to another round on Steve everyone.
  14. Loichel, I contacted every MHA member myself to tell them of the disbandment, offer them a place if they wished, and give them kind regards in the upcoming and future rounds. You did nothing but raid a protected AA, get off your high horse and apologize for being unable to read the third post in a thread from a former leader of Harmful at that. Thanks for handling this Jack.
  15. [quote name='Clash' date='23 June 2010 - 11:03 AM' timestamp='1277305385' post='2347673'] You should kinda join the Warriors I knowwww you like to kill stuff, don't fib. [/quote] Hey now, he's still a member of my government staff even though he's retired from Harmful
  16. Excellent choice, you will get a healthy taste of war for your hippy ways there. Seriously, don't play if you don't want war, it's that simple. Even those guys who go after flags know and are ready to face war.
  17. And with that, I say goodbye MHA, you were my first TE alliance and I quite loved being there and being many of yours leader. At this time, Nordic Ballers will extend 7 days of raid protection over MHA, please let the members find their next homes on their own. Any MHA out there lurking, you're welcome to contact me about joining Nordic Ballers (invite only) where there are some old Harmful among us playing out the round amongst other friends. Anyone who had an issue with MHA, let it be please.
  18. That's nothing new, I remember when I rerolled and I collected all those messages and rated/ranked people just to stack up the competition for people to see (never showed the messages, thats not fair) If you don't like it, you really don't have to join them. There are alliances out there that won't spam the same people, use the same messages, or even mass message people in general. Some people do like to talk to you, but there's a catch. If I were to write a unique message to every new nation, the time involved is not proportional to the number of quality members I'd get. So why waste my time? That is what I ask you to answer if you feel you deserve a unique one handwritten for you, then everyone does, yes? I can't know you're the best one in the newest batch, pick em at random, hope you hit gold!
  19. I'm looking for something a little more broad in the future than the recent ones, such as TV Shows, or Grunge or Pixelated Art.
  20. Why is he in the Fellowship saying join RE?
  21. Midoo, you were not even a part of the process, I fail to see how you can be a part of this conversation with more than hearsay information. I've been trying to stay away ever since my last post, taking a break, etc. But this is just frankly sad that none of us are letting it go. The NOIR stance has been stated, BCOM's has been stated, neither party will be happy, get over it. They moved to brown because of NOIR, they weren't willing to wait it out because they thought NOIR hated them. Someone from NOIR (be it FK or AzN) invited them early. And as I spoke to BMv in private, both sides failed to handle things better. When applying to a bloc, there is some measure of a "You know what you're getting yourself into" kind of aura, and BCOM did not do their homework. Meanwhile, NOIR has no open procedure beyond apply, questions both ways, and then once a vote is settled on the timeframe for such. The reason there is not a regimented structure is because of all of our different values handling such a matter. NOIR wasn't right for BCOM, BCOM wasn't right for NOIR. The application should have never happened, the problem comes in people here feeling this was a shot against them as if we did everything wrong and no blame was on BCOM, and BCOM's problem comes in the thought that black blames them for the mistakes and none of it is on NOIR.
  22. We've been over this in other threads, but we think instead of +/- 250, it should be a higher declaration range in general, which I'd be in favor of. If it's blanket +/- 250 there is greater room for manipulation depending on how destroyed the other nations are. (Warslot filling advantage)
  23. How do you guys find such willing opponents? Oh, and I must say, how long do you build for as well to get to such warring levels?
  24. [quote name='Vladimir' date='15 June 2010 - 11:07 PM' timestamp='1276657644' post='2339003'] We used to have this debate on a weekly basis, with people imagining that a score reset would somehow magically return us to the naive days of January 2006. Fact is that things have advanced a lot since then -- technically, politically, strategically, socially -- and these advances will remain. Consequently you would see large alliances and blocs forming immediately, complete with complex organisational and diplomatic structures, and moving to dominate the new terrain. The only real effect would be to split the player base, thus reducing it in size and intensity, and weakening the gameplay as a result. To put a more empirical spin on it, we have seen a number of suspiciously similar universes spring up over the years, and we have seen hundreds flock in excitement to explore them. We have also found that this excitement quickly dissipates as the new utopia implodes and everyone returns. The grass on the other side has long been dead. [/quote] Brilliant. Simply Brilliant. Couldn't have said it any better.
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