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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. No. TE needs to be a bit longer again, like 3 months, but not forever. And aid stays out of it too. We already test things out in TE, or at least we once did when new things were done.
  2. Didn't NATO just do something like this? Where's the originality...
  3. Asgaard http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Asgaard Everything is right there, easy to see.
  4. Sanctioning nations while in large scale war is foolish and will only cause you to get hurt back and eventually color wars to break out destabilizing spheres. As for the questions at hand - 1. Yes 2. Yes - if they are the rogues/aggressors 3. No - we view an alliance as more than 5 members 4. No Detailed enough?
  5. How about a better... or perhaps different question. How many successful alliances have outlasted their former protectors?
  6. [quote name='Mustakrakish II' timestamp='1284064927' post='2447959'] I think you guys were a protectorate for a little while...but if not...I still love you. [/quote] Naw, you're confusing em with someone else Musta. They're older than us.
  7. NSO, I don't care what Fernando did if only to say that you guys brought it on yourselves by accepting him and having a policy of accepting players just like him. You should have known this would comeback to bite you in the rear in the future. Any sane alliance wouldn't have accepted Fernando after the \m/ and FAR incident awhile back.
  8. Thekirbyfake... I know you from somewhere. Where the heck was it... Honestly, this looks like a lot of fun. GOONs get some people to fight, UKMSOFNJDJ whatever it is gets to carry out some fun against people who like it. Win-win, right?
  9. I've only had to add Davian to my group of "skip this post" lately, have other people hit that trend?
  10. NSO, will you be helping Corinan fund this or will you be having him send out the money by himself?
  11. I might have read a bit too far into that, I didn't want to spend too long reading a thread that was majorily Fernando and Methrage posting here. But I thought I saw some blip about that. Oh well.
  12. [quote name='thaone' timestamp='1283690664' post='2442528'] This thread delivers [/quote] It sure does... "He aided Methrage!" "No, he didn't!" "Yes he did, we have proof now!" "Fine, you're right, do your worst to him." "No, we want money or we'll attack you." "Fine, how much?" "90mil" "Say what now? Maybe 15mil" "We'll see you at the negotiations then" And every now and again a little Methrage mixed with Fernando tossed in there to spice up the dish, but somehow they seem to come out the same each time. "I'm not an idiot" "I love being the center of attention"
  13. While you're posting... put your tax rate to max.
  14. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283603322' post='2441290'] Why, given all the political arrangements in history to choose from, we've decided to simulate World War I-era politics is a bit of a mystery to me. [/quote] I don't believe we're 'stuck' on WWI, I think the community has been in a constant battle/growth from the bare bones of politics (say... pre-America) to this point where we're about to break out into a "WWII" type situation. We're all prepared for a massive war, we're aligned for a massive war, we're just waiting on the evil figurehead to spark a massive war. (Many have asked for such even) It's quite possible after such a war we'll evolve into an even more common design to the real world and have [i]less[/i] wars due to the high volume of nuclear weaponry at such a time (imagine what one year will do to the volume of nukes) barring a gameplay change from admin. We're very amazingly simulating real life here quite well. Creating treaties, backroom dealing, building empires and watching them crumble, arguing over stupid politics, stockpiling nuclear weaponry, etc.
  15. Many thanks to friends and allies who have mentioned us, but I respectfully disagree with mentions of us if only to say that the day Basketball Ninjas make their mark in a war or grow to more significant heights politically you will all see just how incredible of an alliance they are. My runner up would probably be Nordreich seeing what they have done is quite impressive as well. TPE impressed me a lot early on, but the tR/FnKA stuff seems to have taken a slight drawback to their overall power, I'm still watching them with great interest.
  16. Swallowing my pride here, I think Longbowe's blends the best of both worlds in terms of simplicity and artistic ability while maintaining the theme at hand. It is also one of the most 'clean' images while maintaining the signature format (I never believed a SOTW contest should have images outside the forum's signature size limit) The main image he used also was very well cut out or blended into the background.
  17. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1283549860' post='2440722'] Every little helps. [/quote] It really depends on the nation you're analyzing. 5k infra is way easy to reach these days, and most nations don't begin their wonder cycles until the 3k-4k infra plateau. Given that reaching 5k infra is so quick, you could easily expect to see nations with a mere SSS, SM, MP, SDI and DRA at the 5k infra landmark who still have a long way to go before their Pentagon would be the best wonder choice. So if it's an old nation, you may have a point. Hell I'm at 8k infra and I [i]just[/i] bought mine because other military wonders are more useful before hand and I only wanted the Pent to reach my WRC before long.
  18. While it was a short war, had it gone on any longer no one would of benefited from it and we would have been bored to death. The last time I blitzed RE like this it lasted no more than 3 or 4 days. So this is a good sweet spot. Good luck guys.
  19. We'll be watching you guys with great interest, good luck Adzzz and HOW. Yes, Asgaard is protecting them. Lay off.
  20. Kowalski is one of my new favorite people. MJD is awesome.
  21. ViP was causing TTK issues because you guys kept declaring on their non-nuclear folk to maximize your damages, while TTK should have had better nuclear coverage at your ranges, it's also unfair to make the claim that you guys were some two-man wrecking team because you primarily picked on targets that couldn't handle you in their wildest dreams and after TTK dropped you for 2 rounds, their best guys were too strong. You should know that Longbowe, as for sanctions, I'd be surprised if [i]anyone[/i] asked for that, without proof it's merely your word versus someone else's. Haf, I'm not an idiot when it comes to economics, but if you have to remain military free for longer than 3 months to get your warchest back, then you're putting yourself at risk or you had a really crappy warchest to begin with, while for TOP I think of them as taking the risk expecting to be fine, which they probably are, Invicta I see as someone who had crappy warchests and has to take that 3 months to actually reach pre-war heights and actually can't afford their militaries atm.
  22. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1283311591' post='2437845'] [color="#FF00FF"]Okay, let's, for one second anyway, assume that TOP [i]is[/i] being protected by MK and Co. (they're not). How, when they are paying an extremely high amount of tech, are they mooches? Really, do you have any idea how absurdly stupid that comment was?[/color] [/quote] IF they had been, they would have neglected holding a military in favor of relying on their protectors, I was unaware what the specific ESA terms were and didn't care enough to find out, my bad. So the "absurdity" of the comment was more in my lack of knowledge behind the terms, and less in the content of the post.
  23. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1283308322' post='2437782'] The ESA doesn't put us under the protection of the victors therefore we aren't mooching off anyone. Nevertheless, thank you for your concern over our statistics. [/quote] Really? I never read it or remember it thoroughly, but does it involve you guys being unable to enter a war while under reps, but if attacked you guys are on your own or something? Just curious. Thanks.
  24. [quote name='President Obama' timestamp='1283305161' post='2437696'] See, that's where we disagree. Agree to disagree at this point? [/quote] yeah, we'll have to agree to disagree and rehash this out at the annual votes in December/January I suppose or make a more clearly defined thread. I'm not saying you guys suck at war, but I'm not of the mind to consider you guys the best this year. [quote] I'm sure we'll take this into consideration. However, TOP speed and all that might slow it up. [/quote] [img]http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/8207-jayrun2.gif[/img] You've made me think of this gif, and I will forever symbolize TOP with this man running at the speed of nowhere.
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