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Everything posted by DemonSpawn

  1. Hey hey, we took our anitbiotics like we where told to, and everything is fine now. o/ R&R o/ DK
  2. o/ Peace Good luck to all those as you enter the rebuild phase.
  3. Outstanding! I'm glad this came together! /o NADC
  4. A Very R&R Birthday Today, R&R turns 9 years old. We've had our ups, and our downs. We've lost some friend along the way, and we've gained new friends on that journey as well. We would like to take this moment to thank everyone who is currently, or was an ally in the past. I would also like to take this time to thank everyone who has been a member of R&R currently and in the past. Without all of you R&R would not be who it is today. I would like to invite everyone to come join us this evening for music night in #rnr, and over to our forums. We are having a couple contests going on, with prizes, and also random spam! http://www.rnr-alliance.org/ o/ R&R
  5. I'm sure we could do that, since you know our new Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  6. R&R would like to announce that the alliance Vikings has decided to merge into R&R. From this point forward, R&R will be protecting the Vikings AA indefinitely. We would like to welcome our new Viking brothers home to R&R! Signed for R&R: DemonSpawn President of R&R GreyOps Vice President of R&R Signed for Vikings sojourner King of the Vikings
  7. The forces of R&R have been over run by the crickets unleashed by "LCNR". /me goes back to sleep
  8. Do you have any super sekrits about R&R?
  9. Umm....lol? Let me know how this goes for you. Also, if you are a least going to list us on your cute little list here, can't you at least get our name correct? It's R&R
  10. [URL=http://s243.photobucket.com/user/IrishJML/media/bondmeme.jpg.html][/URL] Congrats to our friends in Non Grata, and IRON!! Down with Bond!
  11. A few weeks ago, cmf0203 told me he would not seek re-election in the upcoming elections for his position as President of R&R. He told me he needed a break, and was gonna retire. (for now) Our election cycle completed a couple hours ago, and it is with great honor that I get to announce that I was elected President of R&R, with our former longtime Minister of Defense, GreyOps, as my Vice President. Seeing as how CMF's bus for the retirement home just arrived, I would like to send off CMF with some parting gifts from his kids! A brand new scooter: Some....underwear protection: And finally, some companionship: CMF, thank you for all your service to R&R over the years, and enjoy your quite time. It's been well deserved buddy! R&R's Current Government: DemonSpawn - President GreyOps- Vice President WarriorSoul - Minister of Foreign Affairs Karl Peters - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Johnap88 - Minister of Defense Chichikov - Minister of Interior
  12. Where's that important document shredder at? o/ NG o/ R&R also, I call dibs on the girl on the left!
  13. Congrats guys, and we are always here for you guys if you need anything!
  14. Congrats guys! Glad to see some old friends striking it back out on their own again!
  15. Guess we need to get our Econ Departments working overtime then.
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