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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. We're trimming off the inactives/ghosts (aka one ghost), so I'm glad we only lost .01 this time.
  2. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1291095650' post='2526363'] I admit, I LOL'd. This is just a terrible move all the way around... [/quote] Nah. We don't get nearly enough rogues and this guy is cool.
  3. [quote name='shaneprice' timestamp='1290951052' post='2525276'] It saddens me to see these types of announcements. One by one all of the old and prestigious leaders of Bob are falling. While new blood does tend to make things interesting, I fear that we are losing way to much of the old. [/quote] I think we still have far too much old blood representing the total population. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but the constant debates about events that happened years ago gets stale, and I imagine it's much more annoying for the folks that never experienced such events.
  4. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1290074127' post='2516591'] So this is the best drama MK can come up with? "NPO deleted some posts of our diplomats on their forums, so now we're closing their embassy." Man. Grow up. [/quote] No kidding. They should be clamoring on about old drama for PR points, not current ones.
  5. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1290056671' post='2516500'] [color="#0000FF"]I remember RnR forming on red. We let you stay a month or so under the impression you weren't going anywhere. Yet here you are.[/color] [/quote] We honestly had no idea what any of the teams meant at this point, and picked red because it matched our flag colors. After receiving dozens of PMs from various NPO team senators and later the New Reverie fiasco, it became apparent we weren't wanted.
  6. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1290028727' post='2516077'] [img]http://i56.tinypic.com/2yzlnnr.png[/img] [/quote] This is probably my favorite if only for the use of the Mario costume child.
  7. Whoa, blast from the lunar-scaped past. Have fun Artemis.
  8. [quote name='President Obama' timestamp='1289498043' post='2510480'] Good observation. I was wondering when people were going to notice this, for TOP at least. It's like you have a spy on our forums or something.. [/quote] It's amazing. All this time I figured SF was doing a good job keeping it under wraps, what with the feelings ranging from general indifference to distrust and all.
  9. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1289330597' post='2508341'] But they aren't stupid statements. MK is now extorting NSO under the explicit rationale that NSO stood up for themselves and in the process made MK look bad. That NSO 'spoke out of line.' This is [i]explicit[/i] in the OP. MK is upset that they got (rightfully) smeared, and so are extorting NSO. MK are bullies, their bullying was exposed, and what's their response? The only response a bully knows, to start pushing people around even harder. [/quote] Except that isn't what they're going for, they just made a [i]really[/i] dumb PR move by demanding such a high amount.
  10. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1288817360' post='2501143'] It's clear that they've been getting closer. I thought GOD/Genesis relations hit rock bottom during the Universalis incident but it seems like things have gotten better. What I'm more interested in is Genesis is allied to Polaris and hit GOD last war. Perhaps something changed, wouldn't be surprised. [/quote] There's really no bad blood towards Polaris from our side anymore. We worked out a lot of the old complaints after the war and the change in leadership.
  11. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1288656861' post='2499402'] We're coming~ [/quote] ..Just not tonight, but soon.
  12. is this like when you play stairway to heaven backwards and hear satanic messages
  13. [quote name='Great Lord Moth' timestamp='1288229195' post='2494714'] Damnit, GOD. We were so close, too. [/quote] We're about 100 nukes shy of hitting our capacity, so it'll happen eventually. We need moar MPs.
  14. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1286926194' post='2482973'] If you really want to dispel the Hegemony crap, comments like this coming from within your faction really don't help. Otherwise, you'd might as well stop getting your hands in the air over anyone else making the connection. [/quote] Don't worry because he was obviously joking. PB is actually the bread.
  15. It's not often (read: never) that we get potential SF candidates choosing their superhero persona beforehand. I think this may be the start of something beautiful.
  16. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1286911889' post='2482717'] So to reiterate. PB will 1) make people leave cause of stagnation or 2) make people leave because we grind their nations into dust. It's good to know that we can't do anything good. That way, we can't mess up either. [/quote] Heh, better get used to it. Now that you're #1 there is literally nothing you will be able to do right.
  17. Congrats UPN, you've managed to make ODN look even [i]better[/i] than before. This may possibly even sway the most ardent believers of 'optional defense network'! Thanks for doing our side such a service. It's much too kind of you.
  18. Goldie already killed this thread but I feel like it'll go on for a while.
  19. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1286627510' post='2479611'] They got revenge against NV during the War of the Coalition, against FEAR during Karma, and I think they're still looking for Wolfpack. [/quote] You sure about that? We haven't fought NV nor FEAR since UJW, and we could care less about Wolfpack. There's been a LOT of clamoring in our private channel about getting a piece of FEAR at times, but lo and behold, we've [i]never done anything about it.[/i] We're on fairly good terms with NV and like I mentioned earlier, Wolfpack is never even brought up. I suggest you stick to hammering us over Illuminati, that seems to be your main rallying point.
  20. Aw man, NPO beats us out for biggest gainer by .06.
  21. VE are scoundrels; ragamuffins operating in a dishonest way. They are scallywags. I only hope that one day they get what's comin' to em!
  22. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1286250366' post='2475426'] My (hopeful) vote is for FAN & TOP rolling Legion again just because. [/quote] I think a more modern comparison would be MHA now. Still would be funny to see.
  23. Oh dear, we might be in this race in the next few weeks.
  24. [quote name='Bernkastel' timestamp='1286133112' post='2473292'] Best bloc ever because when it does get destroyed and the alliances in it are slaughtered, the world will be a better place. [/quote] I'm wondering who exactly is going to destroy them.
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