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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. [quote name='Petrovich4' timestamp='1295550337' post='2586816'] Well doen SF for manipulating this war - a genuinely excellent plan. [/quote] No problem.
  2. [quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1295511426' post='2585942'] rnr = 5.5m ns god = 4.5m ns iFOK = 4.5m ns upn = 4.5m ns i mustve missed something.. [/quote] I think he meant the other way around, that UPN had the numerical advantage. Though iFOK is fighting 6-7 alliances, and R&R is mostly focusing on USN (11 wars against UPN vs 59 from us).
  3. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1295503777' post='2585533'] I hope SLCB trickles down all over you. [/quote] Man, talk about a [i]laugher curve.[/i]
  4. [quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1295502566' post='2585376'] So you decided to activate the SF Treaty AFTER you were notified well in advance that RoK would be entering this conflict. After being unsuccessful in your (multiple) attempts to talk them out of it, you declared war one hour before Ragnarok had planned in order to avoid being put in the position of having to defend them. Wow with friends like you... [/quote] This post will be so funny when everything is over.
  5. [quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1295501373' post='2585174'] Good luck! You may need it if the leader of an alliance is a representation of the alliance as a whole whatsoever. [/quote] I'm glad someone finally noticed the bio.
  6. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1295500739' post='2585098'] Not quite, no. Disunity will be the result of certain alliances ignoring another alliance's decision and making sure they don't have to back them. Scumbaggery is afoot and I am completely shocked to see this turn of events. [/quote] I get your feelings on the entire thing, but I think you're blowing this out of proportion and aren't quite up to date on things. But anyway, glad to know you still care about us.
  7. Looks like we crushed quite a few alliances' hopes. Heh.
  8. A little depressing, especially since I put so much work into it. But I think it's definitely survived longer than any of us had expected, and in today's world a little outdated.
  9. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1294756956' post='2571967'] LOL Joe went nuke rogue how interesting. Didnt even know he was still around [/quote] Same here. He never seemed too active/bright though when he was in my alliance, oh well.
  10. [quote name='ROMMELHSQ' timestamp='1294054907' post='2561836'] Bah... Treatying MK isnt enough for entering the Core Hey GOONS, treaty please? [/quote] Psh, then you'd just move up to associate member. We run this ship like the Mafia - you gotta kill a certain amount of people before you're a Made Man.
  11. A vote for Balder is a vote for freedom, and therefore he has my trust.
  12. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1293937399' post='2560456'] A crusade war against CCC due to religion... [/quote] To be fair, it's already been done.
  13. Wahh, making fun of my alliance? Better get all my buddies to comment on how much it sucks and a waste of time reading this was.
  14. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1293684978' post='2557901'] Some time ago. Although the list of alliances I would consider associating with varies some from time to time, that thread seems to be consistent. Be careful what you wish for... [/quote] An MADP with TPF.
  15. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1293672234' post='2557775'] You stepped down from government? [/quote] Alright, that was pretty funny.
  16. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1293400107' post='2554657'] NPO's side. Of course your answer isn't surprising, as it looks like an Orders-SF axis is forming. [/quote] Wow, it really [i]is[/i] easy to lead people astray. I see why the VEto ordeal is still being believed even now.
  17. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1293160845' post='2552246'] Maybe you should talk with Impero because your portrayal of Xiph is creating a divide that is probably not wanted at this time. Impero made it very clear that a war over NEW would be difficult because of all the conflicting treaties. Yet, here you are creating tension that could push SF away. If VE/PB doesn't want a war that could pin them against SF I suggest they put a muzzle on the tough talking MKers. [/quote] It's fine; this thread succeeded in burning any bridges SF and PB may have had with each other.
  18. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1292798565' post='2544992'] Somehow I don't think this is true. Can I take it as a 'no' then? [/quote] You're delusional if you think otherwise.
  19. It's so funny to see people try and defend the argument that "well it was your responsibility to demask him, so it's your fault". Heaven forbid they ever have a masking incident on their forums and end up having someone compromise information from them. I'll be waiting to see that happen.
  20. [quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1292056400' post='2536230'] Boy, I know a lot of people who are going to be very disappointed when they read this. [/quote] And better yet, it won't just be the usual OWF crew, either.
  21. Definitely The Legion. I'd hate to go up against them, even if it were 3v1.
  22. So many puns to be made, I think I'll just refrain from using any of them.
  23. In the unlikely chance that this was actually credible and intends to happen, I would hate to see it canceled because of this thread being posted. What a buzzkill that would be.
  24. [quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1291332897' post='2528336'] Dude I can't say anything but great things about RIA. They are the craziest bunch of mother***** I know. They are very lucky and queue1 is a great Head of Military Operations so you should work well with him. Also make C-zom come back and run this with you [/quote] All of this minus the part about C-zom. Congrats on finding a new home btw, NR.
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