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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. I long await future CBs consisting of kids loitering on fictitious lawns.
  2. [quote name='Tiberius C Nero' date='06 June 2010 - 12:30 AM' timestamp='1275798636' post='2325794'] For a good laugh. LULZ are like Gold to MK. They take pleasure in making people suffer. They did it for enjoyment and Gratification. For Pleasure. [/quote] I don't think Tiberius actually wrote this post. It was clearly faked.
  3. You should probably not post in this thread or any others involving MK, then, otherwise you're breaking your rule.
  4. [quote name='Thissstupid' date='05 June 2010 - 09:15 PM' timestamp='1275786920' post='2325456'] MK, is there really a need to bully one person around. I may not understand the story behind it, but frankly your comments have been rude so far. Tiberius C Nero, calm down a bit, don't sink down to their level. MK has been known to be the bully and pick on the smaller guy. Some of these accusations are pretty serious and need to be solved. If there is anything you would like to discuss, I am always on IRC. [/quote] Did you even bother to find out any bit of details or are you just scolding MK for the sake of it? edit: also lol at MK faking the logs, considering a FOK member showed me the one that's been brought up. Unless FOK is also in cahoots *tinfoil*
  5. Where does one buy stock into the Global Information Market, anyway? I'm intrigued.
  6. [quote name='scutterbug' date='04 June 2010 - 05:59 AM' timestamp='1275645534' post='2323309'] Well the thing is. Should we cancel the uncancelable treaty now. Yes we may be hailed but as the OWF is full of hypocrites 6 months down the line those very same people hailing us will be bringing it up in an attempt to tarnish us. Plus who would want to treaty with us if we cancel what is uncancelable? There is no longer any respect between a good portion of both sides so yes the spirit of the treaty is no longer there and is violated on a daily basis. But sadly we are stuck with it. [/quote] So instead you'll let the OWF decide your alliance's decisions? How is that any better? The OWF peanut gallery means squat, any competent alliance leader would sympathize and realize how loony Gre is/was. But I mean what's better for your alliance, getting some bad PR from a bunch of people who gawk at everything, or moving forward from a potentially much worse PR situation down the road?
  7. [quote name='Czar Kiev' date='02 June 2010 - 10:15 PM' timestamp='1275531287' post='2321543'] Hopefully that was intended to be ironic. If not, ah well. Thanks for playing! [/quote] He was being completely serious. Who in their right mind would derive the noun 'goon' from the acronym 'GOONS'?
  8. Nonsense; however, you cannot deny that the jam thief is a resourceful chap. Nay, I would not be surprised if he did not wish to see a tussle at our fine upstanding gathering! A bit ol' fisticuffs to distract while our wares are commandeered, surely.
  9. [quote name='_GunneR_' date='30 May 2010 - 03:39 AM' timestamp='1275205171' post='2316460'] Clearly you missed the meeting. We've decided on GOD. [/quote] Falling straight into the jam thief's trap, I see!
  10. [quote name='ChairmanHal' date='30 May 2010 - 01:56 AM' timestamp='1275198992' post='2316356'] Don't worry. At some point in the distant future, he'll convince people he's trustworthy again, get befriended by someone in leadership at some alliance that should know better, and then at some point log dump on them. It has happened before on multiple occasions. [/quote] Don't forget that he'll also make a public apology, maybe even two, before the inevitable log dump.
  11. Damn dude, keep it real I guess.
  12. [quote name='James IV' date='24 May 2010 - 04:31 PM' timestamp='1274733068' post='2310447'] Any alliance(s) could DoW anyone whenever they want. They just have to be prepared to take responsibility for their actions though. The "treaties" are merely legal justification for war and tools of PR. [/quote] Yeah, it's honestly pretty hilarious the term 'bandwagoning' exists here in the first place. Have your alliance do what it wants to do. All a treaty does it make it public that you're going to do x at y time, not like it enables a secret page ingame to click 'declare war'.
  13. [quote name='potato' date='24 May 2010 - 05:07 PM' timestamp='1274735231' post='2310473'] IRON beating the drums of war to roll us for talking to ... *gasp* ... GOONS. [/quote] Heh. Glad I wasn't the only one caught up in that.
  14. As long as things don't go back to, "you're either tied in some way into the power structure, or you're defenseless" rut we had at one point, go crazy. Two distinguishable sides are always nice.
  15. You guys should probably just admit it and satisfy everyone soon.
  16. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' date='21 May 2010 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1274465804' post='2307094'] If that "bragging" really offended you... go grow some balls. Likewise, I do recall notable threads by TOP members "bragging" about their own accomplishments too. The fact that Aircastle was able to do so much is rather interesting despite their size. Perhaps they were bragging (they were), but they deserved those rights. [/quote] Ah, but they were being called out! They had to defend their military and statistical might so it's totally different and warrants all the posts they made. Anyway, Aircastle must have truly done quite a number since a certain alliance sure seems to have quite the sore spot for them even now.
  17. [quote name='WorldConqueror' date='19 May 2010 - 10:22 PM' timestamp='1274322159' post='2304052'] Right, so the losing side put out propaganda, against the 'propaganda masters' in MK, and most of the world believes the losing side, when from what I remember their assertions weren't terribly overburdened with facts. That right there should tell you you're doing something wrong. It may be so that it is hard to get people to like you, but not impossible. The reason TSO is still despised is because they didn't bother trying to justify their actions in MCXA or the exodus, they just did it and then went around with an attitude of if you don't like it you can stick it. That is obviously not going to win them friends. You can work to change and improve your image. MK did it, BAPS did it, Grub did it with NpO (until he undid it with the last war), even ODN has made strides in removing the image of side jumping cowards. They certainly have a lot more respect now than they used to. Every dominant side has had to deal with dissenters, yes. But how many of those dissenters actually had an effect on public opinion before Vox? Not many at all, most were just discounted as idiots and lunatics. And the other dominant sides had something to offer, some positive attributes and things they brought to the game, something they could point to which gave their dominance legitimacy. They didn't stand around going 'we don't do all that bad meany stuff that those last guys did, so please like us '. [/quote] I guess you and I see this a different way. Since nobody has yet counted up how many OWF posters on each side subscribe to each side of propaganda, I'd hardly say that 'most of the world' believes one over the other. You have two sides of posters shouting the same drivel across several threads and depending on which side you are, you see your side as being right and just. You have SF/C&G members coming and posting their usual stuff, and then you have guys like AUT, Haflinger, Alterego, et al. posting theirs. Respective alliance members chime in with support where needed. This goes on until the next conflict where, shockingly, new material is thought up and dished out en masse. Rinse and repeat. This goes on in a good 90% of OWF topics save for the ones nobody bothers to read. Who is there to influence who isn't already influenced, honestly? The alliances who decide to treaty both sides then wonder why they're left in such a predicament when war comes? [quote name='Lord Brendan' date='19 May 2010 - 10:59 PM' timestamp='1274324374' post='2304105'] The idea that C&G (and especially MK) would want the Polar-\m/ War to happen is pretty ridiculous though. What would be their goal? A war where their allies fight each other while their enemies watch? If not for the absurdly stupid preemptive strike the war would have been a total loss for our side. [/quote] What once started as a series of joke pics about 'setting up IRON' somehow turned into a large conspiracy of, well, actually wanting to set up IRON. Which is pretty hilarious since that would mean they also ran \m/'s policies and FA that annoyed Grub in the first place and got him to DoW them, and THEN also got IRON/TOP and co to decide to make a rare move of preempting. In which case were that all true, then talk about having one of the most successful long-term trolls in CN history.
  18. [quote name='Believland' date='19 May 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1274319508' post='2304008'] Yes. What's wrong with that? [/quote] Nothing. What's wrong with doing it the way they currently do? Or is it only 'right' when it's done x way, and never y, or z?
  19. [quote name='ktarthan' date='19 May 2010 - 06:47 PM' timestamp='1274309230' post='2303796'] Is this what trending towards chaos looks like here? Looks like we're going to have to try and trend harder. [/quote] Slightly towards, yeah. The furthest on the 'Chaos' side would probably have been mid-07 leading up to UJW, where it then slowly creeped further and further into far-Order. Now the alliances most known for raiding and other anti-moralist policies are fairly well protected, as shown by the last war.
  20. [quote name='WorldConqueror' date='19 May 2010 - 08:09 PM' timestamp='1274314151' post='2303875'] If SuperComplaints is losing the propaganda war, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You are the dominant power. You are shaping the world. You hold the advantage in any military encounter. There is no Vox harassing you. If you can't find a way to portray yourselves positively in these conditions, there's something wrong with you. [/quote] That's not what I was alluding to. Fact of the matter is that the dominant propaganda from last war on the other side was focused on MK/C&G in general, despite them being largely uninvolved militarily until later. Many people bought into and still believe that they were cheering on NpO's actions from the very beginning. It's not like there's a secret to getting people to like you; we could give white peace in every war and push heavily for peace before any potential future conflict and people would find something to complain about. Fact of the matter is that posters have already decided who they are going to listen to and who is the 'bad guy' (for the most part anyway). Hell, people still give TSO tons of flak despite them having done literally nothing of note since their inception. And if you think being able to 'portray yourselves positively in these conditions' is that simple, I'd have to laugh. Every dominant side has had to deal with dissenters since the beginning of Bob, well before Vox. This is nothing new.
  21. There could never be a median, because it's not some two-sided 'Chaos camp' vs 'Order camp'. There's a ridiculously large spectrum between the two, and no single definition for either term in CN to decide which is considered which. I suppose you could say that it can trend toward one certain side but that's about it. As of 2010, I guess you would say things are more towards Chaos than Order.
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